Last Updated: 17 October 2024 | Change Log

Latin America installments

Request a one-time installment payment, to allow the customer's bank to collect subsequent payments automatically.

The request must contain:

  • customerAgreement.type = installment - used to indicate the customer has agreed the processing arrangement
  • customerAgreement.installmentType = latinAmerica - used to define the type of installments service
  • customerAgreement.installmentPlan.numberOfInstallments = 12 - used to indicate the number of installments that the requested amount should be broken into by the aquirer bank

If PSD2/SCA or other regional mandates apply also set:

  • threeDS.challenge.preference to mandated

Optionally you can store the card details:

  • customerAgreement.storedCardUsage = first
  • tokenCreation.type = worldpay - include if you're storing the card as a Worldpay token

Or use already stored card details:

  • customerAgreement.storedCardUsage = subsequent

Apple Pay & Google Pay are not yet supported when setting up an installment.

Important: You must have agreement from your customer to store their card details.

Collect the card details and send an API request with these details to the Payments resource.


    "transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
    "merchant": {
        "entity": "default"
    "instruction": {
        "method": "card",
        "paymentInstrument": {
            "type": "plain",
            "cardNumber": "4000000000001091",
                "expiryDate": {
                "month": 5,
                "year": 2035
        "customerAgreement": {
            "type": "installment",
            "installmentType": "latinAmerica",
            "installmentPlan": {
                "numberOfInstallments": 12
        "narrative": {
            "line1": "trading name"
        "value": {
            "currency": "GBP",
            "amount": 42

Enable additional features

Fraud assessmentPrevent fraudulent transactions.How to enable
3DS authenticationShift Liability to the issuer / for EEA countries this is required as part of SCA compliance.How to enable
Auto SettlementRequest that payment authorizations are automatically sent for settlement (sometimes referred to as "capture").How to enable


Flow differences

API responses differ based on the features you have enabled:

  • If 3DS is enabled you receive a response to perform device data collection and additionally, if prompted by the card issuer, a challenge response.

  • If FraudSight is enabled, you can receive a fraudHighRisk response, stopping the transaction.

  • If is set to true, the outcome will be sentForSettlement. If set to false it will be authorized with an addtional settlement action required.

See sequence diagrams to get a clear overview.

Payment response

The payment response contains the following details:

  • riskFactors (avs/cvc) - if billing address & cvc are provided, these details are checked against the customer's issuing bank
  • refusal code and description which gives additional context on the refusal
  • 3DS authentication details - details on the 3DS authentication outcome (e.g. challenged)
  • fraud assessment details - details on the fraud assessment outcome (e.g. lowRisk, review)
  • token creation - details of the card tokenized and the token href itself
  • paymentInstrument - details of the paymentInstrument used

View the full API Response schema