openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Verified Tokens description: >- Verified Tokens ensures that your customer's payment details are valid and CIT compliant when creating a token. version: v3 servers: - url: description: testing (try) - url: description: live paths: /verifiedTokens/cardOnFile: post: summary: Verified Tokens cardOnFile Resource description: >+ Create a verified cardOnFile token by sending a request to cardOnFile resource. A cardOnFile verified token allows you to take payments that are made by the customer using a stored verified token, such as in one-click or in-app purchases. operationId: cardonfile requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_request' examples: Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Matching an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Matching an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Conflicting with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Conflicting with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Matching a token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Matching a token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Conflicts with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Conflicts with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 responses: '200': description: >- The payload has been verified and a matching Token already exists. This does not include token meta data, which still may be different content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_response' examples: Matching an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Matching an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringSale: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Matching a token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Matching a token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringSale: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true '201': description: The payload has been verified and a Token has been created. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_response' examples: Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringSale: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Creating a new token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringSale: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true '206': description: >- The supplied payload could not be verified. An unverified token has been created/matched. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_response' examples: Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true '409': description: >- The payload has been verified but a Token exists that conflicts with some of the details in the request. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_409_response' examples: Conflicting with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Conflicting with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringSale: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- tokens:conflicts: href: >- tokens:networkToken: href: curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Conflicts with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Conflicts with an existing token for cardOnFile transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >- payments:recurringSale: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- tokens:conflicts: href: >- tokens:networkToken: href: curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true /verifiedTokens/oneTime: post: summary: Verified Tokens oneTime Resource description: >+ Create a verified oneTime token by sending a request to oneTime resource. A oneTime verified token allows you to take payments that are made by the customer using a stored verified token, such as in one-click or in-app purchases. operationId: onetime requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_oneTime_request' examples: Creating a new token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Creating a new token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Matching an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Matching an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Conflicting with an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Conflicting with an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Creating a new token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Creating a new token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Matching a token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Matching a token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Conflicts with an existing token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Conflicts with an existing token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: description: Token-Description paymentInstrument: type: card/checkout cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes sessionHref: >- billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB narrative: line1: TheMindPalaceLtd line2: Memory265-13-08-1876 merchant: entity: default verificationCurrency: GBP namespace: SHOPPER_ID_1234567890 responses: '200': description: >- The payload has been verified and a matching Token already exists. This does not include token meta data, which still may be different content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_oneTime_200_response' examples: Matching an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Matching an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Matching a token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Matching a token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true '201': description: The payload has been verified and a Token has been created. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_oneTime_201_response' examples: Creating a new token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Creating a new token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Creating a new token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Creating a new token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true '206': description: >- The supplied payload could not be verified. An unverified token has been created/matched. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_oneTime_206_response' examples: Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been created. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token has been matched. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been created. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token has been matched. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned.: description: >- Payload cannot be verified for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. An unverified token with conflicts has been returned. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: not verified code: '106' description: INVALIDACCOUNT checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: matched type: avs detail: postcode - risk: not_matched type: avs detail: address paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: brand: visa fundingType: debit _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true '409': description: >- The payload has been verified but a Token exists that conflicts with some of the details in the request. