Last Updated: 23 August 2024 | Change Log
Card Validation
Validate your customer's card details before processing them.
The validation does not check if your customer's card details are correct. The validator only checks the formatting of the entered details.
Get started
To integrate the validation feature you must create an implementation of a AccessCheckoutCardValidationListener
. Initialize the validation using the AccessCheckoutValidationInitialiser
by passing in the android UI elements in a CardValidationConfig
You can see an example of the card validation integration here.
Implementing AccessCheckoutCardValidationListener
To receive validation results of your customer's card details you are required to create your own implementation of the AccessCheckoutCardValidationListener
package com.worldpay.access.checkout.sample.code
import com.worldpay.access.checkout.client.validation.listener.AccessCheckoutCardValidationListener
import com.worldpay.access.checkout.client.validation.model.CardBrand
class CardValidationListener : AccessCheckoutCardValidationListener {
override fun onCvcValidated(isValid: Boolean) {
//TODO: handle the cvc validation result
override fun onPanValidated(isValid: Boolean) {
//TODO: handle the pan validation result
override fun onBrandChange(cardBrand : CardBrand?) {
//TODO: handle the card brand change
override fun onExpiryDateValidated(isValid: Boolean) {
//TODO: handle the expiry date validation result
override fun onValidationSuccess() {
//TODO: handle the form when the validation is complete i.e. all fields are valid
Function and parameter descriptions
Method | Description |
onCvcValidated | This method is called with the validity of the CVC field. isValid indicates whether the field is in a valid or invalid state. |
onPanValidated | This method is called with the validity of the pan field. isValid indicates whether the field is in a valid or invalid state. |
onBrandChange | This method is called with a card brand based on the details that your customer is entering. You can use this method to determine the logo of the card, which can be applied as a UI effect. If the card brand can't be identified, a null response is returned.The card brand contains a list of images which you may then use to display an icon for the identified card brand. Access Worldpay hosts both PNG and SVG versions of the supported card brands. You can use the icons right away and apply them to your views. |
onExpiryDateValidated | This method is called with the validity of the expiry date field. isValid indicates whether the field is in a valid or invalid state. |
onValidationSuccess | This method is called when all fields are in a valid state. You typically use this to enable the submit button. |
Initializing card validation
After implementing the AccessCheckoutCardValidationListener
, you must initialize the validation for your views. To do this, first create a CardValidationConfig
using the builder as shown below. Then use this to initialize the validation.
package com.worldpay.access.checkout.sample.code
// android library imports omitted
import com.worldpay.access.checkout.client.validation.AccessCheckoutValidationInitialiser
import com.worldpay.access.checkout.client.validation.config.CardValidationConfig
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val baseUrl = "TARGET_BASE_URL"
// other fields omitted
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val panAccessCheckoutView: AccessCheckoutEditText= findViewById<AccessCheckoutEditText>(
val cvcAccessCheckoutView: AccessCheckoutEditText = findViewById<AccessCheckoutEditText>(
val expiryDateAccessCheckoutView: AccessCheckoutEditText = findViewById<AccessCheckoutEditText>(
// other view references omitted
val cardValidationListener = CardValidationListener()
val cardValidationConfig = CardValidationConfig.Builder()
//TODO: generate session here
Card validation rules
The validation logic in the SDK, is based off a set of default rules for any card type. Specific brand rules are fetched from a CardTypes
JSON file, which holds the validation rules and card brand logos for each brand. The icons are available in both SVG
and PNG
Validation rules
The table below shows the rules that our SDK uses to validate your customer's card details.
Card Name | BIN Range | PAN Length | CVC Length |
Amex | 34, 37 | 15 | 4 |
Diners | 300-305, 3095, 36, 38, 39 | 14, 16, 19 | 3 |
Discover | 6011, 644 - 649, 65 | 16, 19 | 3 |
JCB | 2131, 1800, 3088 - 3094, 3096 - 3102, 3112 - 3120, 3158 - 3159, 3337 - 3349, 3528 - 3589 | 16, 17, 18, 19 | 3 |
Maestro | 493698, 500000 - 506698, 506779 - 508999, 56 - 59, 63, 67, 6 | 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 | 3 |
MasterCard | 51 - 55, 2221 - 2229, 223 - 229, 23 - 26, 270 - 271, 2720: optimized using 22 - 27 | 16 | 3 |
Visa | 4 | 13, 16, 18, 19 | 3 |
Card brand restriction
The SDK enables you to optionally provide a list of card brands that you support. This means that if you do not support a certain card brand the SDK notifies your code of an invalid PAN if an unsupported brand is recognized.
By default, the SDK allows cards from any brand. If you do not wish to restrict the card brands that you accept then you do not need to pass any configuration.
Example configuration
To restrict the card brands that you accept, simply pass in an array of the brands that you do wish to accept when initializing the SDK.
The following validation configuration restricts the SDK to accept only American Express, Visa or Mastercard BIN ranges.
val cardValidationConfig = CardValidationConfig.Builder()
.acceptedCardBrands(arrayOf("visa", "mastercard", "amex"))
Currently supported card brands
The SDK is able to recognize the following card brands:
Brand | Code |
American Express | "amex" |
Diners | "diners" |
Discover | "discover" |
JCB | "jcb" |
Maestro | "maestro" |
Mastercard | "mastercard" |
Visa | "visa" |
If the SDK does not recognize a PAN as one of the above brands, it will be permitted as long as it meets the usual criteria for a valid PAN.
PAN formatting
The SDK allows PAN formatting as the customer types. This feature is disabled by default.
The PAN is formatted in the following way:
Card Type | Formatting |
Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Discover, Diners, Maestro | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX |
Enabling PAN formatting
To enable the PAN formatting behavior, simply call the enablePanFormatting
method on the builder.
val cardValidationConfig = CardValidationConfig.Builder()
Next steps
Create a session to pay with a card or
Create sessions to pay with a card and cvc