Last Updated: 04 July 2024 | Change Log
Android Device Data
When combined with order and transaction details, device data (IP Address, Device Id, Geolocation Information, etc.) can be a strong indicator for fraud or used via GeoIP lookup to create manual rules based on location. Utilizing device data with Access Exemptions is a two-step process. Step one is to collect the device data. Step two is to submit an assessment that will use the device data for evaluation. Described below is step one for Android.
ThreatMetrix Android SDK
The ThreatMetrix Android SDK provides mobile application developers with Android specific libraries. It leverages the ThreatMetrix Platform to detect fraud and security vulnerabilities originating from mobile devices in real-time.
The instructions are applicable to ThreatMetrix SDK version V6-2.
Overview of implementation
Include the ThreatMetrix SDK in the application.
Call the
method to initialize the SDK.Call the
method to begin device profiling. ThreatMetrix SDK will transmit the collected attributes and a unique sessionId to the ThreatMetrix Platform.Apply the
in the Exemption assessment request so it forms part of the risk assessment.
How to get the SDK
This will be released shortly, this documentation is for preview only
Modules to include
TMXProfiling: This module is responsible for performing profiling exclusively. It does not transfer anything over the network, so the module does not send or receive data on its own. You must pair this module with TMXProfilingConnections module or a custom profiling connections module to send and receive data to and from the backend for successful profiling.
TMXProfilingConnections: It is the default networking module provided by ThreatMetrix. This module only transfers data over the network without changing the data.
Include AAR files of TMXProfiling and TMXProfilingConnections modules into your app/libs
folder. Then add these dependencies into your app-level build.gradle
implementation files('libs/TMXProfiling-6.2-107.aar')
implementation files('libs/TMXProfilingConnections-6.2-107.aar')
Mandatory permissions
You must include the following permission in the manifest file of your application.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" \/>
Optional permissions
Add these optional permissions in the application manifest file for better profiling.
These permissions will display a popup on the end user's mobile for granting access.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/\>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/\>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/\>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/\>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"/\>
Using ThreatMetrix SDK
Profiling is a mechanism by which ThreatMetrix collects information about the device that is accessing a customer's online service, either via a website or a native application.
Identify the screen in your native application that provides the optimal opportunity for profiling. The majority of profiling is completed in a short span and may take up to 5 seconds to collect the full set of profiling attributes.
Common screens where we can initiate profiling are Account creation screen, Payments screen and Login screen.
Details required
To create a config instance, pass the below details to the init() method.
Placeholder | Description |
Get instance and initialize
The ThreatMetrix SDK is initialized asynchronously at startup by calling the init() function which is configured with the Config object.
You must at least specify Context
, Org ID
and the FP server/Profiling domain
. The getInstance()
method of TMXProfiling class is used to return a singleton instance of the ThreatMetrix Object. The instance is only required to be initialized once.
Here’s an example of how you can get instance and initialize for profiling.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val username: EditText = findViewById(
val password: EditText = findViewById(
/* Creating a config instance to be passed to the init() method. This instance must
include orgId and application context otherwise the init()method will fail. */
var config = TMXConfig()
//(REQUIRED) Organization ID
// (REQUIRED) FPserver/Profiling domain
// (REQUIRED) Application Context
// (Optional) Register for location services
/*Getting instance of ThreatMatrix object by passing config object to it*/
/*Once the valid instance is created for further calls, fire a profile
Start profiling
Create a method to start profiling and send some additional attributes along with profiling information. Here’s a code sample of a method that starts profiling.
fun doProfile(){
/*(OPTIONAL) Assign some custom attributes to be included along with the
profiling Information*/
val list = listOf("attribute 1", "attribute 2")
var options: TMXProfilingOptions = TMXProfilingOptions()
//Start the profiling request
/*The instance of TMXEndNotifier must be passed to the profile() method, the
CompletionNotifier is an implementation of TMXEndNotifier which is explained
in obtaining profiling result section*/
.profile(options, CompletionNotifier())
Obtaining profiling result and sessionID
- Create a class which implements the
interface. - Implement the
method. - Pass an instance of that class as part of the call to the
method as shown above.
The complete()
method of that instance will be called with the result of the profiling once profiling has finished.
Use result.status/ result.getStatus()
method to know the status of profiling. This method returns string “Okay” on successful profiling.
Here's an example of the implementation.
/* TMXEndNotifier implementation called when profiling is completed */
class CompletionNotifier: TMXEndNotifier {
/*This method gets called when the profiling has finished. Be careful here
because we are not going to be called on the UI thread, and if we want to
update UI elements we can only do it from the UI thread.*/
override fun complete(result: TMXProfilingHandle.Result) {
//Get the session id to use in API call (AKA session query)
val sessionID = result.sessionID
val status = result.status
Linking the device data with the assessment
When sending the Exemption assessment request, include the sessionId in deviceData.collectionReference
Next steps