Last Updated: 18 July 2024 | Change Log

Payment Queries


Make smart decisions by querying your payments data, based on a variety of parameters.
We return:

  • information relating to the transaction and payment instrument
  • an array of timestamped events
  • action links allowing you to perform payment actions (such as refunds)
Important warning

Payment Queries is a data aggregation service. It is not intended to provide instantaneous updates. There may be a delay of up to 10 seconds between the initiation of a payment and data becoming available to query.


APM payments and settlement events will be added to this API in the near future.

Get Started

Get started with the API Reference by setting your headers and DNS whitelisting or read the Capabilities guides below first:


  • Query payments within a date range
    Provide a startDate and endDate to query all card payments within the selected date range (beginning 25 June 2024). You can receive paginated results by providing a pageSize parameter. You may filter the results further with the following parameters:

    • currency
    • minAmount
    • maxAmount
    • last4Digits
    • receivedEvents
  • Query payments by transaction reference
    Provide a transactionReference to find a matching payment processed after 25 June 2024.

  • Retrieve a payment by payment ID
    Provide the paymentId of a payment processed after 25 June 2024 to retrieve all information about that card payment. The response will also contain a list of all events that have occurred for that payment. The paymentId is returned in the self link for payments returned in date range and transaction reference queries.

  • Query historical payments
    To find a payment processed before 25 June 2024, provide a transactionReference and entityReference to this API. The response contains minimal information about the payment.