Payment Item Search

Search through Payouts submitted either as single payouts or as part of a batch, refining by UBR (unique bankout reference) or using a query string with filters.

Payment Item Search request

Accept: application/vnd.worldpay.account-payouts-v2+json

Payment Item Search uses GET requests with parameters defined in the path (URL) supplied.

Below sample Payment Item Search query strings are shown, refining using filters, by UBR or by Payment Id.





Permitted special characters for appropriate fields, as well as preset values for specific fields are listed in the Appendix.

Request typeField NameDescriptionData Type/FormatRequired?Min-Max LengthValidation Criteria
Search by filtersentityMerchant Domain making payout. This value is provided by the RM/Onboarding as part of the onboarding process.AN6-6Must be a valid domain
startDatePosting start date for the payout; this the start of a 'window' of time which must satisfy the constraints described. Should be before current date. Should be before end date. Distance between start and end dates should not exceed 30 days. Should be after minimum date (0001-01-01).Date10-10Must be a Gregorian calendar date with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
endDatePosting end date for the payout; this the end of a 'window' of time which must satisfy the constraints described. Should be before present date. Should be after start date. Should be after minimum date (0001-01-01)Date10-10Must be a Gregorian calendar date with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
payeeNameComplete payee name for the payout. This will be one of the following (depending on the beneficiary type): fullName - concatenated value from title + firstName + middleName + lastName; companyNameAN0-50
narrativeReference provided by remitter of the payment (unique for a remitter). In Single Payout API - merchantNarrativeAN0-50
transactionReferenceReference provided by remitter of the payment (unique for Account Payouts Payout API).AN0-50
beneficiaryAccountNumberBeneficiary bank account number. (IBAN is currently not supported).AN0-50
sourceCurrencySource currency for the payout.A3-3ISO 4217.

List of valid Valid currency codes.
sourceAmountSource currency amountN1-19Decimal, 18 digit precision including 2 decimal places
targetCurrencyTarget currency for the payout.A3-3ISO 4217.

List of valid currency codes.
targetAmountTarget currency amountN1-19Decimal, 18 digit precision including 2 decimal places
countryCodePayment destination country code.A2-2ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code.

List of valid country codes.
pageNumberPositive whole number indicating which page of the statement to return.NGreater than 0
pageSizePositive whole number indicating which page of the statement to return.N1-499Greater than 0, less than 500
Search by UBRubrUnique reference associated with a payout submitted through Payout API.AN8-10PN/PZ/PO prefix plus 6 characters, e.g. PZ000N65. Five numbers, a letter and finally two/four further numbers. AlphaNumericRegex = ^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$

Response structure

SectionField NameDescriptionData Type/Format
itemsubrUnique bankout reference associated with a payout submitted through our Account Payouts API.string (50 characters maximum)
itemsnarrativeReference provided by remitter of the payment (unique for a remitter).string (50 characters maximum)
itemstransactionReferenceReference provided by remitter of the payment (unique for Account Payouts Payout API).string (50 characters maximum)
itemsbeneficiaryAccountNumberBeneficiary bank account numberstring (50 characters maximum)
itemsswiftBicBeneficiary bank account SWIFT/BIC.string (50 characters maximum)
itemspaymentIdUnique identifier associated with the payment.Guid
itemsentityDomain ID of the merchant making the payout.Alphanumeric string, length 6.
itemspaymentDatetimeDate and time of the payment submission.DateTime ISO 8601
itemspayeeNameComplete payee name for the payout. This will be one of the below (depending on the beneficiary type):
fullName - concatenated value from title + firstName + middleName + lastName
string (50 characters maximum)
itemssourceCurrencyCurrency for the remitter account.String (3 characters maximum)
itemssourceAmountAmount being sent by the remitter. This may take precedence in the transaction or the targetAmount. If the transaction is cross-currency these will differ due to conversion.Decimal, 18 digit precision including 2 decimal places
itemstargetCurrencyCurrency for the payee's account.String (3 characters maximum)
itemstargetAmountAmount being received by the payee. This may take precedence in the transaction or the sourceAmount. If the transaction is cross-currency these will differ due to conversion.Decimal, 18 digit precision including 2 decimal places
itemscountryCodeCountry that the payout is being made in.String (2 characters maximum)
itemspaymentStateState of the payment.For the full list of values please see here
itemsbankNameName of the payee (beneficiary) bank which the payout is being made to.string (50 characters maximum)
itemsbankCodeBeneficiary bank account bank code.string (50 characters maximum)
itemsibanBeneficiary IBAN.string (50 characters maximum)
paginationpageNumberPage that the transaction is listed on.Integer
paginationpageSizeNumber of items listed per page.Integer
paginationpageCountTotal number of pages.Integer
paginationtotalNumberOfRecordsTotal number of items listed across all pages.Integer

