Account APIs

Our APIs allow you to effectively manage your accounts within Access Worldpay. Retrieve a list of your accounts with details, move funds beween accounts and/or retrieve statements for your accounts.

Account API

Retrieve a list of your accounts with details. You can request details for one specific or all your accounts in real-time. Self serve through our Account API to fit your specific use case.

A common example is the creation of dashboards and alerting for account balances.

Statement API

Retrieve your account statement and see individual entries for all credits and debits. Information such as transfer type, description, amount, statement Item Id, country code are shown. You can filter the data provided, by including a variety of parameters in the request. Self service through our Statement API to reconcile and effectively manage your liquidity.

Transfer API

Manage your internal funds. You can move funds between your accounts of same or different currencies, within and between master and/or sub-domains. Self service through the Transfer API to ensure liquidity and sufficient balance of your accounts.

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