Versioning and Change log

This log details any breaking and non-breaking API changes we have released for our Verified Tokens service.


Make yourself familiar with our API Principles to ensure a resilient integration.

Versioning log

Version 3 (18 August 2020)

Additional card data

Version 3 was introduced to include card data in the Verified Tokens response.

Version 2 (12 May 2020)

Downstream cross service integration
  • no changes to our Verified Tokens API

Change log (Non-breaking changes)

New oneTime endpoint (all versions) (28 February 2024)

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We have added a new oneTime endpoint. You can use this endpoint if PSD2 regulations apply to you (primarily if you are located in the UK, EEA, and Gibraltar). If you intend to keep the token for future payments, proceed to a challengeMandated 3DS flow to remain SCA compliant, before taking a payment.

You can also use this, if you want to take a one-off payment. You must delete the token afterwards.

Extended expiry for tokens (all versions) (31 January 2023)

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The default expiry date/time of a token is 7 days in Try and 4 years in the Live environment. This expiry is extended by 7 days or 4 years after any use of the token, if under half of the time remains on the token.

Additional elements for Not Verified Token response (all versions) (08 March 2022)

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  • In version 3, we're now creating unverified token in case of account verification failure and return code and description as part of the Not Verified Token response.

  • In version 2, we're now creating unverified token href in case of account verification failure and return code and description as part of the Not Verified Token response.

  • In version 1, we're now creating unverified token href in case of account verification failure as part of the Not Verified Token response.

Optional narrative field in request (19 March 2021)

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You can now optionally send narrative as part of the Verified Tokens request.