United Arab Emirates

Domestic Payment


targetCurrencyUnited Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)
Earliest Beneficiary CreditT+1
Cut-Off Time (UK Time)10:00
Decimal Places2
Minimum targetAmount1 USD
Maximum targetAmount9999999.99

Required data

API field nameRequiredField lengthDescription
purposeOfPaymentCode6The code that represents the purpose of payment. See the below table 'UAE Purpose of payment codes' for the full list of accepted values.
bankDetails.iban23Beneficiary iban.
bankDetails.swiftBic8 or 11The SWIFT BIC is the Bank Identification Code of the beneficiary bank.
bankDetails.bankNameMax 35Name of the beneficiary bank.
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode4Type of the party.
Must be:
  • PT03 (Beneficiary)
parties.personalDetails.typeCode4Entity description code for the party.
Available values:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD02 (Individual)
  • PD03 (Institution)
  • PD04 (Government)
  • PD99 (Other)
parties.personalDetails.titleCodeConditional4Title code for the Individual (applicable when party entity type is "Individual").
Available values:
  • TO01 (Ms)
  • TO02 (Miss)
  • TO03 (Mr)
  • TO04 (Mrs)
  • TO05 (Dr)
  • TO06 (Mx)
  • TO99 (Misc)
parties.personalDetails.firstNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary first name.
If the beneficiary is an individual, the full name should be provided (no initials).
parties.personalDetails.middleNameMax 50Beneficiary middle name.
parties.personalDetails.lastNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary last name.
parties.personalDetails.companyNameConditionalMax 140If the beneficiary is a company, this should be the full company name.
Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space.
parties.personalDetails.dateOfBirth10Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
parties.address.streetMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street.
parties.address.additionalAddressLineMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio.
parties.address.cityMax 35Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.postcodeOrZipCode16Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.countryCode2Beneficiary's country of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in API request.

