Details on fields found across our Single Payout API, Batch Payouts API and the Payment Item Search. This page particularly focuses on fields which have a preset range of accepted values.
Single Payout API (V2) request values
Field name | Accepted values |
transactionTypeCode | TT01 (Customer to Customer) TT02 (Business to Business) TT03 (Customer to Business) TT04 (Business to Customer) TT05 (Return) TT08 (Customer to Government) TT06 (Reversal) TT07 (Government to Government) TT09 (Business to Government) TT10 (Tax) TT99 (Other) |
beneficiaryAccountTypeCode | AC01 (Checking) AC02 (Savings) AC03 (Money market) AC04 (Certificate of Deposit) AC05 (Vista) AC99 (Other) |
partyTypeCode | PT03 (Beneficiary) PT01 (Remitter) |
typeCode | PD01 (Company) PD02 (Individual) PD023 (Institution) PD04 (Government) PD99 (Other) |
titleCode | TI01 (Ms) TI02 (Miss) TI03 (Mr) TI04 (Mrs) TI05 (Dr) TI06 (Mx) TI99 (Misc.) |
identityTypeCode | ID01 (Passport) ID02 (National ID) ID03 (Driver Licence) ID04 (Work Permit) ID05 (Employment Pass) ID06 (Student Pass) ID07 (Permanent Resident Card) ID09 (Company Registration Number) ID10 (Company VAT Number) ID11 (Citizenship Card) ID12 (Tax ID) ID13 (National Insurance) ID99 (Other) ID15 (Legal Identity Card) ID16 (Tax Registration Code) |
addressTypeCode | AD01 (Home) AD02 (Business) AD03 (PO Box) AD99 (Other) |
residentialStatusCode | RS01 (Resident) RS02 (Non Resident) RS99 (Other) |
Payment state values
paymentState value | Description | Next action |
AWAITING_EXECUTION NEW VALID REJECTED | Interim states in the asynchrounous payout request. | Please contact your Relationship Manager if any of those states persist as this might suggest integration issues. |
EXECUTED | The API has accepted your payout request and it is now waiting in the queue for submission to our banking partner. | COMPLETED or REVERSED |
COMPLETED | Our banking partner has accepted the payout request for processing. | Final state or REVERSED in a return scenario. |
REVERSED | Our validation rules, banking partner or beneficiary bank has rejected the payout request. The funds have subsequently been returned to your account. All rejected payouts include a description with reasoning (if available). | Final state |
FAILED INVALID | Final states in the asynchrounous payout request. | Please contact your Relationship Manager if any of those states persist as this might suggest integration issues. |
Purpose of payment code values (V2)
purposeOfPaymentCode | Description |
WPPAYR | Payment of payroll |
WPPENS | Pension payment |
WPFAMT | Family maintenance |
WPUBIL | Payment to common utility provider |
WPSTDY | Payment of study/tuition costs |
WPTAXS | Payment of taxes |
WPGDDS | Purchase sale of goods |
WPCHAR | Payment for charity reasons |
WPMDCS | Payment for medical care services |
WPSAVS | Payment to savings/retirement account |
WPPROP | Payment of property purchase |
WPSCVE | Purchase sale of services |
WPSHAR | Payment of shares |
WPIVST | Payment of an investment (interest) |
WPTKAG | Tourism (Invoiced Tickets/Travel Agency costs) |
WPTOUR | Tourism (other) |
WPREMT | Remittances |
WPMOVR | Payment of movable property rental |
WPSUPP | Supplier payment |
WPCAPI | Payment of capital contribution |
WPCHRG | Charges/Fees |
WPTRAN | Payment for transportation |
WPSALR | Payment for salaries |
WPDIVD | Dividends |
WPLOAN | Loans |
WPISER | Payment of insurance services |
WPFSER | Payment for financial services |
WPCARD | Card payments |
WPRENT | Rental payments |
WPEXPE | Payment of expenses |
WPTRNF | Transfer of funds |
WPBONS | Bonus/compensation |
WPOTHR | Other |
Special characters
Field Name | Accepted Values |
List of accepted Special Characters (CallerId) | .- |
List of accepted Special Characters for AN fields (including space) | +=%!£$^&*()-_<>@{}[]~#:;',.?/¬`\\| |
Please note that only double backslash is allowed.
Schema validation responses
All schema validation responses have the same format of httpStatusCode
, customCode
and message
. Response code and message values differ depending on the validation error.
