Last Updated: 10 October 2024 | Change Log


iDEAL is an online bank transfer and is the most common payment method in the Netherlands. It allows customers to pay for goods or services through their bank account.


Make yourself familiar with our API Principles to ensure a resilient integration.

Product Overview

Why use iDeal?

iDeal is a popular, secure and reliable online bank transfer that requires no pre-registration or enrolment. It's easy to use as your customers use their own online bank banking to complete transactions.

Feature summary

Payment typeCountriesCurrenciesRecurringReversalsPartial ReversalsDisputesAuth and Settlement (Sale)
Bank transferNLEUR
  • Refund - yes
  • Cancel- No
  • Partial refund - yes
  • Partial cancel- No
  • The minimum amount for a single transaction is: 0.01 EUR
  • The maximum amount for a single transaction is: 50.000 EUR

Available banks and bank codes

Bank namebankCode

Set your headers

Setting your headers is an important part of an API request. The headers represent the meta-data associated with your API request.

Authorization: {your_credentials}
Content-Type: application/json
WP-Api-Version: 2023-06-01
AuthorizationWe use the Authorization header to identify and authenticate you within Access Worldpay. You must use the Authorization header for any request you send to our APM API, unless you are using client certificate authentication over TLS. If you must use this, read our reference guide on Authenticating with SSL/TLS.
Content-TypeWe require the Content-Type header if the request you're sending includes a request body, and if the HTTP method is a POST or a PUT.
WP-Api-VersionWe use the WP-Api-Version header to identify which version of our APM API you are using. You must use the WP-Api-Version header for any request you send to our API.

If you're using both the Content-Type and WP-Api-Version headers, they must match.


Replace {your_credentials} with your base64-encoded Basic Auth username and password. To get your Access Worldpay credentials contact your Implementation Manager.

Take a payment


Example request:

{ "transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876", "merchant": { "entity": "default" }, "instruction": { "narrative": { "line1": "Mind Palace Ltd" }, "value": { "amount": 1234, "currency": "EUR" }, "paymentInstrument": { "type": "ideal", "language": "en", "successURL": "", "pendingURL": "", "failureURL": "", "cancelURL": "" } } }


ParameterRequired?DescriptionData typeLength
instructionAn object that contains all the information related to the payment.ObjectN/A
instruction.narrativeAn object that helps your customers better identify you on their statement.ObjectSee our formatting rules
instruction.narrative.line1The first line of the narrative which appears on your customer's statement (If a character is not supported it is replaced with a space.).
See narrative line1 format for more details.
instruction.paymentInstrumentAn object that contains information about the payment method.ObjectN/A
instruction.paymentInstrument.typeAn object that contains the payment type and details. It defines which alternative payment method you wish to use. Value is ideal.ObjectN/A
instruction.paymentInstrument.languageAn object that contains the language of your customer. Follows ISO 639-1 standard.String2
instruction.paymentInstrument.cancelURLWhen your customer cancels a transaction, we redirect your customer to that cancel URL.StringN/A
instruction.paymentInstrument.failureURLWhen a payment fails, we redirect your customer to the failure URL.StringN/A
instruction.paymentInstrument.pendingURLWhen we receive the payment result for a pending payment transaction, we redirect your customer to that pending URL.StringN/A
instruction.paymentInstrument.successURLWhen we receive the payment result for a successful payment, we redirect your customer to that success URL.StringN/A
instruction.valueAn object that contains information about the payment transaction.ObjectN/A
instruction.value.amountThe payment amount. This is a whole number with an exponent e.g. if exponent is two, 250 is 2,50. You can find the relevant exponent in our currency table.IntegerN/A
instruction.value.currencyThe payment currency. Refer to the individual APM page for supported currencies.Integer3
merchantAn object that contains information about the merchant.ObjectN/A
merchant.entityDirect your payment to assist with billing, reporting and reconciliation. This is mandatory for Authentication and Queries.
Contact your Implementation Manager for more details.
StringMust be between 1 and 32 characters.
transactionReferenceA unique reference generated by you that is used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle. See transaction reference format.StringMust be between 1 to 64 characters.
instruction.paymentInstrument.languageAn object that contains the customer's language. Follows ISO 639-1 standard.String2

We suggest you provide the cancelURL,failureURL, pendingURL and successURL attribute to redirect your customer to, once you have received the payment result.


Successful request response

  • an HTTP code 201
  • an id which is unique to the payment - we recommend storing the id to use for managing your payment
  • a url to redirect your customer to the APM provider to complete the payment
  • a link to query the payment status


    "paymentId": "nFxASqw-LV9HE_rr1mMONJmqBDeXmnv5dzt9IxAXgXbfpu0O_8mOnTpFSIM9gnTSygCKQgvlwQdUbu5rExIpJA_5Uq2LEGXXAanycRpxfDPNA-E70zIWdnaMb2gJhC8AIhbOkM6xDiVNu90YCXo2snTzi_k1sEOQnKIAJNTW3Qc",
    "lastEvent": "pending",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""
    "_actions": {},
    "url": ""

In case of an error, you can get further information in our error reference.

Next Steps

Manage your iDeal payment