UAE Purpose of payment codes

Purpose of payments codesDescription
ACMAgency Commission
AESAdvance Payment Against EOS
AFAReceipts or Payments from Personal Residents Bank Account or Deposits Abroad
AFLReceipts or Payments from Personal N-Resident Bank Account in the UAE
ATSAir Transport
CCPCorporate Card Payments
CEAEquity for Establishment of New Company from Residents Abroad Equity of Merger or Acquisition of Companies Abroad from Residents and Participation to Capital Increase of Related Company Abroad
CELEquity for Establishment of New Company in UAE from Non-Residents Equity of Merger or Acquisition of Companies in the UAE from Non- Residents Participation to Capital Increase of Related
CHCCharitable Contributions
CINCommercial Investments
DCPPre-Paid Reloadable Personalized Debit Card Payments
DIVDividend Payouts
DLATrading of Foreign Debt Security More Than Year in the Related Company
DLFDebt Instruments Intragroup Loans Deposits Foreign
DLLTrading of Securities Issued by Residents More Than Year in the Company
DOEDividends on Equity Not Intra Group
DSAPurchases and Sales of Foreign Debt Securities Less Than Year in the Related Company
DSFDebt Instruments Intragroup Foreign Securities
DSLPurchases and Sales of Securities Issued by Residents Less Than Year in the Related Companies
EDUEducational Support
EMIEquated Monthly Installments
EOSEnd of Service/Final Settlement
FDAFinancial Derivatives Foreign
FDLFinancial Derivatives in the UAE
FIAInvestment Fund Shares Foreign
FILInvestment Fund Shares in the UAE
FISFinancial Services
FSAEquity Other Than Investment Fund Shares in the Related Companies Abroad
FSLEquity Other Than Investment Fund Shares in the Related Companies in the UAE
GDEGoods Sold
GDIGoods Bought
GMSProcessing Repair and Maintenance Services on Goods
GOSGovernment Goods and Services Embassies and so on
GRIGovernment Related Income Taxes Tariffs Capital Transfers and so on
IFSInformation Services
IGDIntra Group Dividends
IGTInter Group Transfer
IIDIntra Group Interest on Debt
INSInsurance Services
IODIncome on Deposits
IOLIncome on Loans
IPCCharges for the Use of Intellectual Property Royalties
IPOIPO Subscriptions
IRPInterest Rate Swap Payments
IRWInterest Rate Unwind Payments
ISHIncome on Investment Funds Shares
ISLInterest on Securities More Than a Year
ISSInterest on Securities Less Than a Year
ITSComputer Services
LASLeave Salary
LDLDebt Instruments Intragroup Loans, Deposits in the UAE
LDSDebt Instruments Intragroup Securities in the UAE
LEALeasing Abroad
LELLeasing in the UAE
LIPLoan Interest Payments
LLALoans-Drawings or Repayments on Loans Extended to Non- Residents — Long Term
LLLDrawings or Repayments on Foreign Loans to Residents — Long Term
LNCLoan Charges
LNDLoan Disbursements
MCRMonetary Claim Reimbursement
MWIMobile Wallet Cash In
MWOMobile Wallet Cash Out
MWPMobile Wallet Payments
OATOwn Account Transfer
OTSOther Modes of Transport
PIPProfits on Islamic Products
PMSProfessional and Management Consulting Services
PORRefunds/Reversals on IPO Subscriptions
POSPOS Merchant Settlement
PPAPurchase of Real Estate Abroad from Residents
PPLPurchase of Real Estate in the UAE from Non-
PRPProfit Rate Swap Payments
PRRProfits or Rents on Real Estate
PRSPersonal Cultural Audio Visual and Recreational Services
PRWProfit Rate Unwind Payments
RDSResearch and Development Services
RFSRepos on Foreign Securities
RLSRepos on Securities Issued by Residents
RNTRent Payments
SAASalary Advance
SLALoans — Drawings or Repayments on Loans Extended to Non-Residents — Short Term
SLLLoans — Drawings or Re-Payments on Foreign Loans Extended to Residents — Short Term
STSSea Transport
SVIStored Value Card Cash-In
SVOStored Value Card Cash-Out
SVPStored Value Card Payments
TAXTAX Payment
TCPTrade Credits and Advances
TCRTrade Credits and Advances Receivable
TCSTelecommunication Services
TOFTransfer of Funds Between Persons Normal and Juridical
TTSTechnical Trade Related and Other Business Services
UTLUtility Bill Payments

Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).

International WIRE


targetCurrencyAvailable WIRE currencies
Earliest Beneficiary CreditThe estimated delivery time will vary by country and currency.
Cut-Off Time (UK Time)Currency specific
Decimal Places2
Minimum targetAmount0.01
Maximum targetAmount9999999.99

Required data

API field nameRequiredField lengthDescription
bankDetails.iban23Beneficiary iban.
bankDetails.swiftBic8 or 11The SWIFT BIC is the Bank Identification Code of the beneficiary bank.
bankDetails.bankNameMax 35Name of the beneficiary bank.
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode4Type of the party.
Must be:
  • PT03 (Beneficiary)
parties.personalDetails.typeCode4Entity description code for the party.
Available values:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD02 (Individual)
  • PD03 (Institution)
  • PD04 (Government)
  • PD99 (Other)
parties.personalDetails.titleCodeConditional4Title code for the Individual (applicable when party entity type is "Individual").
Available values:
  • TO01 (Ms)
  • TO02 (Miss)
  • TO03 (Mr)
  • TO04 (Mrs)
  • TO05 (Dr)
  • TO06 (Mx)
  • TO99 (Misc)
parties.personalDetails.firstNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary first name.
If the beneficiary is an individual, the full name should be provided (no initials).
parties.personalDetails.middleName1-35Beneficiary middle name.
parties.personalDetails.lastNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary last name.
parties.personalDetails.companyNameConditionalMax 140If the beneficiary is a company, this should be the full company name.
Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space.
parties.personalDetails.dateofBirth10Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
parties.address.streetMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street.
parties.address.additionalAddressLineMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio.
parties.address.cityMax 35Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.postcodeOrZipCodeMax 10Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.countryCode2Beneficiary's country of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
Mandatory if any of the optional Beneficiary address details are provided. Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in API request.

Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).