openapi: 3.0.1 info: license: name: Worldpay url: title: 3DS description: >- Protect your business and meet regulatory requirements by verifying your customer's identity with our 3DS API. version: '3' servers: - url: description: testing (try) - url: description: live paths: /verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization: post: summary: Generate required data for 3DS Device Data Collection description: >+ Allow card issuers to perform Device Data Collection to fingerprint your customers device. operationId: deviceDataInitialize parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type required: true schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json - in: header name: Accept required: true schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize' examples: card/front: description: Initialize the device data collection using the card number value: transactionReference: unique-transactionReference merchant: entity: default paymentInstrument: type: card/front cardHolderName: John Appleseed cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 card/tokenized: description: Initialize the device data collection using a Worldpay Token value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- card/networkToken: description: >- Initialize the device data collection using a Network Payment Token value: transactionReference: unique-transactionReference merchant: entity: default paymentInstrument: type: card/networkToken tokenNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 No payment instrument provided (only jwt returned): description: >- Initialize the device data collection without a payment instrument. Only the JWT is returned. value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default responses: '200': description: The data for the device data collection has been generated content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_200_response' examples: card/front: description: Initialize the device data collection using the card number value: outcome: initialized transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 deviceDataCollection: &ref_0 jwt: >- eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJPcmdVbml0SWQiOiJPcmdVbml0IiwiaXNzIjoiYXBpSWQiLCJleHAiOjE1NjI5MjMzNDYsImlhdCI6MTU2MjkyMzQwNiwianRpIjoiYTAzMWVhOGEtN2E0Zi00YTQwLWI1NjMtOTUzMzYzMzVhZGNmIn0.0IK74OIXBxFsxqeOURJz1TFnz14ZTbFJTdTWo9cHUJQ url: bin: '555555' _links: &ref_1 3ds:authenticate: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds card/tokenized: description: Initialize the device data collection using a Worldpay Token value: outcome: initialized transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 deviceDataCollection: *ref_0 _links: *ref_1 card/networkToken: description: >- Initialize the device data collection using a Network Payment Token value: outcome: initialized transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 deviceDataCollection: *ref_0 _links: *ref_1 No payment instrument provided (only jwt returned): description: >- Initialize the device data collection without a payment instrument. Only the JWT is returned. value: outcome: initialized transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 deviceDataCollection: jwt: >- eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJPcmdVbml0SWQiOiJPcmdVbml0IiwiaXNzIjoiYXBpSWQiLCJleHAiOjE1NjI5MjMzNDYsImlhdCI6MTU2MjkyMzQwNiwianRpIjoiYTAzMWVhOGEtN2E0Zi00YTQwLWI1NjMtOTUzMzYzMzVhZGNmIn0.0IK74OIXBxFsxqeOURJz1TFnz14ZTbFJTdTWo9cHUJQ url: _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds '400': description: The request has encountered validation errors content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_400_response' examples: The request is missing a mandatory field `transactionReference`: description: >- The request does not have a mandatory field `transactionReference` value: message: The json body provided does not match the expected schema errorName: bodyDoesNotMatchSchema validationErrors: - errorName: stringIsTooShort jsonPath: $.transactionReference message: >- Transaction reference must be between 1 and 64 characters inclusive _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header: description: The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header value: message: Provided request contains a header with an invalid value errorName: headerHasInvalidValue headerName: Content-Type _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true '502': description: Invalid response received from upstream content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_502_response' examples: An invalid response is received from upstream: description: An invalid response is received from upstream value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization status: 502 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true '503': description: The requested service is unavailable content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_503_response' examples: The requested service is unavailable: description: The requested service is unavailable value: message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication: post: summary: Initiate the 3DS authentication description: |+ Authenticate your customer by submitting order and risk data. operationId: authenticate parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json - in: header name: Accept schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate' examples: card/front: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing card details which results in an authenticated response value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default overrideName: The Baskerville Animal Sanctuary acquirerId: '01234567' instruction: paymentInstrument: type: card/front cardHolderName: Sherlock Holmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221B Baker Street address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW1 6XE city: London countryCode: GB value: currency: GBP amount: 