
We have released a new version. Documentation for our latest version can be found here.

Last Updated: 18 February 2025 | Change Log

Device Data

The card issuer uses Device Data Collection (DDC) to fingerprint the customer's device.

Along with the risk data in the authentication request, it's used to decide if a challenge is needed or if the authentication can be frictionless (no challenge displayed to your customer). This step is required for the authentication to use 3DS2.

Device data initialization

POST your device data initialization request to the 3ds:deviceDataInitialize action link.

This request creates a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is used as part of the Device Data Collection (DDC) form. The DDC form also requires the first six digits of your customer's card number (BIN). The BIN can be returned if a token resource is provided, see JWT + BIN (token) request.

For consistency of integration you can also provide the full card number JWT + BIN (card). It will be truncated to become the BIN in the response.

Device data initialization example request


    "transactionReference": "unique-transactionReference",
    "merchant": {
        "entity": "default"
transactionReferenceA unique reference for device data JWT request. for example, e-commerce order code.
merchant.entityUsed to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding.
paymentInstrument.typeAn identifier for the paymentInstrument being used.

type : card/front type : card/tokenized

Device data initialization response

To understand what these outcomes mean and how to reproduce them for testing purposes see 3DS testing

    "outcome": "initialized",
    "transactionReference": "unique-transactionReference",
    "deviceDataCollection": {
        "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJPcmdVbml0SWQiOiJPcmdVbml0IiwiaXNzIjoiYXBpSWQiLCJleHAiOjE1NjI5MjMzNDYsImlhdCI6MTU2MjkyMzQwNiwianRpIjoiYTAzMWVhOGEtN2E0Zi00YTQwLWI1NjMtOTUzMzYzMzVhZGNmIn0.0IK74OIXBxFsxqeOURJz1TFnz14ZTbFJTdTWo9cHUJQ",
        "url": "",
        "bin": "555555"
    "_links": {
        "3ds:authenticate": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [{
            "href": "{rel}",
            "templated": true,
            "name": "3ds"
deviceDataCollection.jwtA digitally signed token that contains additional details required for DDC.
Expires in 10 minutes for both Try and Production.
deviceDataCollection.urlA POST action on the DDC form. Used to redirect to the issuers DDC page.
deviceDataCollection.binFirst six digits of the card number (Bank Identification Number), used as part of DDC. Returned if a token resource or card number is included in the request.

In case of an error, you can get further information in our error reference.

Device Data Collection (DDC)

Once you have the JWT and BIN you can create and submit the DDC form.

Create an iframe with an automatic form post in order for the issuer to collect the customer's browser device data (fingerprint). A SessionId representing this collection is then used as part of the risk analysis by the issuer in the authentication request.

Device Data Collection form

Here's an example of how you would set-up the DDC form in an iframe.

<iframe height="1" width="1" style="display: none;">

    <!-- Set the action to the value in the 'deviceDataCollection.url' from the device data initialization response --->
    <form id="collectionForm" name="devicedata" method="POST" action="">

      <input type="hidden" name="Bin" value="555555" />
      <!-- Use value from 'deviceDataCollection.bin' from the device data initialization response or add the card number -->

      <!-- Set to the value of 'deviceDataCollection.jwt' from the device data initialization response  --->
      <input type="hidden" name="JWT" value="eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJPcmdVbml0SWQiOiJPcmdVbml0IiwiaXNzIjoiYXBpSWQiLCJleHAiOjE1NjI5MjMzNDYsImlhdCI6MTU2MjkyMzQwNiwianRpIjoiYTAzMWVhOGEtN2E0Zi00YTQwLWI1NjMtOTUzMzYzMzVhZGNmIn0.0IK74OIXBxFsxqeOURJz1TFnz14ZTbFJTdTWo9cHUJQ" />

      window.onload = function() {


Device Data Collection postMessage

Once the DDC form is submitted and is successfully sent to the card issuer, you are notified via a postMessage event.

For security, verify the sender's identity using the postMessage origin property as detailed here.


An example postMessage response:

  "MessageType": "profile.completed",
  "Status": true
SessionIdUUID, not present or undefined
  • true - Use the SessionId value in deviceData.collectionReference as part of the Authentication request
  • false - SessionId is empty. Either retry DDC or send the authentication request without the deviceData.collectionReference. This downgrades the authentication to 3DS1.

If no postMessage is provided either retry DDC or send the Authentication request without the deviceData.collectionReference. This downgrades the authentication to 3DS1.

Next steps
