Last Updated: 25 June 2024 | Change Log


transactionReference format

  • The transactionReference must be a uniquely generated identifier
  • Our Try ( environment returns a bad request error if a duplicate transactionReference is supplied
  • 64 characters max. We recommend your transactionReference contains between 9-20 characters for ease of onward processing
  • This safeguards you against acquirers who truncate the transactionReference

Supported format, structure and limits for transactionReference:

Valid characters:

  • A-Z
  • a-z
  • 0-9
  • Hyphen -
  • Underscore _
  • Forward Slash /
  • Exclamation mark !
  • At @
  • Pound, number sign, sharp or hash #
  • Dollar $
  • Percent %
  • Parenthesis ()
  • Asterisk *
  • Equal =
  • Full stop .
  • Colon :
  • Semi-colon ;
  • Question mark ?
  • Brackets []
  • Braces or Curly braces {}
  • Tilde ~
  • Plus +

Narrative format

The narrative object helps your customers to better identify you on their statement.

Narrative line1

line1 is used to provide basic details about the merchant.

line1 is mandatory and must be included in your request.

Supported format, structure and limits for line1:

  • This has to be a consistent identifier
  • There is a limit of 24 characters (25 characters for Payouts v1)
  • It is not guaranteed that the bank will show this on the customer's statement
  • Valid characters:
    • A-Z
    • a-z (these may appear as upper case in the statement)
    • 0-9
    • Hyphen -
    • Full stop .
    • Commas ,
    • Space

Narrative line2

line2 is used for additional context about the payment or merchant. eg Order number or Merchant phone number.

line2 is not mandatory.

Supported format, structure and limits for line2:

  • Free form
  • There is a limit of 24 characters
  • Valid characters:
    • A-Z
    • a-z (these may appear as upper case in the statement)
    • 0-9
    • Hyphen -
    • Full stop .
    • Commas ,
    • Space