openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Verifications description: TBD. version: '5' servers: - url: description: testing (try) - url: description: live paths: /verifications/accounts/verification: get: summary: Verification resource retrieval. description: |+ Retrieval of a successful verification for oneTime and cardOnFile. operationId: Verification parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/authorizationHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/acceptHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/contentTypeHeader' responses: '200': description: Retrieval request successful content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_verification_200_response' examples: Retrieval of a successful verification for oneTime: description: Retrieval of a successful verification for oneTime value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Retrieval of a successful verification for cardOnFile: description: Retrieval of a successful verification for cardOnFile value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - ' risk': matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Retrieval of a refused verification: description: Retrieval of a refused verification value: outcome: not verified code: '76' rawCode: N7 description: CARD BLOCKED refusalAdvice: code: '04' checkedAt: '2019-11-28T12:02:49.572137Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: not_matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true /verifications/accounts/intelligent/oneTime: post: summary: Verifications oneTime resource. description: |+ Successful account verification outcome. operationId: OneTime parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/authorizationHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/acceptHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/contentTypeHeader' requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_oneTime' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel.: description: Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference channel: moto Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields.: description: Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference consumerBillPayment: true Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default mcc: '6012' transactionReference: transactionReference Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default paymentFacilitator: pfId: '12345678901' subMerchant: merchantId: '123456789012345' name: Example Shop street: 123 Street state: CA city: San Francisco countryCode: '840' postalCode: '94101' taxId: 987-65-4321 transactionReference: transactionReference Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference customer: authentication: version: 1.0.2 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2100 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference customer: authentication: version: 2.1.0 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: 683001f5-3805-423a-b580-638e4b2093b3 Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/token merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference responses: '201': description: The account verification has been successful. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_oneTime_201_response' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: outcome: not verified code: '76' rawCode: N7 description: CARD BLOCKED refusalAdvice: code: '04' checkedAt: '2019-11-28T12:02:49.572137Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: not_matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_supplied type: cvc - risk: not_supplied detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_supplied detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true /verifications/accounts/intelligent/cardOnFile: post: summary: Verifications cardOnFile resource. description: |+ Successful account verification outcome. operationId: OneTime1 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/authorizationHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/acceptHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/contentTypeHeader' requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_cardOnFile' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 address2: address2 address3: address3 postalCode: postalCode city: city state: state countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel.: description: Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference channel: moto Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields.: description: Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference consumerBillPayment: true Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default mcc: '6012' transactionReference: transactionReference Successful account verification outcome without Payments links.: description: >- Successful account verification outcome without Payments links. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default paymentFacilitator: pfId: '12345678901' subMerchant: merchantId: '123456789012345' name: Example Shop street: 123 Street state: CA city: San Francisco countryCode: '840' postalCode: '94101' taxId: 987-65-4321 transactionReference: transactionReference Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference customer: authentication: version: 1.0.2 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference customer: authentication: version: 2.1.0 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: 683001f5-3805-423a-b580-638e4b2093b3 Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/token narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay.: description: Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay. value: currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: card/networkToken+applepay cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 dpan: '4444333322221111' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference customer: authentication: type: card/networkToken eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= responses: '201': description: The account verification has been successful. