openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Money Transfers version: '1' description: >- __Authentication__ Set your headers: ``` Authorization: {your_credentials} Content-Type: application/ Accept: application/ ``` Replace `{your_credentials}` with your base64-encoded Basic Auth username and password.
__DNS Whitelisting__ Whitelist the following URLs: * `` * `` Please ensure you use DNS whitelisting, not explicit IP whitelisting. When you make a request within Access Worldpay, you should always cache the response returned. servers: - url: description: testing (try) - url: description: live paths: /moneyTransfers/pushToCard: post: summary: Push funds to an eligible card. description: |+ Push funds to an eligible card. operationId: pushToCard requestBody: content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/moneyTransfers_pushToCard' examples: A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument. value: transactionReference: transactionReference merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: line1 line2: line2 value: amount: 100 currency: GBP recipient: firstName: firstName lastName: lastName paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: name cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 12 year: 2040 cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: address1 address2: address2 address3: address3 postalCode: '12345' city: city state: state countryCode: GB sender: fundReference: fundReference fundType: nonStagedDigitalWallet A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument. value: transactionReference: transactionReference merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: line1 value: amount: 100 currency: GBP recipient: firstName: firstName paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: name cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 12 year: 2040 billingAddress: postalCode: '12345' countryCode: GB sender: fundReference: fundReference fundType: nonStagedDigitalWallet A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument. value: transactionReference: transactionReference merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: line1 line2: line2 value: amount: 100 currency: GBP recipient: firstName: firstName lastName: lastName paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/token cvc: '123' billingAddress: address1: address1 address2: address2 address3: address3 postalCode: '12345' city: city state: state countryCode: GB sender: fundReference: fundReference fundType: nonStagedDigitalWallet A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument. value: transactionReference: transactionReference merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: line1 value: amount: 100 currency: GBP recipient: firstName: firstName paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/token sender: fundReference: fundReference fundType: nonStagedDigitalWallet responses: '201': description: A pushToCard has been performed successfully. content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/moneyTransfers_pushToCard_201_response' examples: A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument. value: outcome: approved type: pushToCard receivedAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' _links: self: href: >-{resource} A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/plain' paymentInstrument. value: outcome: approved type: pushToCard receivedAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' _links: self: href: >-{resource} A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with all fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument. value: outcome: approved type: pushToCard receivedAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' _links: self: href: >-{resource} A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument.: description: >- A pushToCard with minimal fields for a 'card/tokenized' paymentInstrument. value: outcome: approved type: pushToCard receivedAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' _links: self: href: >-{resource} /moneyTransfers/query: get: summary: Query for a money transfer using transactionReference and entity. description: |+ Query for a money transfer. operationId: query parameters: - name: transactionReference in: query description: >- A unique reference generated by you, used to identify a payout throughout its lifecycle required: true schema: type: string example: 12345 - name: entity in: query description: merchant entity required: true schema: type: string example: default responses: '200': description: >- A query by transactionReference and entity has been performed successfully. content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/moneyTransfers_query_200_response' examples: A query for a pushToCard money transfer with an outcome of approved.: description: >- A query for a pushToCard money transfer with an outcome of approved. value: outcome: approved type: pushToCard receivedAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' _links: self: href: >-{resource} A query for a pushToCard money transfer with an outcome of error.: description: >- A query for a pushToCard money transfer with an outcome of error. value: outcome: error receivedAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z' _links: self: href: >-{resource} components: schemas: _1: required: - billingAddress - cardExpiryDate - cardHolderName - cardNumber - type type: object properties: billingAddress: required: - countryCode - postalCode type: object properties: countryCode: type: string postalCode: type: string address1: type: string address2: type: string address3: type: string city: type: string state: type: string cardExpiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer cardHolderName: type: string cardNumber: type: string type: type: string cvc: type: string _2: required: - href - type type: object properties: href: type: string type: type: string billingAddress: required: - countryCode - postalCode type: object properties: countryCode: type: string postalCode: type: string address1: type: string address2: type: string address3: type: string city: type: string state: type: string cvc: type: string moneyTransfers_pushToCard: required: - instruction - merchant - transactionReference type: object description: Push to card moneyTransfers input. properties: instruction: required: - narrative - recipient - sender - value type: object description: >- An object that contains all the information related to your moneyTransfers request. properties: narrative: required: - line1 type: object description: >- An object that contains identification and further details of the merchant. properties: line1: type: string description: >- First line of text that appears on your customer's statement. line2: type: string description: >- Second line of text that appears on your customer's statement. recipient: required: - paymentInstrument type: object description: Recipient details. properties: paymentInstrument: description: >- An object that contains your customer's paymentInstrument type. oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/_1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/_2' discriminator: propertyName: type firstName: type: string description: customer's firstName. lastName: type: string description: customer's lastName. sender: required: - fundReference - fundType type: object description: Sender details. properties: fundReference: type: string description: Specifies a reference to the Origin account of the funds. fundType: type: string description: >- Specifies the type of funds being used by the sender in the transaction. value: required: - amount - currency type: object description: An object that contains moneyTransfers amount and currency. properties: amount: type: integer description: The moneyTransfers amount. currency: type: string description: The 3 digit currency code. merchant: required: - entity type: object description: An object that contains information about the merchant. properties: entity: type: string description: >- This is mandatory for authentication and queries. Contact your Implementation Manager for more information. transactionReference: type: string description: >- A unique reference generated by you, used to identify a moneyTransfer throughout its lifecycle. moneyTransfers_pushToCard_201_response: required: - _links - outcome - receivedAt - type type: object properties: outcome: type: string description: outcome of moneyTransfers request receivedAt: type: string description: A timestamp of receivedAt type: type: string moneyTransfers_query_200_response: required: - _links - outcome - receivedAt type: object properties: outcome: type: string description: outcome of moneyTransfers request receivedAt: type: string description: A timestamp of receivedAt type: type: string securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic security: - BasicAuth: []