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verified-tokens-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_oneTime_409_response' examples: Conflicting with an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details.: description: >- Conflicting with an existing token for oneTime transactions when supplying all the payment instrument details. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: '000000000000020005060720116005060' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA conflicts: paymentInstrument: cardHolderName: Sherlock Holmes conflictsExpiryDateTime: '2019-06-24T09:49:35Z' _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- tokens:conflicts: href: >- tokens:networkToken: href: curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true Conflicts with an existing token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK.: description: >- Conflicts with an existing token for oneTime transactions using a verified token or card session created by the access checkout SDK. value: _embedded: verification: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2020-08-18T14:29:10.641180Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '4444' last4Digits: '1236' issuer: name: UNKNOWN expiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 brand: visa fundingType: debit paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - href: >-{rel} name: verifications templated: true token: tokenId: '9902480679618049603' description: TestTokenDescription tokenExpiryDateTime: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- paymentInstrument: type: card/masked cardNumber: 4444********1111 cardHolderName: SherlockHolmes cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221BBakerStreet address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW16XE city: London state: GreaterLondon countryCode: GB bin: '444433' brand: VISA _links: tokens:token: href: >- tokens:description: href: >- tokens:cardHolderName: href: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: href: >- tokens:billingAddress: href: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: href: >- tokens:conflicts: href: >- tokens:networkToken: href: curies: - href: >-{rel}.json name: tokens templated: true components: schemas: card_plain: properties: type: type: string example: card/plain cardNumber: type: string minLength: 10 maxLength: 19 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ cardExpiryDate: type: object properties: month: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 12 year: type: integer maximum: 9999 required: - month - year cvc: type: string minLength: 3 maxLength: 4 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ cardHolderName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_cardHolderName' billingAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_billingAddress' required: - type - cardNumber - cardExpiryDate - cardHolderName card_checkout: properties: type: type: string example: card/checkout sessionHref: type: string pattern: ^*$ description: >- Only session href of type verified token/card created in the same environment are accepted cardHolderName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_cardHolderName' billingAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_billingAddress' required: - type - sessionHref - cardHolderName paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_checkout' description: An object that contains the card details or token location. discriminator: mapping: card/plain: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' card/checkout: '#/components/schemas/card_checkout' propertyName: type verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_request: type: object properties: paymentInstrument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentInstrument' merchant: type: object properties: entity: type: string required: - entity verificationCurrency: type: string pattern: ^[A-Z]*$ minLength: 3 maxLength: 3 description: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 pattern: ^[^&<]*$ tokenExpiryDateTime: type: string format: date-time namespace: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 narrative: type: object properties: line1: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 24 line2: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 24 required: - line1 required: - paymentInstrument - merchant - verificationCurrency verifiedTokens_oneTime_request: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_request' verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_billingAddress: type: object properties: address1: type: string address2: type: string address3: type: string postalCode: type: string city: type: string state: type: string countryCode: type: string pattern: ^[A-Z]*$ minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 required: - address1 - postalCode - city - countryCode verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_cardHolderName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_409_response: type: object required: - _embedded properties: _embedded: type: object required: - verification - token properties: verification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_verification_cardOnFile_response' token: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_tokens_conflicts_response' verifiedTokens_root_links: type: object properties: verifiedTokens:cardOnFile: type: object properties: href: type: string example: verifiedTokens:oneTime: type: object properties: href: type: string example: verifiedTokens:sessions: type: object properties: href: type: string example: resourceTree: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- curies: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string example:{rel}.json name: type: string example: verifiedTokens templated: type: boolean example: true verifiedTokens_cardOnFile_response: type: object required: - _embedded properties: _embedded: type: object required: - verification - token properties: verification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_verification_cardOnFile_response' token: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_tokens_response' verifiedTokens_oneTime_200_response: type: object required: - _embedded properties: _embedded: type: object required: - verification - token properties: verification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_verification_oneTime_response' token: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_tokens_response' verifiedTokens_oneTime_201_response: type: object required: - _embedded properties: _embedded: type: object required: - verification - token properties: verification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_verification_oneTime_response' token: type: object required: - tokenPaymentInstrument - description - tokenExpiryDateTime - paymentInstrument - _links properties: tokenId: type: string example: '9902480679618049603' pattern: ^[0-9A-HJ-NP-Z]+$ minLength: 15 maxLength: 21 description: type: string example: Test Token Description pattern: ^[^&<]*$ minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 namespace: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 tokenExpiryDateTime: type: string format: date-time example: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: object properties: type: type: string example: card/tokenized href: type: string example: >- paymentInstrument: type: object required: - cardNumber - cardHolderName - cardExpiryDate properties: type: type: string example: card/masked cardNumber: type: string example: 4444********1111 minLength: 10 maxLength: 19 pattern: ^[0-9\*]*$ cardHolderName: type: string example: Sherlock Holmes minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 cardExpiryDate: type: object required: - month - year properties: month: type: integer format: int32 example: 5 minimum: 1 maximum: 12 year: type: integer format: int32 example: 2035 maximum: 9999 billingAddress: type: object required: - address1 - postalCode - city - countryCode properties: address1: type: string example: 221B Baker Street address2: type: string example: Marylebone address3: type: string example: Westminster postalCode: type: string example: NW1 6XE city: type: string example: London state: type: string example: Greater London countryCode: type: string example: GB minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 pattern: ^[A-Z]*$ bin: type: string example: '444433' minLength: 6 maxLength: 6 pattern: \d{6} brand: type: string example: VISA minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 _links: type: object properties: tokens:token: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:description: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardHolderName: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:billingAddress: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:networkToken: type: object properties: href: type: string example: curies: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >-{rel}.json name: type: string example: tokens templated: type: boolean example: true verifiedTokens_oneTime_206_response: type: object required: - _embedded properties: _embedded: type: object required: - verification - token properties: verification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_verification_oneTime_response' token: type: object required: - tokenPaymentInstrument - description - tokenExpiryDateTime - paymentInstrument - _links properties: tokenId: type: string example: '9902480679618049603' pattern: ^[0-9A-HJ-NP-Z]+$ minLength: 15 maxLength: 21 description: type: string example: Test Token Description pattern: ^[^&<]*$ minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 namespace: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 tokenExpiryDateTime: type: string format: date-time example: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' tokenPaymentInstrument: type: object properties: type: type: string example: card/tokenized href: type: string example: >- paymentInstrument: type: object required: - cardNumber - cardHolderName - cardExpiryDate properties: type: type: string example: card/masked cardNumber: type: string example: 4444********1111 minLength: 10 maxLength: 19 pattern: ^[0-9\*]*$ cardHolderName: type: string example: Sherlock Holmes minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 cardExpiryDate: type: object required: - month - year properties: month: type: integer format: int32 example: 5 minimum: 1 maximum: 12 year: type: integer format: int32 example: 2035 maximum: 9999 billingAddress: type: object required: - address1 - postalCode - city - countryCode properties: address1: type: string example: 221B Baker Street address2: type: string example: Marylebone address3: type: string example: Westminster postalCode: type: string example: NW1 6XE city: type: string example: London state: type: string example: Greater London countryCode: type: string example: GB minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 pattern: ^[A-Z]*$ bin: type: string example: '444433' minLength: 6 maxLength: 6 pattern: \d{6} brand: type: string example: VISA minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 _links: type: object properties: tokens:token: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:description: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardHolderName: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:billingAddress: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:networkToken: type: object properties: href: type: string example: curies: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >-{rel}.json name: type: string example: tokens templated: type: boolean example: true verifiedTokens_oneTime_409_response: type: object required: - _embedded properties: _embedded: type: object required: - verification - token properties: verification: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_verification_oneTime_response' token: $ref: '#/components/schemas/embedded_tokens_conflicts_response' embedded_verification_cardOnFile_response: type: object required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links properties: outcome: type: string example: verified schemeTransactionReference: type: string example: '000000000000020005060720116005060' checkedAt: type: string format: date-time example: '2024-01-26T17:11:46.226297Z' riskFactors: type: array items: type: object required: - risk - type properties: risk: type: string example: matched type: type: string example: cvc paymentInstrument: type: object required: - type properties: type: type: string example: card/plain card: type: object properties: number: type: object required: - bin - last4Digits properties: bin: type: string format: date example: '4444' last4Digits: type: string format: date example: '1236' countryCode: type: string example: GB expiryDate: type: object required: - month - year properties: month: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 year: type: integer format: int32 example: 2024 brand: type: string example: visa fundingType: type: string example: credit issuer: type: object required: - name properties: name: type: string example: UNKNOWN paymentAccountReference: type: string example: Q1HJZ28RKA1EBL470G9XYG90R5D3E _links: type: object properties: verifications:verification: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- payments:recurringAuthorize: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- payments:recurringSale: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- curies: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >-{rel} name: type: string example: verifications templated: type: boolean example: true embedded_verification_oneTime_response: type: object required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links properties: outcome: type: string example: verified checkedAt: type: string format: date-time example: '2024-01-26T17:11:46.226297Z' riskFactors: type: array items: type: object required: - risk - type properties: risk: type: string example: matched detail: type: string example: postcode type: type: string example: cvc paymentInstrument: type: object required: - type properties: type: type: string example: card/plain card: type: object properties: number: type: object required: - bin - last4Digits