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_cardOnFile_201_response' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: outcome: not verified code: '76' rawCode: N7 description: CARD BLOCKED refusalAdvice: code: '04' checkedAt: '2019-11-28T11:46:22.107966Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: not_matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_supplied type: cvc - risk: not_supplied detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_supplied detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay.: description: Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_supplied type: cvc - risk: not_supplied detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_supplied detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true '202': description: The account verification has been successful. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_cardOnFile_202_response' examples: Successful account verification outcome without Payments links.: description: >- Successful account verification outcome without Payments links. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true /verifications/accounts/dynamic/oneTime: post: summary: Verifications dynamic oneTime resource. description: |+ Successful account verification outcome. operationId: OneTime2 parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/authorizationHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/acceptHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/contentTypeHeader' requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_dynamicOneTime' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel.: description: Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL channel: moto Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields.: description: Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL consumerBillPayment: true Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default mcc: '6012' transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default paymentFacilitator: pfId: '12345678901' subMerchant: merchantId: '123456789012345' name: Example Shop street: 123 Street state: CA city: San Francisco countryCode: '840' postalCode: '94101' taxId: 987-65-4321 transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL customer: authentication: version: 1.0.2 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL customer: authentication: version: 2.1.0 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: 683001f5-3805-423a-b580-638e4b2093b3 Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/token narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL responses: '201': description: The account verification has been successful. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_dynamicOneTime_201_response' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: outcome: not verified code: '76' rawCode: N7 description: CARD BLOCKED refusalAdvice: code: '04' checkedAt: '2019-11-28T10:37:12.660375Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: not_matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_supplied type: cvc - risk: not_supplied detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_supplied detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true /verifications/accounts/dynamic/cardOnFile: post: summary: Verifications dynamic cardOnFile resource. description: |+ Successful account verification outcome. operationId: cardOnFile parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/authorizationHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/acceptHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/contentTypeHeader' requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_dynamicCardOnFile' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel.: description: Successful account verification outcome with MOTO channel. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL channel: moto Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields.: description: Successful account verification outcome with CBPS fields. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL consumerBillPayment: true Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default mcc: '6012' transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful account verification outcome without Payments links.: description: >- Successful account verification outcome without Payments links. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default paymentFacilitator: pfId: '12345678901' subMerchant: merchantId: '123456789012345' name: Example Shop street: 123 Street state: CA city: San Francisco countryCode: '840' postalCode: '94101' taxId: 987-65-4321 transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL customer: authentication: version: 1.0.2 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/plain cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 cardNumber: '4444333322221111' verificationAddress: address1: address1 postalCode: postalCode city: city countryCode: GB cvc: '101' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL customer: authentication: version: 2.1.0 type: 3DS eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= transactionId: 683001f5-3805-423a-b580-638e4b2093b3 Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/token narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay.: description: Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: transactionReference instruction: value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: card/networkToken+applepay cardHolderName: Joe Bloggs cardExpiryDate: month: 1 year: 2019 dpan: '4444333322221111' narrative: line1: STATEMENT line2: OPTIONAL customer: authentication: type: card/networkToken eci: '05' authenticationValue: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA= responses: '201': description: The account verification has been successful. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: >- #/components/schemas/verifications_dynamicCardOnFile_201_response examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: outcome: not verified code: '76' rawCode: N7 description: CARD BLOCKED refusalAdvice: code: '04' checkedAt: '2019-11-26T16:36:53.182Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_matched type: cvc - risk: not_matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome.: description: Successful Dynamic MCC account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome.: description: Successful payment facilitator account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS1 values. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values.: description: Successful account verification outcome with 3DS2 values. