Last Updated: 17 January 2024 | Change Log

SDK and Device data initialization

The card issuer uses Device Data Collection (DDC) to fingerprint the customer's device.

Device data collection is used by the card issuer to fingerprint the customer's device. Along with the risk data in the authentication request it's used to decide if a challenge is required or if the authentication can be frictionless (no challenge displayed to shopper).

Device data initialization

This request creates a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is used as part of the SDK initialization and device data collection. Whilst the web integration captures browser details the App SDK gathers information about the users mobile device.

POST your device data initialization request to the 3ds:deviceDataInitialize action link.

Unlike the web integration you do not need to request and use the BIN for device data collection purposes. If your integration involves both Web and android/iOS you could use the same Device Data Initialize request as web for simplicity.


You should only request the device data initialization API from your backend system, not call it directly from the mobile application using the Access credentials.

Device data initialization example request


You must use v3 of the API for the Android/iOS SDK


    "transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
    "merchant": {
        "entity": "default"
transactionReferenceA unique reference for authentication. For example, e-commerce order code.
Use the same transactionReference across all 3 potential request types (deviceDataInitialization, authentication, verification).
merchant.entityUsed to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding.

Device data initialization response


Access Worldpay returns a WP-CorrelationId in the headers of service responses. We highly recommend you log this. The WP-CorrelationId is used by us to examine individual service requests.

    "outcome": "initialized",
    "transactionReference": "Memory265-13/08/1876",
    "deviceDataCollection": {
        "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJPcmdVbml0SWQiOiJPcmdVbml0IiwiaXNzIjoiYXBpSWQiLCJleHAiOjE1NjI5MjMzNDYsImlhdCI6MTU2MjkyMzQwNiwianRpIjoiYTAzMWVhOGEtN2E0Zi00YTQwLWI1NjMtOTUzMzYzMzVhZGNmIn0.0IK74OIXBxFsxqeOURJz1TFnz14ZTbFJTdTWo9cHUJQ",
        "url": ""
    "_links": {
        "3ds:authenticate": {
            "href": ""
        "curies": [{
            "href": "{rel}",
            "templated": true,
            "name": "3ds"
deviceDataCollection.jwtA digitally signed token that contains additional details required for device data collection. Expires in 10 minutes for both Try and Production.
deviceDataCollection.urlA POST action on the device data collection form. Used to redirect to the issuers device data collection page. Only used for the web integration

In case of an error, you can get further information in our error reference.

SDK initialization

The Access 3DS API is periodically tested against the latest version of the Cardinal SDK. Current tested Cardinal SDK version:

  • Android: v2.2.7
  • iOS: v2.2.5

Setup the Cardinal SDK / Initial call to Cardinal

From this you will receive the consumerSessionId for use in the authentication request

Next steps
