US and Canadian domestic acquiring

The features in this section only apply to merchants in the US and Canada.

Issuer Insights

This section describes the additional data available once Issuer Insights is enabled by WorldPay.

To view Issuer Insights, do the following:

  1. Go to Sales/Order, and click View.

View the order

Detailed payment information appears:

View the detailed payment information on the order

ACH direct debit

This section describes how to configure ACH Direct Debit (USA domestic wire transfer) to your integrations.


This is only applicable to the USA. You must have a US domestic bank account to use this feature.

To configure the system for ACH pay, do the following:

  1. Go to Store/Settings/Configuration/Sales/Worldpay. The Alternative Payment Method screen appears:

Alternative Payment Method screen

  1. Use the information in the table below to complete the configuration.
EnabledSet to Yes, this enables an alternative payment method.
Payment MethodsSelect ACH Pay from the options provided. This feature is only available for USA.
ACH Account TypesConfigure the available bank account types.

To add the configuration to manage alerts/show customized messages, do the following:

  1. Go to Store/Settings/Configuration/Sales/Worldpay Exception Codes.

  2. Under Customize Admin Worldpay Configuration Messages, click the Add button and then add the configurations below:

Customise the exception code messages

  1. Click Add.

  2. Use the table below to add the configurations in the screenshot above.

Message codeActual messageCustom message
AACH01Void Sale action failed!
AACH02Void Sale executed Successfully! Please run Sync Status after sometime.
  1. Under Customize Checkout Messages, click the Add button and then add the configurations below:

Add the customised checkout messages

  1. Click Add.

  2. Use the table below to add the configurations in the screenshot above.

Message codeActual messageCustom message
CACH03Maximum length of 17 exceeded
CACH04Length should be 8 or 9
CACH05Maximum length of 15 exceeded
CACH06Maximum length of 40 exceeded

Void a sale request

In some cases, you may want to void a sale request. You must do this within the same US business day as the sale request.

To void a sale request do the following:

  1. Go to Sales/Orders

  2. Search for the order ID shared by the shopper (For example: 000000504)

Search for the order ID shared by the shopper

  1. Click View, and the page below appears with an option to Void Sale. It is between Sync Status and Cancel on the top ribbon.

Void Sale option appears on the screen


The Void Sale option is only visible on the same US business day as the sale request and only for ACH Pay orders. If you void the sale request, do not send out a refund request from MAI site.

  1. You must click Void Sale to void a particular sale request. When the void sale action is complete, a confirmation message appears. See the screenshot below.

Void sale confirmation message

This shows that the void request was successful. After some time you must run the sync status, this will show the current order status as well as payment status. See the screenshot below:

Current order status and payment status updated after a void sale

Problems with a void sale request

If you click Void Sale after the request has already been voided, you get an error message.


The error messages may vary depending on the custom messages that are in the configuration. If Void Sale is unavailable or if the request fails, you must submit a refund request.

The shopper's experience

Once you have configured your system, shoppers who select ACH Pay see seven new fields in the alternative payment methods section:

  • Bank Account Types
  • Account Number
  • Routing Number
  • Check Number
  • Company Name
  • Email Address
  • Purpose of transaction text box

See the screenshot below:

Extra fields

The ACH Pay-specific fields appear once the administrator has enabled them, and if the billing address is in the USA. We describe the fields in the table below:

ACH Pay specific fieldStorefront validation
Bank account typesSelect box will appear. Values for selection will depend on account types configured by admin.
Account numberAccepts only digits up to 17
Routing numberAccepts only digits with minimum length 8 and maximum length 9.
Check numberAccepts only digits up to 15
Company nameAccepts string with a maximum length of 40 characters
Email addressAccepts standard email validation
Purpose of transactionAccepts alphanumeric characters which will be truncated to 15 characters while sending the request.

ACH Pay is only available only in direct integration mode.

Prime Routing (USA Only)

This section describes how to configure Prime Routing to your integrations.


This is applicable only for USA and works only in direct integration mode. Once Prime Routing is enabled, the request is treated as a sales request.

To configure prime routing, do the following:

  1. Go to Store/Settings/Configuration/Sales/Worldpay.

Extra fields

  1. Use the information in the table below to complete the configuration.
Enable Prime RoutingSet to Yes, this enables the prime routing feature.
Enable Advanced Prime RoutingSet to Yes, this allows you to configure the routing preference and debit networks.
Routing PreferenceThis lets you configure the routing preference to specify how a particular transaction should be routed.
Debit NetworksThis lets you configure the debit networks to specify how a particular transaction should be routed.

Manage alerts or show customized messages

To add the configuration to manage alerts or show customized messages do the following:

  1. Go to Store/Settings/Configuration/Sales/Worldpay Exception Codes.
  2. Under Customize Admin Worldpay Configuration Messages, click the Add button and then add the configurations in the screenshot below.
  3. Click Save Config after you add the configurations.

Customize configuration messages

Use the information in the table to add the configurations in the screenshot:

Message codeActual messageCustom message
AACH01Void sale action failed!
AACH02Void Sale executed Successfully! Please run Sync Status after sometime.

Customize checkout messages

  1. Under Customize Checkout Messages, click the Add button and then add the configurations below.

  2. Click Save Config after you add the configurations.

Customize checkout messages

Use the information in the table to add the configurations in the screenshot:

Message codeActual messageCustom message
CPR01Merchant is not enabled for prime routing

Void a sale request

Occasionally you may want to void a sale request. You must do this within the same US business day as the sale request. To void a sale request do the following:

  1. To void a sale request, go to Sales/Orders.

  2. Search for the order ID shared by the shopper (e.g: 000000713.) See screenshot below:

![Search for the Order ID](/products/plugins/magento2/wpg/images/magento-2/prime_ routing_04.png)

  1. Click View to open the page below. It has the option to void the sale request.

Search for the Order ID


The Void Sale button is only visible on the same US business day as the sale request and only for ACH Pay orders. If you void the sale request, do not send out a refund request from MAI site.

  1. You must click Void Sale to void a particular sale request. When the void sale action is complete, a confirmation message appears. See the screenshot below.

![Void sale request confirmation message](/products/plugins/magento2/wpg/images/magento-2/prime_ routing_06.png)

This shows that the void request was successful. After some time you must run the sync status, this will show the current order status as well as payment status. See the screenshot below:

Void sale request confirmation message

Problems with a void sale request

If you click Void Sale after the request has already been voided, you get an error message.


The error messages may vary depending on the custom messages that are in the configuration. If Void Sale is unavailable or if the request fails, you must submit a refund request.

Remember that Prime Routing is available only in direct integration mode. If Prime Routing is enabled the request is treated as a sales request.