Example Payment Item Search response body:

    "items": [
            "ubr": "PO000N65",
            "narrative": "XYZ102025",
            "transactionReference": "XYZ102025",
            "beneficiaryAccountNumber": "45533882",
            "swiftBic": "BUKBGB22",
            "entity": "000055",
            "countryCode": "AR",
            "paymentId": "51a448e5-4430-ee11-b58a-005056b48b8e",
            "paymentDatetime": "2023-08-01T08:24:44.443",
            "payeeName": "John Smith",
            "sourceCurrency": "ARS",
            "sourceAmount": 0.00,
            "targetCurrency": "ARS",
            "targetAmount": 1.05,
            "paymentState": "EXECUTED",
            "bankName": "Test Bank",
            "bankCode": "10 02 04",
            "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819"
            "ubr": "PN00004N",
            "narrative": "Ref: 123456",
            "transactionReference": "123456",
            "beneficiaryAccountNumber": "12345677",
            "swiftBic": "BUKBGB22",
            "entity": "000055",
            "countryCode": "GB",
            "paymentId": "c1b659f6-4c30-ee11-b58a-005056b48b8e",
            "paymentDatetime": "2023-08-01T09:22:41.377",
            "payeeName": "John Johno Johnson",
            "sourceCurrency": "GBP",
            "sourceAmount": 0.00,
            "targetCurrency": "GBP",
            "targetAmount": 10.00,
            "paymentState": "EXECUTED",
            "bankName": "Test Bank",
            "bankCode": "404433",
            "iban": "GB29NWBK60161331926819"
    "pagination": {
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "pageSize": 2,
        "pageCount": 5610,
        "totalNumberOfRecords": 11220

Error response example

    "errors": {
        "callerId": [
            "CallerId is mandatory"
    "httpStatusCode": 400,
    "customCode": "SPAB01",
    "message": "There was an error in the request"

Error response codes


HTTP codeCustom CodeMessageScenario
404SPAN19Payment not foundRequest successful, but the payment searched not found.
400SPAB01There was an error in the requestCaller ID exceeds 100 characters limit
400SPAV01An API version is required, but was not specified.Version not specified or incorrect / Provided versions are conflicting
401SPAU02UnauthorizedThe token has expired
401SPAU03UnauthorizedThe edge token is not trusted
401SPAU14UnauthorizedUnauthorized request
401SPAE11XUnauthorized requestUnauthorized request
404SPAN16Unable to find external consumer dataConsumer with subject-domain combination not found
500SPAU04Unexpected issueUnexpected issue. Please try again
401SPAU07AUnauthorized requestToken is empty
401SPAU06AUnauthorized requestToken validation failed
401SPAU06AUnauthorized requestToken has expired
Authentication failedToken validation failed
500SPAE11CUnexpected Issue. Please try againInternal Server Error
415N/AUnsupported Media TypeInvalid Content Type Value
403SPAF18Authorisation failed for this domainConsumer isn't allowed to instruct requests using the entitlements that were provided in the token.

In the event of 401-500 range HTTP code error response please contact Worldpay Support Team.

Schema Validation Responses

All Schema validation responses will have the same format of httpStatusCode, customCode and message, however the responses will differ with the error message as in the table below.

HTTP codeCustom CodeExample MessageScenario
400SPAB05Merchant Treasury Id' must be 6 characters long and not contain I or OMerchant Treasury ID longer/shorter than expected
400SPAB05'Merchant Treasury Id' must not be empty.Merchant Treasury ID empty
400SPAB05'Start Date' is invalid. Please use Gregorian calendar dates with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.Start Date or End Date empty
Start Date or End Date is not a valid Gregorian calendar date
Start Date or Start Date is before minimum date
400SPAB05'Start Date' is invalid. Please use Gregorian calendar dates with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.Difference between Start and End dates is too great (more than 30 days)
400SPAB05'Start Date' is invalid. Please use Gregorian calendar dates with ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.Start Date must not equal End Date
400SPAB05"'Page' must be greater than '0'.Page field is empty, has a value of 0 or a negative value
400SPAB05'Page Size' must be greater than 0 and less than 500Page Size is empty, is less than or equal to 0 or greater than 500