Last Updated: 22 July 2024 | Change Log


Test your Payments integration in the Try environment using a combination of cardholder and card number test values. Send requests and see simulated responses.

As features such as 3DS, FraudSight or auto settlment can be enabled and disabled, the outcome of the scenarios below will change based on the configuration you have in place.


If you're creating tokens containing the test card numbers, you must delete the token before creating another with the same PAN. You are prevented from creating another token using the same PAN. As an alternative, you can also change the tokenCreation.namespace used as part of the token creation.

Test ScenarioCardholder Test ValuesCard Number Test ValuesOutcomes
Successful frictionless 3DS paymentAUTHORISEDCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001000
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001005
  • AMEX: 340000000001007
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001002
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • sentForSettlement or authorized ('' value dependant)
Successful payment with 3DS challengeAUTHORISEDCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001091
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001096
  • AMEX: 340000000001098
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001093
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • 3dsChallenged
  • sentForSettlement or authorized ('' value dependant)
Successful, frictionless 3DS payment.
Sent for cancellation due to mismatching CVC/AVS
AUTHORISEDCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001000
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001005
  • AMEX: 340000000001007
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001002

  • CVC: 444
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • sentForCancellation
High risk fraud outcomefs-highRiskCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001000
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001005
  • AMEX: 340000000001007
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001002
  • fraudHighRisk

If merchant.fraud is set to fraudSightSilentMode, we return sentForSettlement or authorized ('' value dependant)
Failed frictionless 3DS authenticationAny valueCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001018
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001013
  • AMEX: 340000000001015
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001010
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • 3dsAuthenticationFailed
Failed challenged 3DS authenticationAny valueCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001109
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001104
  • AMEX: 340000000001106
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001101
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • 3dsChallenged
  • 3dsAuthenticationFailed
3DS unavailable when attempting authenticationAny valueCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001059
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001054
  • AMEX: 340000000001056
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001051
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • 3dsUnavailable
3DS unavailable when attempting verificationAny valueCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001117
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001112
  • AMEX: 340000000001114
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001119
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • 3dsChallenged
  • 3dsUnavailable
Refused payment with frictionless 3DSREFUSEDCard number:
  • Visa: 4000000000001000
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001005
  • AMEX: 340000000001007
  • Discover/Diners: 6011000000001002
  • 3dsDeviceDataRequired
  • refused