Last Updated: 18 February 2025 | Change Log

Android and iOS SDK

Verify your customer's identity simply and seamlessly to minimize fraud. Use our strong customer authentication to benefit from liability shift.

  1. Get started with our App SDK

  2. Get a JWT to initialize the SDK and perform device data collection

  3. Submit order and risk data for authentication. The 3DS flow ends here if no challenge is required (frictionless).

  4. Show the issuer challenge display using the native SDK and retrieve the authentication details to form part of the payment authorize request.

  5. Test the integration on our Try environment using specific values.

The Access 3DS API is periodically tested against the latest version of the Cardinal 3DS SDK. You can see the latest tested version in the change log.

SDK updates

We strongly recommend signing up here so you are kept informed of SDK updates.


BrowserMerchant FrontendMerchant BackendAccess 3DSCardinal/IssuersIf no `dfReferenceId` (collectionReference) is provided or the issuer doesn't support 3DS2, the flow will use 3DS1 from here (always challenge)Use in payment authorization:-version-authenticationValue-eci-transactionIdClick PayPaydeviceDataInitialization requestdeviceDataInitialization responsedeviceDataCollection.jwtcardinal.init(jwt)ConsumerSessionIdData for authentication requestAuthentication requestAuthentication responseBrowserMerchant FrontendMerchant BackendAccess 3DSCardinal/Issuers

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