properties: bin: type: string format: date example: '4444' last4Digits: type: string format: date example: '1236' countryCode: type: string example: GB expiryDate: type: object required: - month - year properties: month: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 year: type: integer format: int32 example: 2024 brand: type: string example: visa fundingType: type: string example: credit issuer: type: object required: - name properties: name: type: string example: UNKNOWN paymentAccountReference: type: string example: Q1HJZ28RKA1EBL470G9XYG90R5D3E _links: type: object required: - verifications:verification - curies properties: verifications:verification: type: object required: - href properties: href: type: string example: >- curies: type: array items: type: object required: - href - name - templated properties: href: type: string example: >-{rel} name: type: string example: verifications templated: type: boolean example: true embedded_tokens_response: type: object required: - tokenPaymentInstrument - description - tokenExpiryDateTime - paymentInstrument - _links properties: tokenId: type: string example: '9902480679618049603' pattern: ^[0-9A-HJ-NP-Z]+$ minLength: 15 maxLength: 21 description: type: string example: Test Token Description pattern: ^[^&<]*$ minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 namespace: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 tokenExpiryDateTime: type: string format: date-time example: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: type: string pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$ example: '000000000000020005060720116005060' minLength: 1 maxLength: 56 tokenPaymentInstrument: type: object properties: type: type: string example: card/tokenized href: type: string example: >- paymentInstrument: type: object required: - cardNumber - cardHolderName - cardExpiryDate properties: type: type: string example: card/masked cardNumber: type: string example: 4444********1111 minLength: 10 maxLength: 19 pattern: ^[0-9\*]*$ cardHolderName: type: string example: Sherlock Holmes minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 cardExpiryDate: type: object required: - month - year properties: month: type: integer format: int32 example: 5 minimum: 1 maximum: 12 year: type: integer format: int32 example: 2035 maximum: 9999 billingAddress: type: object required: - address1 - postalCode - city - countryCode properties: address1: type: string example: 221B Baker Street address2: type: string example: Marylebone address3: type: string example: Westminster postalCode: type: string example: NW1 6XE city: type: string example: London state: type: string example: Greater London countryCode: type: string example: GB minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 pattern: ^[A-Z]*$ bin: type: string example: '444433' minLength: 6 maxLength: 6 pattern: \d{6} brand: type: string example: VISA minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 _links: type: object properties: tokens:token: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:description: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardHolderName: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:billingAddress: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:networkToken: type: object properties: href: type: string example: curies: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string example:{rel}.json name: type: string example: tokens templated: type: boolean example: true embedded_tokens_conflicts_response: type: object required: - tokenPaymentInstrument - description - tokenExpiryDateTime - paymentInstrument - _links properties: tokenId: type: string example: '9902480679618049603' pattern: ^[0-9A-HJ-NP-Z]+$ minLength: 15 maxLength: 21 description: type: string example: Test Token Description pattern: ^[^&<]*$ minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 namespace: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 64 tokenExpiryDateTime: type: string format: date-time example: '2021-08-18T14:30:40Z' schemeTransactionReference: type: string pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$ example: '000000000000020005060720116005060' minLength: 1 maxLength: 56 tokenPaymentInstrument: type: object properties: type: type: string example: card/tokenized href: type: string example: >- paymentInstrument: type: object required: - cardNumber - cardHolderName - cardExpiryDate properties: type: type: string example: card/masked cardNumber: type: string example: 4444********1111 minLength: 10 maxLength: 19 pattern: ^[0-9\*]*$ cardHolderName: type: string example: Sherlock Holmes minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 cardExpiryDate: type: object required: - month - year properties: month: type: integer format: int32 example: 5 minimum: 1 maximum: 12 year: type: integer format: int32 example: 2035 maximum: 9999 billingAddress: type: object required: - address1 - postalCode - city - countryCode properties: address1: type: string example: 221B Baker Street address2: type: string example: Marylebone address3: type: string example: Westminster postalCode: type: string example: NW1 6XE city: type: string example: London state: type: string example: Greater London countryCode: type: string example: GB minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 pattern: ^[A-Z]*$ bin: type: string example: '444433' minLength: 6 maxLength: 6 pattern: \d{6} brand: type: string example: VISA minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 conflicts: type: object properties: paymentInstrument: type: object properties: cardHolderName: type: string example: Sherlock Holmes minLength: 1 maxLength: 255 cardExpiryDate: type: object required: - month - year properties: month: type: integer format: int32 example: 5 minimum: 1 maximum: 12 year: type: integer format: int32 example: 2035 maximum: 9999 billingAddress: type: object required: - address1 - postalCode - city - countryCode properties: address1: type: string example: 221B Baker Street address2: type: string example: Marylebone address3: type: string example: Westminster postalCode: type: string example: NW1 6XE city: type: string example: London state: type: string example: Greater London countryCode: type: string example: GB minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 pattern: ^[A-Z]*$ schemeTransactionReference: type: string _links: type: object properties: tokens:token: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:description: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardHolderName: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:cardExpiryDate: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:billingAddress: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:schemeTransactionReference: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:conflicts: type: object properties: href: type: string example: >- tokens:networkToken: type: object properties: href: type: string example: curies: type: array items: type: object properties: href: type: string example:{rel}.json name: type: string example: tokens templated: type: boolean example: true securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic security: - BasicAuth: []