Take an online payment

Once you have configured your Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout, review the following Samples. Use and modify the following sample scrips to better understand implementation:


Secure Acceptance supports any dynamic scripting language using HMAC256 hashing algorithms.

Each example is provided with the following files:

  • Security script
  • Payment form
  • Payment confirmation page
  • Receipt page

The security script signs the request fields using the secret key and the HMAC SHA256 algorithm. To verify the data, the security script generates a signature to compare with the signature returned from the Secure Acceptance server.

The security script needs to be modified to include the Secret Key generated.

define ('SECRET_KEY','d0757891e79d426382279516c260b908cf085b9d21964744b92979c95406879610cf0e971b12451aa4c9e8eb5f80fa34c14be69c411546958a7d1f59b3c1e233');

A security key expires in two years and protects each transaction from data tampering.

To create an authorization, use the following endpoints:

  • Test: https://testsecureacceptance.cybersource.com/pay

  • Production: https://secureacceptance.cybersource.com/pay