Versioning and Change log

This log details any breaking and non-breaking API changes we have released for our FraudSight service.


Make yourself familiar with our API Principles to ensure a resilient integration.

Versioning log

Our Fraudsight service is currently on version 1. We will record any upcoming breaking changes here.

Change log (Non-breaking changes)

Network token support (04 July 2024)

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You can now use our card/networkToken paymentInstrument in your assessment request.

Optional IP address field in fraud assessment request (15 February 2023)

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You now have the option to send the IP address details of your customer's device in the fraud asssessment request.

If you are not supplying device data via ThreatMetrix, you can send the IP address in this field and create manual fraud rules.

Optional shopperId field in fraud assessment request (15 December 2022)

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You now have an option to send shopperId field with the account risk data in fraud assessment request.

Use shopperId to create manual fraud rules and identify your customers.