Financial Services (including MCC 6012/6051)

If you're a domestic Financial Services provider (MCC 6012) based in the Visa Europe Region, you must supply this additional data for Visa transactions with each order:

How to enable

Using instruction.recipient within the payment request


"instruction": {
  "recipient": {
    "accountReference": "12499844",
    "lastName": "Moriarty",
    "address": {
        "postalCode": "SW1 1AA"
    "dateOfBirth": "1985-11-23"

See the full API schema

Recipient Object Schema

accountReferencestring[ 1 .. 10 ] characters^[A-Za-z0-9]*$

The account number of the recipient. Either a bank account number or a partial card number.

lastNamestring[ 1 .. 22 ] characters^[A-Za-z@!£*#$)(+\-_=.,/;:'"]*$

The last name of the recipient.

address.​postalCodestring[ 1 .. 10 ] characters^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$

The postal code of the recipient. Relevant only in the UK.


Recipient's date of birth.

Debt repayment indicator (DRI) for MCC 6012 and 6051

The schemes introduced a mandate for debt repayment transactions on debit and prepaid cards in all regions under merchant category codes (MCCs) 6012 and 6051.

Scheme rules define debt as money owed by one party (debtor) to another party (creditor), including the obligation to repay money in connection with the following:

  • Loans
  • Credit card balances
  • Funding of the purchase of goods/services by a third party

According to scheme rules, the following are not treated as debt:

  • Lease payments where ownership of the goods does not automatically pass to the leasee at the end of the lease
  • Instalments or delayed payments to the merchant under terms provided to the cardholder by the merchant

How to enable

Set instruction.debtRepayment = true to flag the payment as being for debt repayment.


"instruction": {
  "debtRepayment": true,

See the full API schema

Consumer Bill Payment Service (CBPS)

If you are registered with Visa as a Consumer of the Bill Payment Service (CBPS), you must set this to true for any payments associated with the CBPS

How to enable

Set instruction.consumerBillPayment = true to identify a bill payment paid by providers on behalf of consumers.


"instruction": {
  "consumerBillPayment": true,

See the full API schema