openapi: 3.0.1 info: version: '2023-06-01' description: API for creating and managing APM payments on Access Worldpay. title: 'Access APMs: API Reference' x-logo: url: worldpay-logo.svg servers: - description: Try url: - description: Live url: paths: /apmPayments: post: description: Perform a sale. operationId: payment parameters: - description: The content type of the request body in: header name: Content-Type required: true schema: type: string enum: - application/json - description: The API version in: header name: WP-Api-Version required: true schema: type: string enum: - '2023-06-01' requestBody: content: application/json: examples: PayPal: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-paypal' iDeal: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-ideal' Alipay: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-alipay' AlipayHK: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-alipayhk' Bancontact: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-bancontact' BLIK: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-blik' China UnionPay: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-cup' Euteller: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-euteller' Giropay: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-giropay' Konbini: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-konbini' Open Banking: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-openbanking' paysafecard: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-paysafecard' POLi NZ: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-polinz' Przelewy24: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-przelewy24' SafetyPay: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-safetypay' SEPA: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-sepa' Trustly: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-trustly' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApmPaymentRequest' required: true responses: '201': content: application/json: examples: Full example: $ref: '#/components/examples/payment-201' schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApmPaymentResource' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApmPaymentResourceWithRedirect' description: Request successful '400': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-400' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationErrorResponse' description: Bad request. '401': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-401' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: >- Client is not authorized due to missing or invalid Authorization header. '415': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-415' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: Invalid content-type HTTP header. '500': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-500' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: A problem occurred processing the request on our side. summary: Create an APM payment /apmPayments/status: get: operationId: status responses: '200': content: '*/*': example: OK - 2022-05-16T10:50:55.444486 schema: type: string description: The status of the service is OK summary: Used to check whether the service is up tags: - Operational /apmPayments/{paymentId}: get: description: >- Lookup the state of a payment, including the available action that can be performed. operationId: query parameters: - description: The identifier of the payment resource. in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - description: The API version in: header name: WP-Api-Version required: true schema: type: string enum: - '2023-06-01' responses: '200': content: application/json: examples: authorized: $ref: '#/components/examples/query-202-authorized' pending: $ref: '#/components/examples/query-202-pending' sentForRefund: $ref: '#/components/examples/query-202-sentForRefund' sentForSettlement: $ref: '#/components/examples/query-202-sentForSettlement' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApmPaymentResource' description: Request successful '400': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-400' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationErrorResponse' description: Bad request. '401': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-401' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: >- Client is not authorized due to missing or invalid Authorization header. '404': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-404' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationErrorResponse' description: Payment resource not found. '415': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-415' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: Invalid content-type HTTP header. '500': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-500' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: A problem occurred processing the request on our side. summary: Get the last event for an APM payment. tags: - Payment Lifecycle /apmPayments/{paymentId}/reversals: post: description: Perform a reversal on the funds taken from a sale. operationId: partialReverse parameters: - description: The identifier of the payment resource. in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - description: The content type of the request body in: header name: Content-Type required: true schema: type: string enum: - application/json - description: The API version in: header name: WP-Api-Version required: true schema: type: string enum: - '2023-06-01' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Full_reversal' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Partial_reversal' required: true responses: '202': content: application/json: examples: Full example: $ref: '#/components/examples/reverse-202' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApmPaymentResource' description: Request successful '400': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-400' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationErrorResponse' description: