Last Updated: 25 June 2024 | Change Log

Mobile Wallets

Worldpay for Business merchants only

Take payments using Apple Pay and Google Pay on our Hosted Payment Pages.

Apple Pay


Follow our instructions on how to enable Apple Pay in your dashboard

Supported devices

See the list of supported Apple devices.

Integrating into an iframe

  1. Add this file to all your domains that host the Hosted Payment Pages iframe.
  2. Put the file on your domain at this path: /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association

Customize Apple Pay

You can customize the wording & button color for Apple Pay using our Payment Page Designer

Testing Apple Pay

Use Apple Pay's sandbox environment to test your API integration with the sandbox tester account and test cards (Visa, Mastercard and Amex) provided by Apple.

Google Pay


Follow our instructions on how to enable Google Pay.

Supported devices

See the list of supported Android devices.

Customize Google Pay

You can customize the wording & button color for Google Pay using our Payment Page Designer.

Testing Google Pay

Use Google Pay's test card suite to test your API integration without adding a real card to your Google account.