Domestic Wire Payment
Available | Yes |
targetCurrency | New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) |
countryCode | TW |
Earliest Beneficiary Credit | T+5 |
Cut-Off Time (UK Time) | 15:30 |
Decimal Places | 2 |
Minimum targetAmount | equivalent of 25 USD |
Maximum targetAmount | 500000.00 |
Submission data
API field name | Required? | Field length | Description |
purposeOfPaymentNarrative | ✅ | Max 35 | Description for purpose of payment. |
bankDetails.beneficiaryAccountNumber | ✅ | Max 34 | Account number of the beneficiary. |
bankDetails.swiftBic | ✅ | 8 or 11 | The SWIFT BIC is the Bank Identification Code of the beneficiary bank. |
bankDetails.bankName | ✅ | Max 35 | Name of the beneficiary bank. |
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode | ✅ | 4 | Type of the party. Must be:
parties.personalDetails.typeCode | ✅ | 4 | Entity description code for the party. Available values:
parties.personalDetails.titleCode | Conditional | 4 | Title code for the Individual. Available values:
Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.firstName | Conditional | Max 50 | Beneficiary first name. Full name should be provided (no initials). Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.middleName | ❌ | Max 50 | Beneficiary middle name. |
parties.personalDetails.lastName | Conditional | Max 50 | Beneficiary last name. Full name should be provided (no initials). Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.companyName | Conditional | Max 140 | Full name of the organization. Important Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space. To whitelist any other naming format please contact your Relationship Manager. Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.dateOfBirth | ❌ | 10 | Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
parties.telephony.phoneNumber | ✅ | 5-15 | Beneficiary's phone number. |
parties.telephony.prefix | ✅ | 1-3 | Beneficiary's phone number prefix. |
parties.address.street | ✅ | Max 35 | Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street. |
parties.address.additionalAddressLine | ❌ | Max 35 | Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio. |
parties.address.city | ✅ | Max 35 | Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address. |
parties.address.postcodeOrZipCode | ✅ | Max 10 | Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address. |
parties.address.countryCode | ✅ | 2 | Beneficiary's country code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address. Must be:
Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB). As an additional requirment for payments to Taiwan please provide the the remitters's payment account number or identification in the Remitter's Identity section as per the below.
API field name | Required? | Field length | Description |
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode | ✅ | 4 | Type of the party. Must be:
parties.personalDetails.typeCode | ✅ | 4 | Entity description code for the remitter. Available values:
parties.personalDetails.titleCode | Conditional | 4 | Title code for the Individual. Available values:
Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.firstName | Conditional | Max 50 | Remitter first name. Full name should be provided (no initials). Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.middleName | ❌ | Max 50 | Remitter middle name. |
parties.personalDetails.lastName | Conditional | Max 50 | Remitter last name. Full name should be provided (no initials). Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.companyName | Conditional | Max 140 | Full name of the organization. Important Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space. To whitelist any other naming format please contact your Relationship Manager. Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.dateofBirth | ❌ | 10 | Remitter's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
parties.identity.identityTypeCode | ✅ | 4 | Remitter's identity type. Available values:
parties.identity.identityNumber | ✅ | 11 | Remitter's identity number. The remitters's payment account number. Note In the case of a transfer not made from a payment account, the payment service provider of the remitter shall ensure that the transfer of funds is accompanied by a unique transaction identifier rather than the payment account number |
parties.identity.issuingCountry | ✅ | 2 | Remitter's country code of their identification document. Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in your API request. |
parties.address.street | ✅ | Max 35 | Remitter's residential (if remitter is an individual) or registered (if remitter is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street. |
parties.address.additionalAddressLine | ✅ | Max 35 | Remitter's residential (if remitter is an individual) or registered (if remitter is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio. |
parties.address.city | ✅ | Max 35 | Remitter's city or town of their residential (if remitter is an individual) or registered (if remitter is a company) address. |
parties.address.postcodeOrZipCode | ✅ | Max 10 | Remitter's postal code or zip code of their residential (if remitter is an individual) or registered (if remitter is a company) address. |
parties.address.countryCode | ✅ | 2 | Remitter's country code of their residential (if remitter is an individual) or registered (if remitter is a company) address. Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in your API request. |
International WIRE
Available | Yes |
targetCurrency | Available WIRE currencies |
countryCode | TW |
Earliest Beneficiary Credit | The estimated delivery time will vary by country and currency. |
Cut-Off Time (UK Time) | Currency specific |
Decimal Places | 2 |
Minimum targetAmount | 0.01 |
Maximum targetAmount | 9999999.99 |
Submission data
API field name | Required? | Field length | Description |
purposeOfPaymentNarrative | ✅ | Max 35 | Description for purpose of payment. |
bankDetails.beneficiaryAccountNumber | ✅ | Max 34 | Account number of the beneficiary. |
bankDetails.bankCode | ✅ | 3 | Bank code of the beneficiary (bank). |
bankDetails.branchCode | ✅ | 4 | Wire Transfer Branch Code of the beneficiary (bank). |
bankDetails.swiftBic | ✅ | 8 or 11 | The SWIFT BIC is the Bank Identification Code of the beneficiary bank. |
bankDetails.bankName | ✅ | Max 35 | Name of the beneficiary bank. |
parties.personalDetails.partyTypeCode | ✅ | 4 | Type of the party. Must be:
parties.personalDetails.typeCode | ✅ | 4 | Entity description code for the party. Available values:
parties.personalDetails.titleCode | Conditional | 4 | Title code for the Individual. Available values:
Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.firstName | Conditional | Max 50 | Beneficiary first name. Full name should be provided (no initials). Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.middleName | ❌ | Max 50 | Beneficiary middle name. |
parties.personalDetails.lastName | Conditional | Max 50 | Beneficiary last name. Full name should be provided (no initials). Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.companyName | Conditional | Max 140 | Full name of the organization. Important Failure to provide the full name could result in delays and potential rejection of your payment. This must consist of 2 words, separated by a space. To whitelist any other naming format please contact your Relationship Manager. Condition Mandatory if parties.personalDetails.typeCode is:
parties.personalDetails.dateOfBirth | ❌ | 10 | Beneficiary's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
parties.address.street | ✅ | Max 35 | Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) house number/name and street e.g. 1 Main Street. |
parties.address.additionalAddressLine | ❌ | Max 35 | Beneficiary's residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address e.g. apartment no., unit, studio. |
parties.address.city | ✅ | Max 35 | Beneficiary's city or town of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address. |
parties.address.state | ❌ | Max 30 | Beneficiary's full state name of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address. |
parties.address.postcodeOrZipCode | ✅ | Max 10 | Beneficiary's postal code or zip code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address. |
parties.address.countryCode | ✅ | 2 | Beneficiary's country code of their residential (if payee is an individual) or registered (if payee is a company) address. Enter the 2 character ISO 3166-1 standard country code in your API request. |
Additional data is required if the requestor of the payout is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Money Service Business (MSB).