3DS Authentication

How to enable

Using the instruction.threeDS object and setting the type value to integrated will enable a 3DS authentication to run as part of the payment request.

  • 3DS authentication is only available for instruction.method = card and will return a validation error response if used with others.

threeDS object example

To understand which values improve authentication rates see "Additional values to used by the assessment".

"instruction": {
  "threeDS": {
    "type": "integrated",
    "mode": "always",
    "challenge": {
      "returnUrl": "http://payment.example.com",
    "deviceData": {
      "acceptHeader": "text/html",
      "userAgentHeader": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0)",
      "browserLanguage": "en-GB",
      "browserScreenHeight": 1200,
      "browserScreenWidth": 900,
      "browserJavaEnabled": true,
      "browserColorDepth": "32",
      "timeZone": "300",
      "browserJavascriptEnabled": true

threeDS object schema


An object containing 3DS challenge preferences and configuration.


Once the customer completes the challenge page the issuer redirects/posts to the returnUrl in order for you to resume the session. It must be the full URL path.


Specify the challenge window size (width x height) that the issuer should use. This is to better tailor the experience to the customers device. Default is 390x400.

Default "390x400"

Set a preference for how the Issuer decides on a 3DS challenge. challengeMandated will be automatically set by verified payments for the first CIT payment in an MIT series or when storing cards (token creation).


An object containing device dat`a for 3DS & Fraud assessment.

deviceData.acceptHeaderstring[ 1 .. 2048 ] charactersrequired

Used by the issuer to check if the customer's browser is compatible with the issuer 3DS challenge display.

deviceData.userAgentHeaderstring[ 1 .. 2048 ] charactersrequired

Used by issuers as part of risk analysis and correctly displaying the challenge. Must conform to RFC 7321.

deviceData.browserLanguagestring[ 1 .. 8 ] characters

Your customer's browser language that can be used by the issuer in risk analysis. Must conform to the language tags defined by IETF. E.g. en-GB, fr-FR.


Defines whether Java is enabled on your customers browser.


The color depth of your customers browser


Defines the pixel height of the customers browser.


Defines the pixel width of the customers browser.


Time zone offset in minutes between UTC and your customer's browser local time.
Example time zone offset values in minutes:
If UTC -5 hours:
If UTC +5 hours:


Defines whether Javascript is enabled on your customers browser.


Has the account been flagged for suspicious activity.


Customer account history.


Date the customer account was created.


Date the customer account was last modified.


Date the password for the customer account was last modified.


Date the payment account was added to the cardholder account.


Repeat of a previous order.


Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available.


Object containing details of the last transaction.


Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours.


Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year.


Number of purchases with this customer account during the previous six months.


Number of attempts to add a card in the last 24hrs.


When the shipping address used for the transaction was first used.


If the order is being used to purchase a gift card.


The number of gift cards being purchased.


If 3DS authentication is not available/applicable (e.g. subsequent recurring (MIT), Apple Pay) a validation error message will be returned.

Additional Values used by the assessment

As well as core payment details such as the cardNumber, billingAddress and any key:values in the instruction.threeDS object, the following key:values are used as part of the 3DS authentication. By providing these, the issuer can make a more accurate assessment and will reduce challenge outcomes in favor of frictionless.

instruction.customerfirstName, lastName, email, phone, dateOfBirth, ipAddress

EMVco required values

If certain values are not provided, you risk increased 3dsChallenged outcomes and even 3dsAuthenticationFailed. Card issuers use the below values to help decide if a transaction is fraudulent. We strongly recommend you provide this data, so your authentication rates remain high.

  • instruction.paymentInstrument.cardHoldeName
  • customer.ipAddress
  • customer.email 1
  • customer.firstName
  • customer.lastName
  • customer.phoneNumber 1
  • instruction.threeDS.browserLanguage 2
  • threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenWidth 2
  • threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenHeight 2

1 Either customer.email or customer.phoneNumber are required.

2 Provide for web/browser integration only

  • instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.city
  • instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.country
  • instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.address1
  • instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.postalCode
  • instruction.paymentInstrument.billingAddress.state

Device Data Collection Failure

In the event the device data collection fails to run (browser/native), additionally provide the following in the payments request to maintain healthy authentication rates and reduce issuer challenges:

  • customer.ipAddress 1
  • instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserLanguage
  • instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenHeight
  • instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserScreenWidth
  • instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserJavaEnabled
  • instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserColorDepth
  • instruction.threeDS.deviceData.timeZone
  • instruction.threeDS.deviceData.browserJavascriptEnabled

1 Only this value applies to (iOS/Android), the others are not applicable

Additional Requests & Responses

When 3DS is enabled there are up to two extra steps:

  • Device Data Collection - Issuer run device data collection, used as part of the issuers risk assessment.
  • Challenge - As an additional level of fraud prevention the issuer prompts for an identity check.

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Web Integration

API integration with a browser based client side.

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iOS/Android Integration

API integration with a native client side SDK.