
M-PESA (Wallet)


targetCurrencyKenyan Shilling (KES)
Earliest Beneficiary Creditreal-time
Cut-Off Time (UK Time)N/A
Decimal Places0
Minimum targetAmount100.00
Maximum targetAmount250000.00

Submission data

API field nameRequired?Field lengthDescription
bankDetails.beneficiaryAccountNumber13Please provide the beneficiary's phone number associated with the M-PESA account.
bankDetails.bankNameMax 35Name of the beneficiary bank.
Must be:
  • M-PESA
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode4Type of the party.
Must be:
  • PT03 (Beneficiary)
parties.personalDetails.typeCode4Entity description code for the party.
Available values:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD02 (Individual)
  • PD03 (Institution)
  • PD04 (Government)
  • PD99 (Other)
parties.personalDetails.titleCodeConditional4Title code for the Individual.
Available values:
  • TO01 (Ms)
  • TO02 (Miss)
  • TO03 (Mr)
  • TO04 (Mrs)
  • TO05 (Dr)
  • TO06 (Mx)
  • TO99 (Misc)
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.firstNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary first name. Full name should be provided (no initials).
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.middleNameMax 50Beneficiary middle name.
parties.personalDetails.lastNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary last name. Full name should be provided (no initials).
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.companyNameConditionalMax 140Full name of the organization.
Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space. To whitelist any other naming format please contact your Relationship Manager.
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD03 (Institution)
  • PD04 (Government)
  • PD99 (Other)
parties.personalDetails.dateOfBirth10Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
parties.address.streetMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street.
parties.address.additionalAddressLineMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio.
parties.address.cityMax 35Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.postCodeOrZipCodeMax 10Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.countryCode2Beneficiary's country of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code API request.

Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).

Domestic Payment


targetCurrencyKenyan Shilling (KES)
Earliest Beneficiary CreditT+1
Cut-Off Time (UK Time)11:30
Decimal Places2
Minimum targetAmount0.01
Maximum targetAmount1000000.00

Submission data

API field nameRequired?Field lengthDescription
bankDetails.beneficiaryAccountNumberMax 15Account number of the beneficiary.
bankDetails.bankCode5Bank code of the beneficiary (bank).
bankDetails.bankNameMax 35Name of the beneficiary bank.
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode4Type of the party.
Must be:
  • PT03 (Beneficiary)
parties.personalDetails.typeCode4Entity description code for the party.
Available values:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.titleCodeConditional4Title code for the Individual.
Available values:
  • TO01 (Ms)
  • TO02 (Miss)
  • TO03 (Mr)
  • TO04 (Mrs)
  • TO05 (Dr)
  • TO06 (Mx)
  • TO99 (Misc)
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.firstNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary first name. Full name should be provided (no initials).
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.middleNameMax 50Beneficiary middle name.
parties.personalDetails.lastNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary last name. Full name should be provided (no initials).
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.companyNameConditionalMax 140Full name of the organization.
Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space. To whitelist any other naming format please contact your Relationship Manager.
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD03 (Institution)
  • PD04 (Government)
  • PD99 (Other)
parties.personalDetails.dateofBirth10Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
parties.address.streetMax 35Phone Number of the party.
parties.address.additionalAddressLineMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio.
parties.address.cityMax 35Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.postCodeOrZipCodeMax 16Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.countryCode2Beneficiary's country of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in your API request.

Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).

International WIRE


targetCurrencyAvailable WIRE
Earliest Beneficiary CreditThe estimated delivery time will vary by country and currency.
Cut-Off Time (UK Time)Currency specific
Decimal Places2
Minimum targetAmount0.01
Maximum targetAmount9999999.99

Submission data

API field nameRequired?Field lengthDescription
purposeOfPaymentNarrativeMax 4The 4-character code that represents the purpose of the payment. See the Purpose of Payment section below to view the full list of accepted values.
bankDetails.beneficiaryAccountNumber35Account number of the beneficiary.
bankDetails.bankCode5Bank code of the beneficiary (bank).
bankDetails.swiftBic8 or 11The SWIFT BIC is the Bank Identification Code of the beneficiary bank.
bankDetails.bankNameMax 35Name of the beneficiary bank.
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode4Type of the party.
Must be:
  • PT03 (Beneficiary)
parties.personalDetails.typeCode4Entity description code for the party.
Available values:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.titleCodeConditional4Title code for the Individual.
Available values:
  • TO01 (Ms)
  • TO02 (Miss)
  • TO03 (Mr)
  • TO04 (Mrs)
  • TO05 (Dr)
  • TO06 (Mx)
  • TO99 (Misc)
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.firstNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary first name. Full name should be provided (no initials).
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.middleNameMax 50Beneficiary middle name.
parties.personalDetails.lastNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary last name. Full name should be provided (no initials).
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.companyNameConditionalMax 140Full name of the organization.
Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space. To whitelist any other naming format please contact your Relationship Manager.
Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD03 (Institution)
  • PD04 (Government)
  • PD99 (Other)
parties.personalDetails.dateofBirth10Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
parties.address.streetMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street.
parties.address.additionalAddressLineMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio.
parties.address.cityMax 35Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.postCodeOrZipCodeMax 10Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.countryCodeConditional2Beneficiary's country of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
Mandatory if any of the optional Beneficiary address details are provided. Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in your API request.

Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).

Purpose of Payment

Accepted ValueDescription
512National Industrial Training Authority
1001Import Duty – Oil
1002Import Duty
1101Excise Duty – Oils
1102Excise Duty
1201VAT Oils
1202VAT Imports
1206VAT Oils – 8%
1501Alteration Fee
1518Concession Fees
1519Registration Fees
1527Transshipment Fee
1801IDF Fees (2.0%)
1908Customs Warehouse Rent
2101Road Maintenance Levy (RML)
2301Petroleum Regulatory Levy (PRL)
2501Gross Payment-Petroleum Development Fund (PDF)
2901Income Tax – PAYE
3001Income Tax – Company
3100Income Tax – Resident Individual
3101Monthly Rental Income Tax
3103Withholding Rental Income
3200Income Tax – Withholding
3304Motor Vehicle Advance Tax
3509VAT – Withholding
3514Value Added Tax (VAT)
3801Standards Levy
4103Stamp Duty
4301State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy
4601Import Health Certificate
4702Nuts and Oils Import Declaration Form
6001Kenya Railway Development Levy (RDL)
6002Kenya Railway Development Levy (RDL) – Oils
6101Sale of Single Number Plate
6102Sale of Pair of Number Plates
6301Transfer Fees for Motor Vehicle Registration
6401Merchant Shipping Superintendent Levy
6402Merchant Shipping Superintendent (MSS) Levy – Oils
6501Road Safety Fund
6601SHMV Purchase Tax
FRADFraudulent Origin
ADTXAdvance Tax
AIRBAir transport
ARTXAgency Revenue
BECHChild Benefit
BSDBanking Supervision Department
BTTXBetting Tax
CCMCCash Collateral Margin Calls
CFRCost and Freight
CGTXCapital Gains Tax (CGT)
CHCCharitable Contributions (Charity and Aid)
COMUCommunity Development
CONSConstruction Activities
CORTTrade Settlement Payment
COTXCorporate Tax Identification
COVRCover Cancelled or Returned
CSDKCentral Security Depository Payments
CUR/DEPCash Deposits
CUR/WITCash Withdrawals
CUSTCancellation Requested by Customer
DIVDDividend Payments
EDTXExcise Duty
EDUCEducation Expenses
FOEXForeign Exchange
FUELFuel Expenses
GOKXGovernment Related Payments and Transfers
GOVTGovernment Payment
HLFDPurchase of food and Household Goods
HLTIHealth Insurance
IBLDInterbank Loan/Deposit Repayments
INPCInsurance Premium Car
INSUInsurance Premium
INTXIncome Tax
INVSInvestment and Securities
ISTXInstallment Tax
LICFLicense Fee
LIFILife Insurance
MACHMachinery Related
MAFCMedical Aid Fund Contribution
MDCSMedical Services
MERCManufactured Goods and Merchandise
PAYEPay As You Earn
PL39Licence Fees for Comm. Banks
PL40Licence Fees Deposit Micro. Institutions
PL41Licence Fees Forex Bureaus
PL42Licence Fees Credit Reference Bureaus
PL43Licence Fees Mortgage Financial Institutions
PL44Applications Fees for Commercial Banks
PL45Application Fees For Mort. Fin. Institutions
PL46Applications Fees Depo. Tak. Institutions
PL47Application Fees Forex Bureaus
PL48Application Fees Credit. Ref. Bureaus
PL49Penalties Commercial Banks
PL50Penalties Mortg. Fin. Institutions
PL51Penalties Deposit Taking Micro Institutions
PL52Penalties Forex Bureaus
PL53Penalties Credit Reference Bureaus
PPTIProperty Insurance
PRPYPurchase of Property
PSCOProfessional Service/Commission Earned
RELGReligious Activities
RITXRental Income Tax
SALASalary Payment
SCHOSchool Fees
SDTXStamp Duty
SWLFSweeps/Liquidity Funding
TAXRTax Refund
TAXSTax Payment
TBILTelecommunications Bill
TITHTithes and Offerings
TOTXTurnover Tax
TRACRemoved from Tracking
VATXValue Added Tax Payment
VIPNVehicle Identification Plate Number
VOSTVostro Payments