Last Updated: 22 July 2024 | Change Log

Coming soon

Forward FX rates

Account Payout customers only

Lock a forward FX rate for a specific currency pairing and amount for a future date up to 30 days.

Create a contract with fixed FX rates

Step 1: Create a contract in pending state and retrieve the FX rate.

Get Started

Start using our FX API by setting your headers.

Authorization: {your_credentials}
Content-Type: application/vnd.worldpay.foreignexchange-v1+json



Request body

  "effectiveDate": "2024-07-23",
  "sourceCurrency": "USD",
  "targetCurrency": "EUR",
  "targetAmount": "10",
  "entity": "000689"


Field nameDescriptionData type/FormatMin-Max lengthValidation criteria
entityUnique ID given to you during the onboarding process.AN6Must be six characters.
effectiveDateA future date when the contract becomes available and can be used.DateYYYY-MM-DDDate must be within 30 days in the future.
sourceCurrencySource currency for the contract.String3ISO 4217 currency codes.
targetCurrencyTarget currency for the payout.String3ISO 4217 currency codes.
targetAmountThe total amount for your forward FX contract and future payout request in the targetCurrency.Number1-10 digitsMust be a positive value up to two decimal places.


Successful response example

    "contractId": "C0000000BS",
    "targetAmount": 10,
    "sourceAmount": 10.927221155755790812556360558,
    "status": "Pending",
    "effectiveDate": "2024-07-23",
    "quote": {
        "quoteId": "Q0000000GH",
        "sourceCurrency": "USD",
        "targetCurrency": "EUR",
        "entity": "000689",
        "intent": "FORWARD FX",
        "rateId": "325990",
        "status": "Pending",
        "rate": 0.91514575,
        "quoteStartTime": "2024-07-23T00:00:00.000Z",
        "quoteExpiryTime": "2024-07-23T23:59:59.999Z"

Successful response fields

Field NameDescriptionData Type/Format
entityUnique ID given to you during the onboarding process.AN
contractIdUnique ID for the new contract.AN
targetAmountThe total amount of currency required for this contract.Numeric (1-10 digits)
sourceAmountSource amount is calculated using this formula: sourceAmount = targetAmount / BidRateNumeric
statusStatus of the contract.
  • "Pending" - for a new contract
  • "Active" - for an enabled contract
effectiveDateA future date when the contract becomes available and you can use it.Date
intentTransaction type (intention) for which rates are retrieved.AN
quoteIdUnique ID of the quote.AN
sourceCurrencyDebiting currency code.ISO 4217 currency codes.
targetCurrencyCrediting currency code.ISO 4217 currency codes.
rateIdID of the rate request.AN
statusStatus of the quote.AN
rateThe quoted rate.Numeric
quoteStartTimeDatetime representation in UTC of when the quote starts.datetime (UTC)
quoteExpiryTimeDatetime representation in UTC of when the quote expires.datetime (UTC)

Once you have created the contract you must enable it. You can only enable the contract within the first 60 minutes after you have created it.

Enable contract

Step 2: Enable the contract so you can use it for an account payout with a future date up to 30 days.



Request body

    "entity": "000689"


Field NameDescriptionData Type/FormatMin-Max LengthValidation Criteria
entityUnique ID given to you during the onboarding process.AN6Must be six characters.
contractIdUnique contract IDString11


Successful response

You receive an HTTP response code 204 for a successful request.

Error response example

    "errorName": "invalidContract",
    "message": "Pending Forward FX Contract has expired"

Error response codes

unauthorizedRequestThe request is unauthorizedUnauthorized request.
fieldIsMissingMissing currency/effectiveDate/targetAmount valueMissing currency/effectiveDate/targetAmount.
notFoundWrong URL.
notFoundContract for given input does not existContract for given input does not exist.
internalErrorOccurredSomething went wrongInternal error. Please speak to your Implementation Manager for further information.
invalidContractPending forward FX contract has expiredYou've tried to enable an expired contract.
fieldHasInvalidValueEffectiveDate must be within the next 30 daysThe date is outside of the 30 day limit of the contract enablement.

Next Steps

Make an account payout using the quoteId returned in your contract creation response