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification with a token.: description: Successful account verification with a token. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_supplied type: cvc - risk: not_supplied detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_supplied detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} payments:cardOnFileAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringAuthorize: href: >-{resource} payments:recurringSale: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay.: description: Successful account verification with a decrypted applepay. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: not_supplied type: cvc - risk: not_supplied detail: postcode type: avs - risk: not_supplied detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true '202': description: The account verification has been successful. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: >- #/components/schemas/verifications_dynamicCardOnFile_202_response examples: Successful account verification outcome without Payments links.: description: >- Successful account verification outcome without Payments links. value: outcome: verified schemeTransactionReference: '00000000000000000' checkedAt: '2018-09-01T10:37:36.923Z' riskFactors: - risk: matched type: cvc - risk: matched detail: postcode type: avs - risk: matched detail: address type: avs paymentInstrument: type: card/plain card: number: bin: '444433' last4Digits: '1111' countryCode: GB expiryDate: month: 12 year: 2029 brand: visa fundingType: debit issuer: name: cardIssuer category: consumer paymentAccountReference: reference _links: verifications:verification: href: >-{resource} curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true /verifications/accounts/ach: post: summary: Verifications ACH resource. description: |+ Successful account verification outcome. operationId: ACH parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/authorizationHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/acceptHeader' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/contentTypeHeader' requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_ach' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: '1234567' paymentInstrument: type: bankAccountUS accountType: corporateSavings accountNumber: '1234567890' routingNumber: '011400495' companyName: companyName billToAddress: firstName: John lastName: Smith address1: address1 address2: address2 address3: address3 city: city region: state postalCode: postalCode countryCode: US telephoneNumber: '4085551212' Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: merchant: entity: default transactionReference: '1234567' paymentInstrument: type: bankAccountUS accountType: corporateSavings accountNumber: '12345678901234567890' routingNumber: '011400495' companyName: companyName billToAddress: firstName: John lastName: Smith address1: address1 address2: address2 address3: address3 city: city region: state postalCode: postalCode countryCode: US telephoneNumber: '4085551212' responses: '201': description: The account verification has been successful. content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/verifications_ach_201_response' examples: Successful account verification outcome.: description: Successful account verification outcome. value: outcome: verified checkedAt: '2021-09-27T18:02:16.475Z' _links: curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true Refused account verification outcome.: description: Refused account verification outcome. value: outcome: not verified description: Invalid account number checkedAt: '2021-09-27T18:02:16.475Z' _links: curies: - name: verifications href: >-{rel} templated: true components: schemas: verifications_Verifications_200_response: required: - _links type: object verifications_verification_200_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string checkedAt: type: string riskFactors: required: - risk - type type: array items: required: - risk - type type: object properties: risk: type: string detail: type: string type: type: string paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string card: type: object properties: number: required: - bin - last4Digits type: object properties: bin: type: string last4Digits: type: string countryCode: type: string expiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer brand: type: string fundingType: type: string issuer: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string category: type: string paymentAccountReference: type: string card_plain: required: - type - cardExpiryDate - cardNumber type: object properties: type: type: string cardHolderName: type: string cardExpiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer cardNumber: type: string verificationAddress: required: - postalCode - city - countryCode type: object properties: address1: type: string postalCode: type: string city: type: string countryCode: type: string cvc: type: string verifications_oneTime: required: - merchant - currency - paymentInstrument - transactionReference type: object properties: merchant: required: - entity type: object properties: entity: type: string mcc: type: string paymentFacilitator: required: - pfId - subMerchant type: object properties: pfId: type: string isoId: type: string subMerchant: required: - merchantId - name - street - city - countryCode - postalCode type: object properties: merchantId: type: string name: type: string street: type: string city: type: string state: type: string countryCode: type: string postalCode: type: string taxId: type: string telephone: type: string email: type: string channel: $ref: '#/components/schemas/channel' consumerBillPayment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerBillPayment' currency: type: string paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' discriminator: mapping: card/plain: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' propertyName: type narrative: required: - line1 type: object properties: line1: type: string line2: type: string transactionReference: type: string customer: required: - authentication type: object properties: authentication: required: - version - type - eci type: object properties: version: type: string type: type: string eci: type: string authenticationValue: type: string transactionId: type: string verifications_oneTime_201_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string checkedAt: type: string