HTTP code | Custom code | Example message | Scenario |
400 | SPAB05 | The length of 'Company Name' must be 140 characters or fewer. You entered 475 characters. | Property length is incorrect ('or fewer' scenario). |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Unique Payout Id' must be between 6 and 50 characters. You entered 2 characters. | Property length is incorrect ('between' scenario). |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Issuing Country' is not in the correct format. | Property is not in a correct format. |
400 | SPAB05 | sourceAmount must be a positive value. | Amount is not a positive value. |
400 | SPAB05 | Only one of the fields targetAmount/sourceAmount must be provided. | Both source/target amounts have been provided. |
400 | SPAB05 | The 'Fast Payment' field can only be 'Y' or blank. | Value invalid. |
400 | SPAB05 | transactionTypeCode field does not allow free-format text. One of the following values only to be used in Transaction Type: TT01,TT02,TT03,TT04. | Value invalid. |
400 | SPAB05 | One of the following values only to be used in transactionTypeCode : PD01, PD02, PD03, PD04, PD99. | Value invalid. |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Full Name' is not in the correct format. | Name Regex validation failed. |
400 | SPAB05 | titleCode is not allowed when the typeCode is set to PD01/PD03/PD04. | Property restricted with this type of customer. |
400 | SPAB05 | companyName must not be blank when typeCode is set to PD01. | Property restricted with this type of customer. This applies if Individual data is provided but type is set to Company, Government, or Institution |
400 | SPAB05 | companyName is not allowed when the type is set to Individual. | Property restricted with this type of customer. This applies if Individual data is provided but typeCode is set to PD01, PD04 or PD02. This applies to parties which are beneficiary & remitter (partyTypeCode PT01 and PT03). |
400 | SPAB05 | DateOfBirth is invalid. Please use Gregorian calendar dates with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. | Invalid Date format. |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Bank name' must not be empty. | Mandatory section/field is missing. |
400 | SPAB05 | phoneNumber must consist of numbers only. | The property can be only Numerical. |
400 | SPAB05 | customerPartyId must be between 1-35 characters length. | Property length is incorrect (between scenario with no indication of provided value). |
400 | SPAB05 | 'IBAN' is not in the correct format. | Invalid format of the property. |
400 | SPAB05 | IBAN or 'Account Number' Must be present. | Both IBAN/Account Number missing |
400 | SPAB05 | prefix must be provided if the phoneNumber field is populated. | Condition of linked fields not met. |
400 | SPAB05 | identityTypeCode must be provided if any of the other identity block fields are populated. | Condition of linked fields not met. If any of the identity block fields are given then all mandatory identity BLOCK fields should be provided. If there is no intention of providing identity fields then the whole BLOCK should be removed from the payload.** |
400 | SPAB05 | When expandableKeyValuePairs are provided. | There must not be duplicate key names. |
400 | SPAB05 | When expandableKeyValuePairs are provided but property value is not a JSON object containing key value pairs. | Property value if provided must be a JSON object containing key value pairs. |
Schema validation responses for Get Payouts
All Schema validation responses will have the same format of httpStatusCode
, customCode
and message
, however the responses differs with the error message as per table below.
HTTP code | Custom Code | Example Message | Scenario |
**400 | SPAB05 | 'Merchant Treasury Id' must be 6 characters long and not contain I or O | Merchant Treasury ID longer/shorter than expected. |
**400 | PAB05 | 'Merchant Treasury Id' must not be empty. | Merchant Treasury ID is empty. |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Start Date' is invalid. Please use Gregorian calendar dates with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. | Start Date or End Date empty. Start Date or End Date is not a valid Gregorian calendar date. Start Date or End Date is before minimum date. |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Start Date' is invalid. Please use Gregorian calendar dates with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. | Difference between Start and End dates is too great (more than 30 days). |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Start Date' is invalid. Please use Gregorian calendar dates with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.** | Start Date must not equal End Date. |
400 | SPAB05 | **"'Page' must be greater than '0'. | Page field is empty, has a value of 0 or a negative value. |
400 | SPAB05 | 'Page Size' must be greater than 0 and less than 500 | Page Size is empty, is less than or equal to 0 or greater than 500. |
Invalid ExpandableKeyValuePairs
The following keys are not allowed in the ExpandableKeyValuePairs
Key |
payoutTransactionType |
payoutInstrumentId |
payoutInstrumentReference |
beneficiaryPartyId |
remitterPartyId |
debitorPartyReference |