Account Payouts (v2)

Authentication Header

  Authorization: {your_credentials}

Replace {your_credentials} with your base64-encoded Basic Auth username and password given to you by your Implementation Manager.

You must use the Authorization header for any request you send to our Token API, unless you are using client certificate authenticating with SSL/TLS.

GET Requests and Accept Header

  Accept: application/vnd.worldpay.account-payouts-v2.hal+json

We use the Accept header to identify which version of our API you are using. You must use the Accept header for any GET request you send to our Account APIs.

POST Requests and Content-Type Header

  Content-Type: application/vnd.worldpay.account-payouts-v2.hal+json

We use the Content-Type header to identify which version of our API you are using. You must use the Content-Type header for any POST request you send to our Account APIs.

DNS Whitelisting

Whitelist the following URLs:


Please ensure you use DNS whitelisting, not explicit IP whitelisting. When you make a request within Access Worldpay, you should always cache the response returned.

Download OpenAPI description
License WorldPay

Single Payout


Batch Payout


Make a batch payout to an account


Example: 15cd16b2-7b82-41cb-9b11-21be9dacad88

An ID used for logging purposes.

Default 1734081651
Default application/vnd.worldpay.wts.payout-v2+json
Example: application/vnd.worldpay.wts.payout-v2+json
instructingTreasuryIdstring[ 6 .. 6 ]required

6-digit reference given to you by your Implementation Manager during the onboarding process. instructingTreasuryId is the same as the entity if payouts are being instructed by the ultimate consumer itself. Special characters are restricted.

entitystring or null[ 6 .. 6 ]

6-digit reference given to you by your Implementation Manager during the onboarding process. This may be provided at the batch and/or payout level. If provided at both then the payout level entity overrides. Special characters are restricted. The value supplied is checked to be valid. It must also match the entity for which authorization has been supplied.

apiRequestReferencestring[ 1 .. 35 ]required

Unique reference for the request supplied by you. This field in combination with instructingTreasuryId is used by our API for idempotency checks. Special characters are allowed.

payoutsArray of objects or null
countryCodestring[ 2 .. 2 ]required
expandableKeyValuePairsobject or null

JSON object of key-value pairs used to supply additional data. The keys and values that you might need to process an account payout to a specific destination, are communicated during the onboarding process. Duplicate key names are not allowed. Invalid Keys

channelstring or null

Preferable channel for the payment. For the full list of allowed values see the appendix. This field is currently not used.

quoteIdstring or null

ID of the FX quote for the request. This must be a valid, active quote which is for the same source and target currencies as the payout request. It must have valid intent of "FORWARD FX" or "PAYOUT".

scheduleDatestring or null[ 10 .. 10 ]

Scheduled date of the payout request. Must be a Gregorian calendar date with ISO format 8601 YYYY-MM-DD. This field is currently not used.

transactionReferencestring[ 6 .. 50 ]required
sourceCurrencystring[ 3 .. 3 ]required

Source currency code for the payout (if different to targetCurrency, Foreign Exchange (FX) is applied).

sourceAmountnumber or null(double)[ 1 .. 10 ]

Source amount (if targetAmount is not stated, this amount is used). Must be a positive value up to 2 decimal places. FX rate of the payout is applied by us, therefore, only one of the sourceAmount or targetAmount is required in your request.

targetCurrencystring[ 3 .. 3 ]required
targetAmountnumber or null(double)[ 1 .. 10 ]

Target amount (if sourceAmount is not specified, this amount is used). Must be a positive value up to 2 decimal places. FX rate of the payout is applied by us, therefore, only one of the sourceAmount or targetAmount is required in your request.

partiesArray of objects or null
narrativestring or null[ 6 .. 50 ]

The code that represents the purpose of the payment. This is mandatory for some payout routes - please check country specific requirements. For the full list of allowed values see the appendix.

purposeOfPaymentNarrativestring[ 1 .. 35 ]required

Type of transaction code. This is mandatory for some payout routes - please check country specific requirements. See the appendix for full details..


Flag for a fast payment. If supplied the value for the field must be Y. You can exclude the field from the request body.

entitystring or null

6-digit reference given to you by your Implementation Manager during the onboarding process. This may be provided at the batch and/or payout level. If provided at both then the payout level entity overrides.

{ "requesterDetails": { "instructingTreasuryId": "000055", "entity": "000055", "apiRequestReference": "testReference123", "notificationUrl": null }, "payouts": [ { "countryCode": "GB", "expandableKeyValuePairs": { "remitterSourceOfIncome": "salary", "beneficiaryNationality": "British" }, "quoteId": "", "bankDetails": { "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819", "branchCode": "300", "bankCode": "404433", "swiftBic": "BUKBGB22", "bankName": "Bank of Sale", "beneficiaryAccountTypeCode": "AC01", "beneficiaryAccountNumber": "12345677", "address": { "city": "Sale", "state": "Cheshire", "countryCode": "GB", "street": "3 Rock Lane", "additionalAddressLine": "An Area", "postcodeOrZipCode": "M33 7ZA" } }, "transactionReference": "123456", "sourceCurrency": "GBP", "sourceAmount": 0, "targetCurrency": "GBP", "targetAmount": 10, "parties": [ { "partyTypeCode": "PT03", "personalDetails": {}, "address": {}, "customerPartyId": "customer123" }, { "partyTypeCode": "PT01", "personalDetails": {}, "address": {}, "customerPartyId": "" } ], "narrative": "Ref: 123456", "purposeOfPaymentCode": "WPPAYR", "purposeOfPaymentNarrative": "Salary payment", "transactionTypeCode": "TT04", "fastPayment": "Y", "entity": null } ] }


OK response if request with the same requesterDetails has already been submitted successfully

instructingTreasuryIdstring[ 6 .. 6 ]required

6-digit reference given to you by your Implementation Manager during the onboarding process. instructingTreasuryId is the same as the entity if payouts are being instructed by the ultimate consumer itself. Special characters are restricted.

entitystring or null[ 6 .. 6 ]

6-digit reference given to you by your Implementation Manager during the onboarding process. This may be provided at the batch and/or payout level. If provided at both then the payout level entity overrides. Special characters are restricted. The value supplied is checked to be valid. It must also match the entity for which authorization has been supplied.

apiRequestReferencestring[ 1 .. 35 ]required

Unique reference for the request supplied by you. This field in combination with instructingTreasuryId is used by our API for idempotency checks. Special characters are allowed.

{ "instructingTreasuryId": "000055", "entity": "000055", "apiRequestReference": "testReference123" }

Get Payouts by Unique Payout Request ID (ubr)


Get Payouts
