Last Updated: 18 July 2024 | Change Log

Transaction reference queries

Provide a transactionReference to find the matching card payment.


The API returns data for payments processed after 25 June 2024. For payments processed before then, you can query for historical payments.


The transaction reference is a unique reference generated by you. It is used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle. We highly recommend that you save the transactionReference of a payment and use it to query payments when needed.




Parameter description

transactionReferenceA unique reference generated by you. It is used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle.


The response contains summary information about the payment associated with the transactionReference. For detailed information about a payment you should run a query using the paymentId.

Response schema


links to the pages.


Self link to the page.


First page as per the pageSize.


Next page link if the response contains more pages.

_embedded.​paymentsArray of objects

Array of payments within the date range.

Response examples

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/paymentQueries/payments?transactionReference=33070868-3608-4a71-8ad8-e7c8fdb83ae8"
    "_embedded": {
        "payments": [
                "timestamp": "2024-05-02T07:10:58.319Z",
                "transactionReference": "33070868-3608-4a71-8ad8-e7c8fdb83ae8",
                "narrative": {
                    "line1": "trading name",
                    "line2": "trading name"
                "transactionType": "cardOnFile",
                "authorizationType": "authorization",
                "entity": "default",
                "paymentInstrument": {
                    "type": "card/plain+masked",
                    "card": {
                        "number": {
                            "last4Digits": "1000"
                        "brand": "visa",
                        "fundingType": "debit"
                "value": {
                    "currency": "GBP",
                    "amount": 42
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/paymentQueries/payments/d629e528-2236-46ea-b393-0d6777028b2b"

Historical payments

If the payment was processed before 25 June 2024, you must query our historical payments library.

You receive a next action link in the response. Add your entityReference and transactionReference to query historical payments.


    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/paymentQueries/payments?transactionReference=demo-test1"
        "paymentQueries:queryArchive": {
            "href": "/paymentQueries/archivedPayments?transactionReference=demo-test1&entityReference={entityReference}",
            "templated": true
    "_embedded": {
        "payments": []