Last Updated: 04 December 2024 | Change Log

Manage payments

This document gives an overview on how to cancel, settle, refund or reverse payments.

Best Practice

To manage your payments we recommend using our events service to receive the latest status of your payment to your server in real-time.

Cancel an authorization

If you don't want to proceed with a payment, you can send a cancel request.

POST to the payments:cancel action link, returned in any of your authorization responses, to cancel the authorization.


You can only cancel a payment which is authorized. If the payment is settled, you must create a refund.

Cancel request



No request body is needed for this request.

Cancel response

In the response you get a 202 HTTP code which confirms we have received your request. The request has not processed at this stage. You must query the payment to check the status. You can find a link for this in the response body.

Best Practice

If you're using our events service, as per our best practice, you should already have the latest payment status.

    "_links": {
        "payments:events": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [
                "name": "payments",
                "href": "{rel}",
                "templated": true

Settle an authorization

To receive all the funds from the customer, send us a settle request.

POST to the payments:settle action link, returned in any of the authorization responses, to settle an authorization.

Settle request



No request body is needed for this request.

Marketplaces can optionally provide a body containing marketplace data for settlement requests:

            "splitFundingReference":"Your split funding reference"

When you make your settle request, the payment event changes to sentForSettlement.

Settle response

In the response you get a 202 HTTP code which confirms we have received your request. The request has not processed at this stage. You must query the payment to check the status. You can find a link for this in the response body, as well as links to refund and partially refund.

Best Practice

If you're using our events service, as per our best practice, you should already have the latest payment status.

    "_links": {
        "payments:refund": {
            "href": ""
        "payments:partialRefund": {
            "href": ""
        "payments:events": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [
                "name": "payments",
                "href": "{rel}",
                "templated": true

Partially settle an authorization

To receive a portion of the funds of a payment, send us a request to partially settle an authorization.

POST to the payments:partialSettle action link, returned in your authorization response, to partially settle an authorization. Specify the amount and the required settlement currency in the body.


We do not validate that the currency and amount is the same as the original payment.

Partial settle request


    "value": {
        "amount": 125,
        "currency": "GBP"
    "reference": "partial-settle-reference"

Descriptions of your partial settlement request parameters:

referenceA unique reference generated by you to identify the partial settlement. For more information and best practice see transaction reference format.
sequence.numberRequired if supplying marketplace data. Else, optional.The sequence number for this request for partial settlement. Eg sequence number 1 of 2 total partial settlement requests.
sequence.totalRequired if supplying marketplace data. Else, optional.The total number of expected partial settlement requests.

Partial settle response

In the response you get a 202 HTTP code which confirms we have received your request. The request has not processed at this stage. You must query the payment to check the status. You can find a link for this in the response body, as well as links to refund, partially refund, partially settle and cancel your payment.

Best Practice

If you're using our events service, as per our best practice, you should already have the latest payment status.

    "_links": {
        "payments:refund": {
            "href": ""
        "payments:partialRefund": {
            "href": ""
        "payments:partialSettle": {
            "href": ""
        "payments:cancel": {
            "href": ""
        "payments:events": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [{
            "name": "payments",
            "href": "{rel}",
            "templated": true

Fully refund a payment

Send a refund request to return the full settled amount to your customer.

POST to the payments:refund action link received in your full settlement, partial settlement or sale response.

Full refund request



No request body is needed for this request.

Full refund response

In the response you get a 202 HTTP code which confirms we have received your request. The request has not processed at this stage. You must query the payment to check the status. You can find a link for this in the response body.

Best Practice

If you're using our events service, as per our best practice, you should already have the latest payment status.

    "_links": {
        "payments:events": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [
                "name": "payments",
                "href": "{rel}",
                "templated": true

Partially refund a payment

Send a partial refund request to return a portion of the settled amount to your customer.

POST your request to the payments:partialRefund action link, returned in your settlement or sale response.

Partial refund request

Send the amount to refund and the authorization currency in the body.


    "value": {
        "amount": 125,
        "currency": "GBP"
    "reference": "partial-refund-reference"

Partial refund response

In the response you get a 202 HTTP code which confirms we have received your request. The request has not processed at this stage. You must query the payment to check the status. You can find a link for this in the response body.

Best Practice

If you're using our events service, as per our best practice, you should already have the latest payment status.

    "_links": {
        "payments:partialRefund": {
            "href": ""
        "payments:events": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [{
            "name": "payments",
            "href": "{rel}",
            "templated": true

Online refunds

Online refunds allow you to provide notice to cardholders that a refund attempt has either been successfully authorized or refused by the issuer.
The response for online refunds is the same as for standard refunds. You get a 202 HTTP code which confirms we have received your request.

However, the event webhook contains:

  • a refund.onlineRefundAuthorization code - for a successful online refund or
  • a refund.refusal object - for a refused online refund.

Reverse a sale

Your reversal request is processed as a cancel or refund request. This depends on the time passed after your sale request was submitted. For US entities the payment is refunded after one day after a successful sale request. Any other payment moves to refunded after 15 minutes.

POST to the payments:reversal action link received in your migrateCardOnFileSale or recurringSale response.

Reversal request



No request body is needed for this request.

Reversal response

In the response you get a 202 HTTP code which confirms we have received your request. The request has not processed at this stage. You must query the payment to check if it was canceled or refunded. You can find a link for this in the response body.

Best Practice

If you're using our events service, as per our best practice, you should already have the latest payment status.

    "_links": {
        "payments:events": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [
                "name": "payments",
                "href": "{rel}",
                "templated": true

Next steps

Query a payment