
Domestic Payment


targetCurrencyKuwaiti Dinar (KWD)
Earliest Beneficiary CreditT+2
Cut-Off Time (UK Time)15:00
Decimal Places2
Minimum targetAmount0.01
Maximum targetAmount9999999.99

Required data

API field nameRequiredField lengthDescription
purposeOfPaymentNarrativeMax 4The 4-character code that represents the purpose of the payment. See the Purpose of Payment section below to view the full list of accepted values.
bankDetails.iban30Beneficiary iban.
bankDetails.swiftBic8 or 11The SWIFT BIC is the Bank Identification Code of the beneficiary bank.
bankDetails.bankNameMax 35Name of the beneficiary bank.
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode4Type of the party.
Must be:
  • PT03 (Beneficiary)
parties.personalDetails.typeCode4Entity description code for the party.
Available values:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.titleCodeConditional4Title code for the Individual (applicable when party entity type is "Individual").
Available values:
  • TO01 (Ms)
  • TO02 (Miss)
  • TO03 (Mr)
  • TO04 (Mrs)
  • TO05 (Dr)
  • TO06 (Mx)
  • TO99 (Misc)
parties.personalDetails.firstNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary first name.
If the beneficiary is an individual, the full name should be provided (no initials).
parties.personalDetails.middleNameMax 50Beneficiary middle name.
parties.personalDetails.lastNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary last name.
parties.personalDetails.companyNameConditionalMax 140If the beneficiary is a company, this should be the full company name.
Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space.
parties.personalDetails.dateOfBirth10Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
parties.address.streetMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street.
parties.address.additionalAddressLineMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio.
parties.address.cityMax 35Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.postCodeOrZipCode16Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.countryCode2Beneficiary's country of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in API request.

Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).

International WIRE


targetCurrencyAvailable WIRE currencies
Earliest Beneficiary CreditThe estimated delivery time will vary by country and currency.
Cut-Off Time (UK Time)Currency specific
Decimal Places2
Minimum targetAmount0.01
Maximum targetAmount9999999.99

Required data

API field nameRequiredField lengthDescription
purposeOfPaymentNarrativeMax 4The 4-character code that represents the purpose of the payment. See the Purpose of Payment section below to view the full list of accepted values.
bankDetails.iban30Beneficiary iban.
bankDetails.swiftBic8 or 11The SWIFT BIC is the Bank Identification Code of the beneficiary bank.
bankDetails.bankNameMax 35Name of the beneficiary bank.
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode4Type of the party.
Must be:
  • PT03 (Beneficiary)
parties.personalDetails.typeCode4Entity description code for the party.
Available values:
  • PD01 (Company)
  • PD02 (Individual)
parties.personalDetails.titleCodeConditional4Title code for the Individual (applicable when party entity type is "Individual").
Available values:
  • TO01 (Ms)
  • TO02 (Miss)
  • TO03 (Mr)
  • TO04 (Mrs)
  • TO05 (Dr)
  • TO06 (Mx)
  • TO99 (Misc)
parties.personalDetails.firstNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary first name.
If the beneficiary is an individual, the full name should be provided (no initials).
parties.personalDetails.middleName1-35Beneficiary middle name.
parties.personalDetails.lastNameConditionalMax 50Beneficiary last name.
parties.personalDetails.companyNameConditionalMax 140If the beneficiary is a company, this should be the full company name.
Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space.
parties.personalDetails.dateofBirth10Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format.
parties.address.streetMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street.
parties.address.additionalAddressLineMax 35Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio.
parties.address.cityMax 35Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.postCodeOrZipCodeMax 10Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
parties.address.countryCode2Beneficiary's country of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address.
Mandatory if any of the optional Beneficiary address details are provided. Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in API request.

Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).

Purpose of Payment

Accepted ValueDescription
ACCTAccount Management
ADVAAdvance Payment
BCDMBearer Cheque Domestic
BCFGBearer Cheque Foreign
BDKDBulk Deposit by Participant Bank
BENEUnemployment Disability Benefit
BEXPBusiness Expenses
BKFEBank Loan Fees
BKIPBank Loan Accrued Interest Payment
BKPPBank Loan Principal Paydown
BONUBonus Payment
BRKFBrokerage Fee
BWKDBulk Withdrawal by Participant Bank
CASHCash Management Transfer
CBLKCard Bulk Clearing
CCRDCredit Card Payment
CDCBCard Payment With Cash Back
CDCDNormal Deposit by Participant Bank
CDDPCard Deferred Payment
CDOCOriginal Credit
CFEECancellation Fee
CHARCharity Payment
CHTROnus Inter Account Transfer
CMDTCommodity Transfer
COLLCollection Payment
COMCCommercial Payment
COMTConsumer Third Party Consolidated Payment
CORTTrade Settlement Payment
CWCDNormal Withdrawal by Participant Bank
DCRDDebit Card Payment
DELGGovernment Delegation Transfers
ECTQRelated Tawarruq CBK Bonds Execution
EOFSEnd of Service Payment
EPDTPublic Debt Tawarruq Execution
EXTDExchange Traded Derivatives
FAMLFamily Support
FCOLFee Collection
FCYBForex Currency Buy by Participant Bank
FCYSForex Currency Sell by Participant Bank
FEESPayment of Fees
FIXIFixed Income
FORWForward Foreign Exchange
FREXForeign Exchange
GDDSPurchase Sale of Goods
GDSVPurchase Sale of Goods and Services
GOVTGovernment Payment
HLRPHousing Loan Repayment
HLSTHome Loan Settlement
HLTIHealth Insurance
ICBDCBK Bonds Issuance
IEMBInternational Embassies Transfers
IHRPInstalment Hire Purchase Agreement
INMMMoney Market
INPCInsurance Premium Car
INPRInsurance Premium Refund
INSCPayment of Insurance Claim
INSTInstallment Payments
INSUInsurance Premium
INTCIntra Company Payment
INTPIntra Party Payment
INTQMM Islamic
INTXIncome Tax
INVSInvestment and Securities
IRESInvestment in Real Estate
ISUKSukuk Issuance
ITBDTreasury Bonds Issuance
ITBLTreasury Bills Issuance
IVPTInvoice Payment
KEMBKuwaiti Embassies Transfers
LEGCLegal Case
LEGELegal Expense
LEPTLeave Encashment
LIFILife Insurance
LOANLoan Payments
LOARLoan Repayment
MDCSMedical Services
MGSCFutures Initial Margin Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral
MP2BMobile P2B Payment
MSVCMultiple Service Types
MTUPMobile Top Up
OTPTOvertime Payment
PENOPayment Based on Enforcement Order
PENSPension Payment
PERSPerson to Person Payment
PHONTelephone Bill
PPTIProperty Insurance
PRMEPrecious Metal
RCBDCBK Bonds Redemption
RELGRental Lease General
RINPRecurring Installment Payment
RSUKSukuk Redemption
RTBDTreasury Bonds Redemption
RTBLTreasury Bills Redemption
SADJSalary Adjustment
SALASalary Payment
SBSCSecurities Buy Sell Sell Buy Back
SCTQRelated Tawarruq CBK Bonds Settlement
SCVEPurchase Sale of Services
SERVService Charges
SPDTPublic Debt Tawarruq Settlement
SPSPSalary Pension Sum Payment
SSBESocial Security Benefit
SUPPSupplier Payment
TAXSTax Payment
TFLCTrade Finance – Letter of Credit
TFLGTrade Finance – Letter of Guarantee
TREATreasury Payment
TRFDTrust Fund