No request payload
Retrieval of a successful verification for oneTime
{ "outcome": "verified", "checkedAt": "2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z", "riskFactors": [ { "risk": "matched", "type": "cvc" }, { "risk": "matched", "detail": "postcode", "type": "avs" }, { "risk": "matched", "detail": "address", "type": "avs" } ], "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain", "card": { "number": { "bin": "444433", "last4Digits": "1111" }, "countryCode": "GB", "expiryDate": { "month": 12, "year": 2029 }, "brand": "visa", "fundingType": "debit", "issuer": { "name": "cardIssuer" }, "category": "consumer", "paymentAccountReference": "reference" } }, "_links": { "verifications:verification": { "href": "https://try.access.worldpay.com/verifications/accounts/{resource}" }, "curies": [ { "name": "verifications", "href": "https://try.access.worldpay.com/rels/verifications/accounts/{rel}", "templated": true } ] } }
The payment channel indicates the interaction of the cardholder with the merchant. Supply a value of moto
to process an authorization as a Mail Order or Telephone Order transaction. If channel is not provided, the authorization will be processed as ecommerce by default.
NOTE: 3DS authentication
data cannot be supplied for MOTO payments.
If you are registered with Visa as a Consumer Bill Payment Service (CBPS), you must set this to true
for any payments associated with the CBPS.
Successful account verification outcome.
{ "currency": "EUR", "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain", "cardHolderName": "Joe Bloggs", "cardExpiryDate": { "month": 1, "year": 2100 }, "cardNumber": "4444333322221111", "verificationAddress": { "address1": "address1", "postalCode": "postalCode", "city": "city", "countryCode": "GB" }, "cvc": "101" }, "narrative": { "line1": "STATEMENT", "line2": "OPTIONAL" }, "merchant": { "entity": "default" }, "transactionReference": "transactionReference" }
Successful account verification outcome.
{ "outcome": "verified", "checkedAt": "2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z", "riskFactors": [ { "risk": "matched", "type": "cvc" }, { "risk": "matched", "detail": "postcode", "type": "avs" }, { "risk": "matched", "detail": "address", "type": "avs" } ], "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain", "card": { "number": { "bin": "444433", "last4Digits": "1111" }, "countryCode": "GB", "expiryDate": { "month": 12, "year": 2029 }, "brand": "visa", "fundingType": "debit", "issuer": { "name": "cardIssuer" }, "category": "consumer", "paymentAccountReference": "reference" } }, "_links": { "verifications:verification": { "href": "https://try.access.worldpay.com/verifications/accounts/{resource}" }, "curies": [ { "name": "verifications", "href": "https://try.access.worldpay.com/rels/verifications/accounts/{rel}", "templated": true } ] } }
The payment channel indicates the interaction of the cardholder with the merchant. Supply a value of moto
to process an authorization as a Mail Order or Telephone Order transaction. If channel is not provided, the authorization will be processed as ecommerce by default.
NOTE: 3DS authentication
data cannot be supplied for MOTO payments.
If you are registered with Visa as a Consumer Bill Payment Service (CBPS), you must set this to true
for any payments associated with the CBPS.
Successful account verification outcome.
{ "currency": "EUR", "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain", "cardHolderName": "Joe Bloggs", "cardExpiryDate": { "month": 1, "year": 2019 }, "cardNumber": "4444333322221111", "verificationAddress": { "address1": "address1", "postalCode": "postalCode", "city": "city", "countryCode": "GB" }, "cvc": "101" }, "narrative": { "line1": "STATEMENT", "line2": "OPTIONAL" }, "merchant": { "entity": "default" }, "transactionReference": "transactionReference" }
Successful account verification outcome.
{ "outcome": "verified", "schemeTransactionReference": "00000000000000000", "checkedAt": "2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z", "riskFactors": [ { "risk": "matched", "type": "cvc" }, { "risk": "matched", "detail": "postcode", "type": "avs" }, { "risk": "matched", "detail": "address", "type": "avs" } ], "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain", "card": { "number": { "bin": "444433", "last4Digits": "1111" }, "countryCode": "GB", "expiryDate": { "month": 12, "year": 2029 }, "brand": "visa", "fundingType": "debit", "issuer": { "name": "cardIssuer" }, "category": "consumer", "paymentAccountReference": "reference" } }, "_links": { "verifications:verification": { "href": "https://try.access.worldpay.com/verifications/accounts/{resource}" }, "payments:cardOnFileAuthorize": { "href": "http://try.access.worldpay.com/payments/authorizations/cardOnFile/{resource}" }, "payments:recurringAuthorize": { "href": "http://try.access.worldpay.com/payments/authorizations/recurring/{resource}" }, "payments:recurringSale": { "href": "http://try.access.worldpay.com/payments/sales/recurring/{resource}" }, "curies": [ { "name": "verifications", "href": "https://try.access.worldpay.com/rels/verifications/accounts/{rel}", "templated": true } ] } }
The payment channel indicates the interaction of the cardholder with the merchant. Supply a value of moto
to process an authorization as a Mail Order or Telephone Order transaction. If channel is not provided, the authorization will be processed as ecommerce by default.
NOTE: 3DS authentication
data cannot be supplied for MOTO payments.
Successful account verification outcome.
{ "merchant": { "entity": "default" }, "transactionReference": "transactionReference", "instruction": { "value": { "amount": 100, "currency": "GBP" }, "paymentInstrument": { "type": "card/plain", "cardHolderName": "Joe Bloggs", "cardExpiryDate": { "month": 1, "year": 2019 }, "cardNumber": "4444333322221111", "verificationAddress": { "address1": "address1", "postalCode": "postalCode", "city": "city", "countryCode": "GB" }, "cvc": "101" }, "narrative": { "line1": "STATEMENT", "line2": "OPTIONAL" } } }