Bad request. '401': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-401' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: >- Client is not authorized due to missing or invalid Authorization header. '404': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-404' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationErrorResponse' description: Payment resource not found. '500': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-500' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: A problem occurred processing the request on our side. summary: Reverse an APM payment. tags: - Payment Lifecycle /apmPayments/{paymentId}/settlements: post: description: >- Perform a settlement on authorized funds. Not all APMs support this, please check the links returned from querying a payment. operationId: settle parameters: - description: The identifier of the payment resource. in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - description: The content type of the request body in: header name: Content-Type required: true schema: type: string enum: - application/json - description: The API version in: header name: WP-Api-Version required: true schema: type: string enum: - '2023-06-01' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Full_settlement' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Partial_settlement' required: true responses: '202': content: application/json: examples: Full example: $ref: '#/components/examples/settlement-202' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApmPaymentResourceWithRedirect' description: Request successful '400': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-400' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationErrorResponse' description: Bad request. '401': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-401' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: >- Client is not authorized due to missing or invalid Authorization header. '404': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-404' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationErrorResponse' description: Payment resource not found. '500': content: application/json: examples: Example: $ref: '#/components/examples/response-500' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiErrorResponse' description: A problem occurred processing the request on our side. summary: Settle an APM payment. tags: - Payment Lifecycle components: schemas: AccessApiErrorResponse: type: object properties: errorName: type: string message: type: string AccessApiValidationError: type: object AccessApiValidationErrorResponse: type: object properties: errorName: type: string message: type: string validationErrors: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessApiValidationError' Actions: type: object description: >- Actions that can be performed on the payment resource. These are dynamic based on factors such as the payment instrument and state of the payment. properties: partialReverse: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PartialReverseLink' reverse: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReverseLink' settle: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SettleLink' AlipayHkPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: deviceType: type: string description: The type of device used by your customer enum: - DESKTOP - MOBILE - CONSOLE - TABLET example: DESKTOP failureURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a failed payment outcome. example: pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - alipay_hk required: - failureURL - pendingURL - successURL - type AlipayMobilePaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - alipay_mobile required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type AlipayPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - alipay required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type ApmPaymentRequest: type: object properties: instruction: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Instruction' merchant: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Merchant' transactionReference: type: string maxLength: 64 minLength: 0 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\/\!\@\#\$\%\(\)\*\=\.\:\;\?\[\]\{\}\~\+]*$ required: - instruction - merchant - transactionReference ApmPaymentResource: type: object description: A payment resource. properties: _actions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Actions' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' lastEvent: type: string enum: - authorized - cancelFailed - cancelled - cancelRequested - sentForSettlement - settlementFailed - chargebackReversed - chargedBack - disputeExpired - disputeFundsHeld - disputeFundsReleased - disputeReserveReleased - error - expired - disputeInformationRequested - disputInformationSupplied - miscellaneous - pending - refunded - refundExpired - refundFailed - refundReversed - refused - refusedByIssuer - sentForRefund - settled - settlementReversed - cancelledByCustomer - signedFormReceived - unknown - manuallyAmended paymentId: type: string description: The identifier of the payment resource. ApmPaymentResourceWithRedirect: type: object description: >- A payment resource, with a URL for your customer to continue the payment. properties: _actions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Actions' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' lastEvent: type: string enum: - authorized - cancelFailed - cancelled - cancelRequested - sentForSettlement - settlementFailed - chargebackReversed - chargedBack - disputeExpired - disputeFundsHeld - disputeFundsReleased - disputeReserveReleased - error - expired - disputeInformationRequested - disputInformationSupplied - miscellaneous - pending - refunded - refundExpired - refundFailed - refundReversed - refused - refusedByIssuer - sentForRefund - settled - settlementReversed - cancelledByCustomer - signedFormReceived - unknown - manuallyAmended paymentId: type: string description: The identifier of the payment resource. url: type: string description: The URL of where to redirect tyour customer. BancontactPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - bancontact required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type BlikPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: termsAccepted: type: boolean default: false description: >- Indicates whether your customer has accepted Blik's terms and conditions. If not provided or false, your customer will be prompted to accept them. example: true type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - blik required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type ChinaUnionPayPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB failureURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a failed payment outcome. example: pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - chinaunionpay required: - type EutellerPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: FI pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - euteller required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type Full_reversal: type: object description: Full reversal request (no body) Full_settlement: type: object description: Full settlement request (no body) example: null GiropayPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB failureURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a failed payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: swiftCode: type: string description: >- The BIC/Swift code of your customer's bank. When it's not provided, your customer will be asked to select their bank. example: PBNKDEFF pattern: ^[A-Z]{6}[A-Z0-9]{2}([A-Z0-9]{3})?$ type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - giropay required: - cancelURL - country - failureURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type IdealPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB failureURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a failed payment outcome. example: language: type: string description: >- Your customer's language, must be a supported ISO 639-1 language code. enum: - aa - ab - ae - af - ak - am - an - ar - as - av - ay - az - ba - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - br - bs - ca - ce - ch - co - cr - cs - cu - cv - cy - da - de - dv - dz - ee - el - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fj - fo - fr - fy - ga - gd - gl - gn - gu - gv - ha - he - hi - ho - hr - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - io - is - it - iu - ja - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lb - lg - li - ln - lo - lt - lu - lv - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mr - ms - mt - my - na - nb - nd - ne - ng - nl - nn - 'no' - nr - nv - ny - oc - oj - om - or - os - pa - pi - pl - ps - pt - qu - rm - rn - ro - ru - rw - sa - sc - sd - se - sg - si - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tn - to - tr - ts - tt - tw - ty - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vi - vo - wa - wo - xh - yi - yo - za - zh - zu pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - ideal required: - type Instruction: type: object properties: narrative: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Narrative' paymentInstrument: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Value' required: - narrative - paymentInstrument - value KonbiniPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB lastName: type: string description: Your customer's last name. example: 姓 maxLength: 10 minLength: 0 pattern: >- ^[a-zA-Z0-9- \p{InCJK_Radicals_Supplement}\p{InCJK_Symbols_and_Punctuation}\p{InHiragana}\p{InKatakana}\p{InKatakana_Phonetic_Extensions}\p{InEnclosed_CJK_Letters_and_Months}\p{InCJK_Compatibility}\p{InCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A}\p{InCJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B}\p{InCJK_Unified_Ideographs}\p{InCJK_Compatibility_Ideographs}\p{InCJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement}\p{InCJK_Compatibility_Forms}]*$ pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: telephoneNumber: type: string description: Your customer's last name. example: '1234567890' maxLength: 11 minLength: 10 pattern: ^([0-9]*)$ type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - konbini description: Konbini required: - country - lastName - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - telephoneNumber - type Links: type: object description: Links to resources related to the request. properties: self: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SelfLink' Merchant: type: object properties: entity: type: string description: The Access Entity entityReference. example: MindPalaceLtd maxLength: 32 minLength: 0 pattern: ^([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$ required: - entity MultibancoPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB failureURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a failed payment outcome. example: language: type: string description: >- Your customer's language, must be a supported ISO 639-1 language code. enum: - aa - ab - ae - af - ak - am - an - ar - as - av - ay - az - ba - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - br - bs - ca - ce - ch - co - cr - cs - cu - cv - cy - da - de - dv - dz - ee - el - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fj - fo - fr - fy - ga - gd - gl - gn - gu - gv - ha - he - hi - ho - hr - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - io - is - it - iu - ja - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lb - lg - li - ln - lo - lt - lu - lv - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mr - ms - mt - my - na - nb - nd - ne - ng - nl - nn - 'no' - nr - nv - ny - oc - oj - om - or - os - pa - pi - pl - ps - pt - qu - rm - rn - ro - ru - rw - sa - sc - sd - se - sg - si - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tn - to - tr - ts - tt - tw - ty - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vi - vo - wa - wo - xh - yi - yo - za - zh - zu pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - multibanco required: - type Narrative: type: object description: Details about the payment. properties: line1: type: string description: >- The description shown on your customer's bank statement for the payment. example: Joe Plumbing Ltd maxLength: 24 minLength: 0 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\,\ ]*$ required: - line1 OpenBankingPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - open_banking required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type Partial_reversal: type: object description: Partial reversal request properties: reference: type: string maxLength: 128 minLength: 0 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*$ value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Value' required: - value Partial_settlement: type: object description: Partial settlement request properties: reference: type: string maxLength: 128 minLength: 0 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*$ value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Value' required: - value PartialReverseLink: type: object description: >- The URL you can invoke to partially reverse the payment. Make sure to check it's present, not always present. properties: href: type: string PayPalBillingAddress: type: object properties: address1: type: string maxLength: 85 minLength: 0 address2: type: string maxLength: 85 minLength: 0 address3: type: string maxLength: 85 minLength: 0 city: type: string description: Only optional for country code SG (Singapore). maxLength: 50 minLength: 0 countryCode: type: string description: The supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW postalCode: type: string description: Only optional for country code IE (Ireland). maxLength: 15 minLength: 0 state: type: string maxLength: 50 minLength: 0 required: - address1 - countryCode PayPalInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: billingAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayPalBillingAddress' cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: failureURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a failed payment outcome. example: pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: requestAutoSettlement: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RequestAutoSettlement' shippingAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayPalShippingAddress' shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - paypal required: - type PayPalShippingAddress: type: object properties: address1: type: string maxLength: 85 minLength: 0 address2: type: string maxLength: 85 minLength: 0 address3: type: string maxLength: 85 minLength: 0 city: type: string description: Only optional for country code SG (Singapore). maxLength: 50 minLength: 0 countryCode: type: string description: The supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW postalCode: type: string description: Only optional for country code IE (Ireland). maxLength: 15 minLength: 0 state: type: string maxLength: 50 minLength: 0 required: - address1 - countryCode PaySafeCardPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - paysafecard required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type PaymentInstrument: type: object description: The instrument used to take the payment discriminator: mapping: alipay: '#/components/schemas/AlipayPaymentInstrument' alipay_hk: '#/components/schemas/AlipayHkPaymentInstrument' alipay_mobile: '#/components/schemas/AlipayMobilePaymentInstrument' bancontact: '#/components/schemas/BancontactPaymentInstrument' blik: '#/components/schemas/BlikPaymentInstrument' chinaunionpay: '#/components/schemas/ChinaUnionPayPaymentInstrument' euteller: '#/components/schemas/EutellerPaymentInstrument' giropay: '#/components/schemas/GiropayPaymentInstrument' ideal: '#/components/schemas/IdealPaymentInstrument' konbini: '#/components/schemas/KonbiniPaymentInstrument' multibanco: '#/components/schemas/MultibancoPaymentInstrument' open_banking: '#/components/schemas/OpenBankingPaymentInstrument' paypal: '#/components/schemas/PayPalInstrument' paysafecard: '#/components/schemas/PaySafeCardPaymentInstrument' poli_nz: '#/components/schemas/PoliNZPaymentInstrument' przelewy: '#/components/schemas/PrzelewyPaymentInstrument' safetypay: '#/components/schemas/SafetyPayPaymentInstrument' sepa: '#/components/schemas/SepaPaymentInstrument' trustly: '#/components/schemas/TrustlyPaymentInstrument' propertyName: type oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlipayHkPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlipayMobilePaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AlipayPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BancontactPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BlikPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ChinaUnionPayPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/EutellerPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/GiropayPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdealPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/KonbiniPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultibancoPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/OpenBankingPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaySafeCardPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayPalInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PoliNZPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PrzelewyPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SafetyPayPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SepaPaymentInstrument' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TrustlyPaymentInstrument' properties: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. required: - type PoliNZPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - poli_nz