API for creating and managing APM payments on Access Worldpay.
API for creating and managing APM payments on Access Worldpay.
{ "transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876", "merchant": { "entity": "default" }, "instruction": { "narrative": { "line1": "MindPalace" }, "value": { "amount": 35, "currency": "GBP" }, "paymentInstrument": { "type": "paypal", "requestAutoSettlement": { "enabled": true }, "shopperEmailAddress": "shopper@example.com", "billingAddress": { "address1": "221B Baker Street", "address2": "Marylebone", "address3": "Westminster", "postalCode": "NW1 6XE", "city": "London", "state": "Greater London", "countryCode": "GB" }, "shippingAddress": { "address1": "The Palatine Centre", "postalCode": "DH1 3LE", "city": "Durham", "state": "County Durham", "countryCode": "GB" }, "successURL": "https://example.com/success", "pendingURL": "https://example.com/pending", "failureURL": "https://example.com/failure", "cancelURL": "https://example.com/cancel" } } }
Request successful
A payment resource.
Actions that can be performed on the payment resource. These are dynamic based on factors such as the payment instrument and state of the payment.
The URL you can invoke to partially reverse the payment. Make sure to check it's present, not always present.
The URL you can invoke to reverse the payment. Make sure to check it's present, not always present.
Links to resources related to the request.
{ "paymentId": "3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f", "lastEvent": "pending", "url": "https://mock.hpp.worldpay.com/app/hpp/xyz/integration/wpg?Ticket=12345678&OrderKey=blah", "_links": { "self": { "href": "https://try.access.worldpay.com/apmPayments/3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f" } }, "_actions": {} }