Payment Facilitator

Payment Facilitators provide payment services on behalf of their customers, including processing payments with Worldpay. In this model, the customers of a Payment Facilitator are sub-merchants. When a cardholder makes a purchase, the sub-merchant routes the transaction data to the Payment Facilitator, and the Payment Facilitator sends compliant payment transactions to Worldpay on behalf of the sub-merchant. Worldpay settles funds to the Payment Facilitator, who in turn pays out to their sub-merchants.

All Payment Facilitators must supply additional transaction information which clearly identifies both the Payment Facilitator and the sub-merchant involved.

How to enable

Using the merchant.paymentFacilitator object and providing all the required details related to the sub-merchant.

paymentFacilitator object (Required)

"merchant": {
    "paymentFacilitator": {
      "schemeId": "12345",                         
      "independentSalesOrganizationId": "12345",        
      "subMerchant": {                             
        "name": "Sub-Merchant Plc",                    
        "reference": "12345",                      
        "address": {                               
          "postalCode": "SW1 1AA",                 
          "street": "Regent Street",               
          "city": "London",                        
          "countryCode": "GB",                     
          "state": "CA"
        "taxReference": "12345",
        "phoneNumber": "0123456789",
        "email": ""


schemeIdstring[ 1 .. 11 ] characters[0-9]*$required

Your payment facilitator ID received from Mastercard, Visa and Amex.

Example: "12345678901"
independentSalesOrganizationIdstring[ 1 .. 11 ] characters[0-9]*$

Independent Sales Organization (ISO) ID provided by Mastercard.

Example: "12345678901"

Your sub-merchant's details.

subMerchant.​namestring[ 1 .. 25 ] characters^(?!\s*$)[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$required

The name of your subMerchant's company.

Example: "Merchant Plc"
subMerchant.​referencestring[ 1 .. 15 ] characters[0-9]*$required

Unique merchant reference.

Example: "123456789012345"

Contains the subMerchant address information.

subMerchant.​address.​postalCodestring[ 1 .. 10 ] characters^(?!\s*$)[a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$required

Post code/Zip code of your subMerchant's company.

Example: "SW1 1AA"
subMerchant.​address.​streetstring[ 1 .. 50 ] characters^(?!\s*$)[A-Za-z0-9\s]*$required

Street name of your subMerchant's company.

Example: "221B Baker Street"
subMerchant.​address.​citystring[ 1 .. 13 ] characters^(?!\s*$)[A-Za-z\s-]*$required

City of your subMerchant's company.

Example: "London"
subMerchant.​address.​statestring[ 1 .. 3 ] characters^(?!\s*$)[a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$

State of your subMerchant's company.

Example: "Greater London"
subMerchant.​address.​countryCodestring= 2 charactersrequired
Example: "GB"
subMerchant.​phoneNumberstring[ 4 .. 20 ] characters^(?!\s*$)[0-9\s()+-/.x]*$

Phone number of your subMerchant's company.

Example: "987-65-4321"
subMerchant.​taxReferencestring[ 1 .. 20 ] characters^(?!\s*$)[a-zA-Z0-9\s-]*$

Tax Reference of your subMerchant's company.

Example: "987-65-4321"
subMerchant.​emailstring[ 1 .. 40 ] characters

Email address of your subMerchant's company.

Example: ""

Outcome details

The payment response does not include any paymentFacilitator specific information.