Payments root resource, returns links to available payments actions.
Payments root resource, returns links to available payments actions.
An object that contains all information related to the payment.
The text that appears on your customer's statement. Used to identify the merchant.
DRI is a flag which identifies a payment as being for the purpose of repaying a debt.
A parameter detailing the reason for this particular card on file agreement.
An object that contains information about the merchant.
Direct your payment to assist with billing, reporting and reconciliation. This is mandatory for authentication and queries.
You can apply a merchant category code mcc
to an individual request. You can only provide an mcc if we have enabled the dynamic mcc feature during boarding. If enabled but not provided, merchant.mcc defaults to a configured value.
A unique reference generated by you that is used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle.
The payment channel indicates the interaction of the cardholder with the merchant. Supply a value of moto to process an authorization as a Mail Order or Telephone Order (MOTO) transaction. If channel is not provided, the authorization will be processed as ecommerce by default
Card sale for GBP 2.50
{ "transactionReference": "transaction-ref", "merchant": { "entity": "an-entity" }, "instruction": { "narrative": { "line1": "trading name" }, "value": { "currency": "GBP", "amount": 250 }, "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain", "cardNumber": "4444333322221111", "cardExpiryDate": { "month": 12, "year": 2024 } } } }
The sale for migrated Card On File has been successfully created
An exemption result and reason if a risk profile was included in your authorization request.
Any risk factors which have been identified for the authorization. This section will not appear if no risks are identified.
Sale for GBP 2.50 with a successful outcome
{ "outcome": "Sent For Settlement", "_links": { "payments:refund": { "href": "/payments/settlements/refunds/:linkData" }, "payments:partialRefund": { "href": "/payments/settlements/refunds/partials/:linkData" }, "payments:reversal": { "href": "/payments/sales/reversals/linkData" }, "payments:events": { "href": "/payments/events/linkData" }, "curies": [ { "name": "payments", "href": "/rels/payments/{rel}", "templated": true } ] } }