MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) payments

This feature enables you place Mail Order/Telephone orders on behalf of your customers.

MOTO transactions are only available for Customer Initiated Transactions (CITs) using cards. 3DS authentication is not applicable and will return an error if the threeDS object is included.

How to enable

Using the top level channel key and setting the value to moto enables a Mail Order/Telephone Order payment. See our API reference.

Channel key

"channel": "moto",

Full example:


Example of an authorized response. Use the action settlePayment to complete the transaction

  • 3DS is not enabled
  • includes fraud and token objects
{ "outcome": "authorized", "transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876", "issuer": { "authorizationCode": "675725" }, "riskFactors": [ { "risk": "notChecked", "type": "cvc" }, { "risk": "notChecked", "detail": "address", "type": "avs" }, { "risk": "notChecked", "detail": "postcode", "type": "avs" } ], "fraud": { "outcome": "lowRisk", "score": 44.6 }, "token": { "href": "", "tokenId": "9968110159504301628", "tokenExpiryDateTime": "2024-04-11T15:59:23Z", "cardNumber": "4000********1000", "cardHolderName": "test", "cardExpiry": { "year": 2035, "month": 5 }, "bin": "400000", "fundingType": "debit", "countryCode": "GB", "schemeReference": "060720116005060", "conflicts": { "conflictsExpiryDateTime": "2024-07-04T06:40:32.310316518Z", "paymentInstrument": { "cardHolderName": "John Snow" } } }, "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain+masked", "cardBin": "400000", "lastFour": "1000", "countryCode": "GB", "expiryDate": { "year": 2035, "month": 5 }, "cardBrand": "mastercard", "fundingType": "debit", "category": "consumer", "issuerName": "BANK LIMITED", "paymentAccountReference": "3001DBT34Q41D6J7PFC5W0UACOT4C" }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "" } }, "_actions": { "cancelPayment": { "href": "", "method": "POST" }, "settlePayment": { "href": "", "method": "POST" }, "partiallySettlePayment": { "href": "", "method": "POST" } } }

Outcome details

The payment response does not include any channel specific information.