riskFactors: required: - risk - type type: array items: required: - risk - type type: object properties: risk: type: string detail: type: string type: type: string paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string card: type: object properties: number: required: - bin - last4Digits type: object properties: bin: type: string last4Digits: type: string countryCode: type: string expiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer brand: type: string fundingType: type: string issuer: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string category: type: string paymentAccountReference: type: string 3ds: required: - version - type - eci type: object properties: version: type: string type: type: string eci: type: string authenticationValue: type: string transactionId: type: string networkToken: required: - type - authenticationValue type: object properties: type: type: string eci: type: string authenticationValue: type: string verifications_cardOnFile: required: - merchant - currency - paymentInstrument - transactionReference type: object properties: merchant: required: - entity type: object properties: entity: type: string mcc: type: string paymentFacilitator: required: - pfId - subMerchant type: object properties: pfId: type: string isoId: type: string subMerchant: required: - merchantId - name - street - city - countryCode - postalCode type: object properties: merchantId: type: string name: type: string street: type: string city: type: string state: type: string countryCode: type: string postalCode: type: string taxId: type: string telephone: type: string email: type: string channel: $ref: '#/components/schemas/channel' consumerBillPayment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerBillPayment' currency: type: string paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_applepay_decrypted' discriminator: mapping: card/plain: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' card/tokenized: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' card/networkToken+applepay: '#/components/schemas/card_applepay_decrypted' propertyName: type narrative: required: - line1 type: object properties: line1: type: string line2: type: string transactionReference: type: string customer: required: - authentication type: object properties: authentication: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/3ds' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/networkToken' discriminator: mapping: 3DS: '#/components/schemas/3ds' card/networkToken: '#/components/schemas/networkToken' propertyName: type verifications_cardOnFile_201_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string schemeTransactionReference: type: string checkedAt: type: string riskFactors: required: - risk - type type: array items: required: - risk - type type: object properties: risk: type: string detail: type: string type: type: string paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string card: type: object properties: number: required: - bin - last4Digits type: object properties: bin: type: string last4Digits: type: string countryCode: type: string expiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer brand: type: string fundingType: type: string issuer: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string category: type: string paymentAccountReference: type: string verifications_cardOnFile_202_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string schemeTransactionReference: type: string checkedAt: type: string riskFactors: required: - risk - type type: array items: required: - risk - type type: object properties: risk: type: string detail: type: string type: type: string paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string card: type: object properties: number: required: - bin - last4Digits type: object properties: bin: type: string last4Digits: type: string countryCode: type: string expiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer brand: type: string fundingType: type: string issuer: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string category: type: string paymentAccountReference: type: string verifications_dynamicOneTime: required: - merchant - transactionReference - instruction type: object properties: merchant: required: - entity type: object properties: entity: type: string mcc: type: string paymentFacilitator: required: - pfId - subMerchant type: object properties: pfId: type: string isoId: type: string subMerchant: required: - merchantId - name - street - city - countryCode - postalCode type: object properties: merchantId: type: string name: type: string street: type: string city: type: string state: type: string countryCode: type: string postalCode: type: string taxId: type: string telephone: type: string email: type: string channel: $ref: '#/components/schemas/channel' instruction: required: - value - paymentInstrument type: object properties: value: required: - amount - currency type: object properties: amount: description: >- Implied decimal. For example, 250 GBP = £2.50.
We cancel the applied nominal authorization amount before your customer is charged. type: string currency: description: >- 3-letter [ISO-4217 currency code](/products/access/reference/ type: string paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' discriminator: mapping: card/plain: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' card/tokenized: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' propertyName: type narrative: required: - line1 type: object properties: line1: type: string line2: type: string consumerBillPayment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerBillPayment' transactionReference: type: string customer: required: - authentication type: object properties: authentication: required: - version - type - eci type: object properties: version: type: string type: type: string eci: type: string authenticationValue: type: string transactionId: type: string verifications_dynamicOneTime_201_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string checkedAt: type: string riskFactors: required: - risk - type type: array items: required: - risk - type type: object properties: risk: type: string detail: type: string type: type: string paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string card: type: object properties: number: required: - bin - last4Digits type: object properties: bin: type: string last4Digits: type: string countryCode: type: string expiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer brand: type: string fundingType: type: string issuer: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string category: type: string paymentAccountReference: type: string card_tokenized: required: - type - href type: object properties: type: type: string href: type: string card_applepay_decrypted: required: - type - cardExpirtyDate - dpan type: object properties: type: type: string cardHolderName: type: string cardExpiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer dpan: type: string verifications_dynamicCardOnFile: required: - merchant - transactionReference - instruction type: object properties: merchant: required: - entity type: object properties: entity: type: string mcc: type: string paymentFacilitator: required: - pfId - subMerchant type: object properties: pfId: type: string isoId: type: string subMerchant: required: - merchantId - name - street - city - countryCode - postalCode type: object properties: merchantId: type: string name: type: string street: type: string city: type: string state: type: string countryCode: type: string postalCode: type: string taxId: type: string telephone: type: string email: type: string channel: $ref: '#/components/schemas/channel' instruction: required: - value - paymentInstrument type: object properties: value: required: - amount - currency type: object properties: amount: description: >- Implied decimal. For example, 250 GBP = £2.50.
We cancel the applied nominal authorization amount before your customer is charged. type: string currency: description: >- 3-letter [ISO-4217 currency code](/products/access/reference/ type: string paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_applepay_decrypted' discriminator: mapping: card/plain: '#/components/schemas/card_plain' card/tokenized: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' card/networkToken+applepay: '#/components/schemas/card_applepay_decrypted' propertyName: type narrative: required: - line1 type: object properties: line1: type: string line2: type: string consumerBillPayment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consumerBillPayment' transactionReference: type: string customer: required: - authentication type: object properties: authentication: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/3ds' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/networkToken' discriminator: mapping: 3DS: '#/components/schemas/3ds' card/networkToken: '#/components/schemas/networkToken' propertyName: type verifications_dynamicCardOnFile_201_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string schemeTransactionReference: type: string checkedAt: type: string riskFactors: required: - risk - type type: array items: required: - risk - type type: object properties: risk: type: string detail: type: string type: type: string paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string card: type: object properties: number: required: - bin - last4Digits type: object properties: bin: type: string last4Digits: type: string countryCode: type: string expiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer brand: type: string fundingType: type: string issuer: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string category: type: string paymentAccountReference: type: string verifications_dynamicCardOnFile_202_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string schemeTransactionReference: type: string checkedAt: type: string riskFactors: required: - risk - type type: array items: required: - risk - type type: object properties: risk: type: string detail: type: string type: type: string paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string card: type: object properties: number: required: - bin - last4Digits type: object properties: bin: type: string last4Digits: type: string countryCode: type: string expiryDate: required: - month - year type: object properties: month: type: integer year: type: integer brand: type: string fundingType: type: string issuer: required: - name type: object properties: name: type: string category: type: string paymentAccountReference: type: string bankAccountUS: required: - type - accountType - accountNumber - routingNumber - billToAddress type: object properties: type: type: string accountType: type: string accountNumber: type: string routingNumber: type: string companyName: type: string billToAddress: required: - firstName - lastName - address1 - city - region - postalCode - countryCode - telephoneNumber type: object properties: firstName: type: string lastName: type: string address1: type: string address2: type: string address3: type: string city: type: string region: type: string postalCode: type: string countryCode: type: string telephoneNumber: type: string verifications_ach: required: - merchant - paymentInstrument - transactionReference type: object properties: merchant: required: - entity type: object properties: entity: type: string paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/bankAccountUS' discriminator: mapping: bankAccountUS: '#/components/schemas/bankAccountUS' propertyName: type transactionReference: type: string verifications_ach_201_response: required: - outcome - checkedAt - _links type: object properties: outcome: type: string description: type: string checkedAt: type: string channel: enum: - moto type: string description: >- The payment channel indicates the interaction of the cardholder with the merchant. Supply a value of `moto` to process an authorization as a Mail Order or Telephone Order transaction. If channel is not provided, the authorization will be processed as ecommerce by default. **NOTE:** 3DS `authentication` data cannot be supplied for MOTO payments. consumerBillPayment: type: boolean description: >- If you are registered with Visa as a Consumer Bill Payment Service (CBPS), you must set this to `true` for any payments associated with the CBPS. securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic parameters: authorizationHeader: name: Authorization in: header required: true schema: type: string default: Basic Auth acceptHeader: name: Accept in: header required: true schema: type: string default: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json contentTypeHeader: name: Content-Type in: header required: true schema: type: string default: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.accounts-v5+json security: - BasicAuth: []