Versioning and Change log

This log details any breaking and non-breaking API changes we have released for our Verifications service.


Make yourself familiar with our API Principles to ensure a resilient integration.

Versioning log

Version 6 (27 June 2024)

Restructure of resources

The new Card Verifications API introduces a new single endpoints and consistent JSON structure to simplify your integration.

  • removal of separate endpoints for intelligent and dynamic verifications
  • field value based routing for one time vs card on file
  • request and response field name changes to align with industry standard
  • added support for network payment tokens
  • added support for AFT related optional fields

Version 5 (18 June 2020)

Dynamic statement narrative
  • you must now submit narrative in your intelligent and dynamic verification request
  • this is no longer a breaking change. narrative is now an optional field as of 02/15/2021

Version 4 (25 September 2019)

Strict parsing
  • header change to "Content-Type: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v4+json"
  • sending any fields not recorded in our documentation returns an error

Version 3 (16 July 2019)

New mandatory field
  • header change to "Content-Type: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v3+json"
  • new mandatory transactionReference field

Version 2 (07 June 2019)

Field rename and endpoint removal
  • header change to "Content-Type: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v2+json"
  • verifications:recurring action link and resource link removed
  • cardOnFile endpoint now returns cardOnFileAuthorize and recurringAuthorize action links in the response
  • merchant.reference renamed to merchant.entity
  • billingAddress renamed to verificationAddress

Change log (Non-breaking changes)

Perform a Cardholder Name Inquiry (v6) (25 July 2024)

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You can now perform a nameInquirywithin your request.

New optional channel field in request (v5) (25 March 2024)

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You can now send a channel field within your request.

New optional consumerBillPayment field in instruction object (v5) (25 March 2024)

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You can now send a consumerBillPayment flag within the instruction object in your request. Customer's of Visa's Consumer Bill Payment (CBP) service must set this to true.

New optional recipient object in request (all versions) (18 January 2024)

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You now have the option to send a recipient object within your Verification request. You should send this if your MCC is 6012 or 6051 to remain PSD2 compliant and avoid acquirers refusing your payment.

New optional email and telephone fields in Payment Facilitator merchant block (24 August 2023)

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You now have the option to send an email and telephone field within your payment facilitator merchant object.

Payment Facilitator Sub-Merchant ID max length increased to 15 (16 August 2023)

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The paymentFacilitator merchantId now has a maximum digit length of 15. The previous limit was 7.

New optional refusalAdvice field in Verification refusal response (20 April 2023)

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You will now receive a Merchant Advice Code (MAC) as overrideName in the not verified response, if you have requested to receive this.

Additional fundingType values in response (v4 + v5) (01 March 2023)

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The field fundingType in the paymentInstrument object of your response can now have the following additional values:

  • `chargeCard`
  • `prepaid`
  • `deferreddebit`

We have added these to the already existing values of debit and credit.

New optional category field in response (v4 + v5) (01 March 2023)

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You now have an additional field of category in the card section of your oneTime response if you have opted in to receive it. This field populates data from the cardbin:productType field value.

ACH verification (v5) (07 November 2022)

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  • You can now send verification requests against US bank accounts to ACH endpoint:


Optional CVC field in the verification request (v5) (11 October 2022)

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  • You can now submit the CVC as an optional field in the verification request with token for both oneTime and cardOnFile endpoints.


Merchant initiated transaction reason support on CardOnFile Endpoint (v5) (20 June 2022)

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  • You can now supply storedCredentials.reason as an optional field for both cardOnFile endpoints:


Cardholder name now an optional field (v5) (11 March 2021)

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  • The paymentInstrument.cardHolderName field is no longer mandatory in v5 requests.

Updates to statement narrative in requests (v5) (15 February 2021)

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  • The narrative block is no longer a mandatory field in v5 requests to cater for upstream services

Apple Pay decrypted verification (v4 + v5) (23 November 2020)

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You can now submit your v4 and v5 intelligent and dynamic verification with a decrypted Apple Pay paymentInstrument. This only applies to the cardOnFile endpoints:

Additional card metadata fields in response (v4) (01 May 2020)

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  • we are returning paymentInstrument in verified and notVerified responses for enabled merchants

Version support for 3DS (v4) (07 February 2020)

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  • you can now submit the following values for authentication.version in your 3DS request:

    • for 3DS1 - 1.0.2
    • for 3DS2 - 2.1.0 or 2.2.0

Additional fields in response (v4) (27 January 2020)

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  • we are returning riskFactors in verified and notVerified responses

cardOnFile verifications with tokens (v4) (31 December 2019)

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  • you can now send verification requests with a token to both cardOnFile endpoints:


oneTime verifications with tokens (v4) (20 November 2019)

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  • you can now send verification requests with a token to both oneTime endpoints:


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  • recurringSale action link is now returned in the cardOnFile verification responses. This allows for recurring sale transactions.