required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type PrzelewyPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - przelewy required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type RequestAutoSettlement: type: object description: >- Configuration for requesting automatic settlement (when supported by a payment instrument). properties: enabled: type: boolean default: false description: Enables automatic settlement ReverseLink: type: object description: >- The URL you can invoke to reverse the payment. Make sure to check it's present, not always present. properties: href: type: string SafetyPayPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - safetypay required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type SelfLink: type: object description: The URL you can invoke to fetch the last event for the payment. properties: href: type: string SepaPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a cancelled payment outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB failureURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a failed payment outcome. example: language: type: string description: >- Your customer's language, must be a supported ISO 639-1 language code. enum: - aa - ab - ae - af - ak - am - an - ar - as - av - ay - az - ba - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - br - bs - ca - ce - ch - co - cr - cs - cu - cv - cy - da - de - dv - dz - ee - el - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fj - fo - fr - fy - ga - gd - gl - gn - gu - gv - ha - he - hi - ho - hr - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - io - is - it - iu - ja - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lb - lg - li - ln - lo - lt - lu - lv - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mr - ms - mt - my - na - nb - nd - ne - ng - nl - nn - 'no' - nr - nv - ny - oc - oj - om - or - os - pa - pi - pl - ps - pt - qu - rm - rn - ro - ru - rw - sa - sc - sd - se - sg - si - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tn - to - tr - ts - tt - tw - ty - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vi - vo - wa - wo - xh - yi - yo - za - zh - zu mandateType: type: string description: The type of mandate. enum: - oneTime example: oneTime pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: Your customer's e-mail address. example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - sepa required: - mandateType - shopperEmailAddress - type SettleLink: type: object description: >- The URL you can invoke to settle the payment. Make sure to check it's present, not always present. properties: href: type: string TrustlyPaymentInstrument: type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentInstrument' - type: object properties: cancelURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a payment cancel outcome. example: country: type: string description: >- Your customer's country, must be a supported ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. enum: - AD - AE - AF - AG - AI - AL - AM - AN - AO - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AW - AX - AZ - BA - BB - BD - BE - BF - BG - BH - BI - BJ - BL - BM - BN - BO - BQ - BR - BS - BT - BV - BW - BY - BZ - CA - CC - CD - CF - CG - CH - CI - CK - CL - CM - CN - CO - CR - CU - CV - CW - CX - CY - CZ - DE - DJ - DK - DM - DO - DZ - EC - EE - EG - EH - ER - ES - ET - FI - FJ - FK - FM - FO - FR - GA - GB - GD - GE - GF - GG - GH - GI - GL - GM - GN - GP - GQ - GR - GS - GT - GU - GW - GY - HK - HM - HN - HR - HT - HU - ID - IE - IL - IM - IN - IO - IQ - IR - IS - IT - JE - JM - JO - JP - KE - KG - KH - KI - KM - KN - KP - KR - KW - KY - KZ - LA - LB - LC - LI - LK - LR - LS - LT - LU - LV - LY - MA - MC - MD - ME - MF - MG - MH - MK - ML - MM - MN - MO - MP - MQ - MR - MS - MT - MU - MV - MW - MX - MY - MZ - NA - NC - NE - NF - NG - NI - NL - 'NO' - NP - NR - NU - NZ - OM - PA - PE - PF - PG - PH - PK - PL - PM - PN - PR - PS - PT - PW - PY - QA - RE - RO - RS - RU - RW - SA - SB - SC - SD - SE - SG - SH - SI - SJ - SK - SL - SM - SN - SO - SR - SS - ST - SV - SX - SY - SZ - TC - TD - TF - TG - TH - TJ - TK - TL - TM - TN - TO - TR - TT - TV - TW - TZ - UA - UG - UM - US - UY - UZ - VA - VC - VE - VG - VI - VN - VU - WF - WS - YE - YT - ZA - ZM - ZW example: GB pendingURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a pending payment outcome. example: shopperEmailAddress: type: string description: The shopper's e-mail address example: successURL: type: string description: >- The URL where your customer is redirected after a successful payment outcome. example: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. enum: - trustly required: - cancelURL - country - pendingURL - shopperEmailAddress - successURL - type Value: type: object description: The value of the payment. properties: amount: type: integer format: int64 description: >- The amount in the lowest denomination of the currency e.g. pennies for GBP, cents for USD. example: 1234 minimum: 1 currency: type: string description: The supported ISO 4217 currency codes. enum: - AED - AFN - ANG - AOA - ARS - AUD - AWG - AZN - BAM - BBD - BDT - BGN - BHD - BIF - BMD - BND - BOB - BRL - BSD - BTN - BWP - BYN - BZD - CAD - CDF - CHF - CLP - CNH - CNY - COP - CRC - CVE - CZK - DJF - DKK - DOP - DZD - EGP - ERN - ETB - EUR - FJD - FKP - GBP - GEL - GHS - GIP - GMD - GNF - GTQ - GYD - HKD - HNL - HTG - HUF - IDR - ILS - INR - IQD - IRR - ISK - JMD - JOD - JPY - KES - KHR - KMF - KPW - KRW - KWD - KYD - KZT - LAK - LBP - LKR - LSL - LYD - MAD - MDL - MGA - MKD - MMK - MNT - MOP - MRU - MUR - MVR - MWK - MXN - MYR - MZN - NAD - NGN - NIO - NOK - NPR - NZD - OMR - PAB - PEN - PGK - PHP - PKR - PLN - PYG - QAR - RON - RSD - RWF - SAR - SBD - SCR - SEK - SGD - SHP - SLE - SLL - SOS - SRD - STN - SVC - SYP - SZL - THB - TJS - TMT - TND - TOP - TRY - TTD - TWD - TZS - UAH - UGX - USD - UYU - UZS - VES - VND - VUV - WST - XAF - XCD - XOF - XPF - YER - ZAR - ZMW required: - amount - currency securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic examples: payment-paypal: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: MindPalace value: amount: 35 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: paypal requestAutoSettlement: enabled: true shopperEmailAddress: billingAddress: address1: 221B Baker Street address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW1 6XE city: London state: Greater London countryCode: GB shippingAddress: address1: The Palatine Centre postalCode: DH1 3LE city: Durham state: County Durham countryCode: GB successURL: pendingURL: failureURL: cancelURL: payment-ideal: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 1234 currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: ideal language: en successURL: pendingURL: failureURL: cancelURL: payment-alipay: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 1234 currency: CNY paymentInstrument: type: alipay country: CN shopperEmailAddress: successURL: pendingURL: failureURL: cancelURL: payment-alipayhk: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 1234 currency: HKD paymentInstrument: type: alipay_hk successURL: pendingURL: failureURL: deviceType: MOBILE payment-bancontact: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 50 currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: bancontact country: BE shopperEmailAddress: cancelURL: pendingURL: successURL: payment-blik: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 1000 currency: PLN paymentInstrument: type: blik country: PL shopperEmailAddress: termsAccepted: true successURL: pendingURL: cancelURL: payment-cup: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 50 currency: CNY paymentInstrument: type: unionpay country: CN successURL: pendingURL: failureURL: cancelURL: payment-euteller: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 20 currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: euteller country: FI shopperEmailAddress: successURL: pendingURL: cancelURL: payment-giropay: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 50 currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: giropay country: DE swiftCode: BUKBGB22 shopperEmailAddress: successURL: pendingURL: failureURL: cancelURL: payment-konbini: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 50 currency: JPY paymentInstrument: type: konbini country: JP lastName: 姓 telephoneNumber: '1234567890' shopperEmailAddress: pendingURL: payment-openbanking: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: MindPalaceLtd value: amount: 100 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: open_banking country: GB shopperEmailAddress: successURL: http:// pendingURL: http:// cancelURL: http:// payment-paysafecard: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 1234 currency: GBP paymentInstrument: type: paysafecard country: GB shopperEmailAddress: successURL: pendingURL: cancelURL: payment-polinz: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 1234 currency: NZD paymentInstrument: type: poli_nz country: NZ shopperEmailAddress: successURL: pendingURL: cancelURL: payment-przelewy24: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 50 currency: PLN paymentInstrument: type: przelewy country: PL shopperEmailAddress: cancelURL: pendingURL: successURL: payment-safetypay: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 50 currency: USD paymentInstrument: type: safetypay country: BR shopperEmailAddress: successURL: pendingURL: cancelURL: payment-sepa: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace LTD value: amount: 1234 currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: sepa country: DE language: de shopperEmailAddress: mandateType: onetime successURL: pendingURL: failureURL: cancelURL: payment-trustly: value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: narrative: line1: Mind Palace Ltd value: amount: 50 currency: EUR paymentInstrument: type: trustly country: FI shopperEmailAddress: cancelURL: pendingURL: successURL: payment-201: value: paymentId: >- 3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f lastEvent: pending url: >- _links: self: href: >- _actions: {} response-400: value: errorName: bodyDoesNotMatchSchema message: The json body provided does not match the expected schema validationErrors: - errorName: fieldHasInvalidValue message: Field is mandatory jsonPath: $.instruction.value.amount response-401: value: errorName: unauthorized message: Invalid authentication response-415: value: errorName: headerHasInvalidValue message: Bad content type. response-500: value: errorName: internalErrorOccurred message: An internal problem occurred with your request, please try again. query-202-authorized: value: paymentId: >- 3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f lastEvent: authorized _links: self: href: >- _actions: reverse: href: >- partialReverse: href: >- query-202-pending: value: paymentId: >- 3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f lastEvent: pending _links: self: href: >- _actions: {} query-202-sentForRefund: value: paymentId: >- 3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f lastEvent: sentForRefund _links: self: href: >- _actions: {} query-202-sentForSettlement: value: id: >- 3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f lastEvent: sentForSettlement _links: self: href: >- _actions: reverse: href: >- partialReverse: href: >- response-404: value: errorName: paymentNotFound message: Payment resource not found. reverse-202: value: id: >- 3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f lastEvent: sentForRefund _links: self: href: >- _actions: {} settlement-202: value: id: >- 3Ihrz_xFV1nTRAHhJABserDF09eNdqnSHh2H8qlv7QIZ4iW8JjMy1wo4b2GozzFtfnOUMIZGm4eSqTixJe1tGDzD3NTuoxp7Ud1N920NPyBiaK1MePsYPNh4StVn5GLv9dz9tm3t0o9KS2dze2cQ2iJdjRiX7-j4OEhFc5W4W6hK1prAjyQIHthwfovFL63f lastEvent: sentForSettlement _links: self: href: >- _actions: {} security: - BasicAuth: []