Latin American payments

This section describes how to add Latin American payments to your integrations, including payments by installment.


You must have a legal entity in each Latin American country that you want to trade in.

Contact your Worldpay representative to set up the appropriate routing for the countries you want to trade in.

List of countries

The plugin supports payments from these countries:

  • Argentina

  • Bolivia

  • Brazil

  • Central America (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala)

  • Chile

  • Colombia

  • Ecuador

  • Mexico

  • Peru

  • Uruguay

Latin American configurations

Step 1. To start the configuration go to Store/Settings/Configuration/Sales/Worldpay.

Step 2. Use the information in the table to complete the configuration.

Enable CPF/CNPJSet to Yes, a shopper must only submit their CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) and CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) ID number for payments that originate in Brazil.*
Enable instalmentSet to Yes, shoppers can pay in instalments. If set to No, instalments are not available. This feature is only available for Latin American countries.
Instalment configurationThis enables you to do instalment-type mapping for Latin American countries.
Instalment typeType1 upto 12 instalments are applicable to Argentina and Brazil. Type2 upto 18 instalments (3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15) are applicable to Mexico. Type3 upto 36 instalments (3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 18, 24, 36) are applicable to Colombia. Type4 upto 48 instalments (3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 18; 24; 36; 48: are applicable to Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru.

/* You must only enable CPF for Brazilian payments.

Step 3. Administrators can use the Instalment configuration to map countries with instalment types, and must apply the following configurations:

Brazil and ArgentinaUp to 12 instalments.
MexicoUp to 18 sequential instalments: 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18.
ColumbiaUp to 12 instalments without interest. Up to 48 instalments with interest. Sequential instalments: 3,6,9,10,12,18,24,36,48.
Peru and Central AmericaUp to 48 sequential instalments: 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48.

The shopper's experience

Once you have configured your system, shoppers see three new fields in the credit-card payment section:

  • CPF/CNPJ text box (only for Brazil)

  • Instalments-type dropdown (only for LatAm countries)

  • Purpose of transaction text box

The Lain America-specific fields (CPF/CPNJ, Instalment and Purpose of transaction) appear once the administrator has enabled them. This is provided that the billing address is in one of the Latin American countries.

LatAm-specific fieldStorefront validation
CPFDigits only, maximum of 11.
CPNJDigits only, maximum of 14.
InstalmentThe Select box appears. The values depend on the billing country selected.
Purpose of transactionAlphanumeric characters, maximum of 13.

Brazil only recommendation

There are three variations of fields for payments from Brazil:

  1. Only CPF is enabled (The CPF and Purpose of Transaction fields are visible).

  2. Only Instalments is enabled (The Instalment and Purpose of Transaction fields are visible).

  3. Both CPF and Instalments are enabled (The CPF, Instalment and Purpose of Transaction fields are visible).