250 deviceData: collectionReference: 0_3XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX6b5 acceptHeader: text/html userAgentHeader: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) browserLanguage: en-GB browserJavaEnabled: 'true' browserColorDepth: '15' browserScreenHeight: '1200' browserScreenWidth: '900' timeZone: '-300' browserJavascriptEnabled: 'true' ipAddress: challenge: windowSize: 600x400 preference: noPreference returnUrl: riskData: account: previousSuspiciousActivity: false type: registeredUser email: history: createdAt: '2019-11-18' modifiedAt: '2019-11-18' passwordModifiedAt: '2019-10-15' paymentAccountEnrolledAt: '2019-11-18' transaction: reorder: true preOrderDate: '2019-11-18' firstName: Sherlock lastName: Holmes phoneNumber: '00000000000' history: attemptsLastDay: 2 attemptsLastYear: 6 completedLastSixMonths: 6 addCardsLastDay: 5 shippingAddressFirstUsedAt: '2018-09-18' giftCardsPurchase: totalValue: currency: GBP amount: 10 quantity: 4 shipping: nameMatchesAccountName: false method: verifiedAddress timeFrame: nextDay email: address: address1: Disneyland address2: Disneyland Drive address3: Adventure Park postalCode: DL1 2CA city: Anaheim stateCode: CA countryCode: GB phoneNumber: '01911234321' card/tokenized: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing a token which results in an authenticated response value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default overrideName: The Baskerville Animal Sanctuary acquirerId: '01234567' instruction: paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: >- value: currency: GBP amount: 250 deviceData: collectionReference: 0_3XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX6b5 acceptHeader: text/html userAgentHeader: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) browserLanguage: en-GB browserJavaEnabled: 'true' browserColorDepth: '15' browserScreenHeight: '1200' browserScreenWidth: '900' timeZone: '-300' browserJavascriptEnabled: 'true' ipAddress: challenge: windowSize: 600x400 preference: noPreference returnUrl: riskData: account: previousSuspiciousActivity: false type: registeredUser email: history: createdAt: '2019-11-18' modifiedAt: '2019-11-18' passwordModifiedAt: '2019-10-15' paymentAccountEnrolledAt: '2019-11-18' transaction: reorder: true preOrderDate: '2019-11-18' firstName: John lastName: Appleseed phoneNumber: '00000000000' history: attemptsLastDay: 2 attemptsLastYear: 6 completedLastSixMonths: 6 addCardsLastDay: 5 shippingAddressFirstUsedAt: '2018-09-18' giftCardsPurchase: totalValue: currency: GBP amount: 10 quantity: 4 shipping: nameMatchesAccountName: false method: verifiedAddress timeFrame: nextDay email: address: address1: Disneyland address2: Disneyland Drive address3: Adventure Park postalCode: DL1 2CA city: Anaheim stateCode: CA countryCode: GB phoneNumber: '01911234321' card/networkToken: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing a network payment token which results in an authenticated response value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default overrideName: The Baskerville Animal Sanctuary acquirerId: '01234567' instruction: paymentInstrument: type: card/networkToken tokenNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221B Baker Street address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW1 6XE city: London countryCode: GB value: currency: GBP amount: 250 deviceData: collectionReference: 0_3XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX6b5 acceptHeader: text/html userAgentHeader: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) browserLanguage: en-GB browserJavaEnabled: 'true' browserColorDepth: '15' browserScreenHeight: '1200' browserScreenWidth: '900' timeZone: '-300' browserJavascriptEnabled: 'true' ipAddress: challenge: windowSize: 600x400 preference: noPreference returnUrl: riskData: account: previousSuspiciousActivity: false type: registeredUser email: history: createdAt: '2019-11-18' modifiedAt: '2019-11-18' passwordModifiedAt: '2019-10-15' paymentAccountEnrolledAt: '2019-11-18' transaction: reorder: true preOrderDate: '2019-11-18' firstName: Sherlock lastName: Holmes phoneNumber: '00000000000' history: attemptsLastDay: 2 attemptsLastYear: 6 completedLastSixMonths: 6 addCardsLastDay: 5 shippingAddressFirstUsedAt: '2018-09-18' giftCardsPurchase: totalValue: currency: GBP amount: 10 quantity: 4 shipping: nameMatchesAccountName: false method: verifiedAddress timeFrame: nextDay email: address: address1: Disneyland address2: Disneyland Drive address3: Adventure Park postalCode: DL1 2CA city: Anaheim stateCode: CA countryCode: GB phoneNumber: '01911234321' Minimum Recommended (web): description: >- Minimum recommended key:values for web integration to meet EMVco guidelines and ensure healthy authentication rates. See [How much data to provide](/products/access/3ds/web/authentication/#how-much-data-to-provide) for details. value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: paymentInstrument: type: card/front cardHolderName: Sherlock Holmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221B Baker Street address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW1 6XE city: London countryCode: GB value: currency: GBP amount: 250 deviceData: collectionReference: 0_3XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX6b5 acceptHeader: text/html userAgentHeader: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) browserLanguage: en-GB browserJavaEnabled: 'true' browserColorDepth: '15' browserScreenHeight: '1200' browserScreenWidth: '900' timeZone: '-300' browserJavascriptEnabled: 'true' ipAddress: challenge: returnUrl: riskData: account: email: transaction: firstName: Sherlock lastName: Holmes phoneNumber: '00000000000' Minimum Recommended (native): description: >- Minimum recommended key:values for native (iOS/Android) to meet EMVco guidelines and ensure healthy authentication rates. See [How much data to provide](/products/access/3ds/android-ios/authentication/#how-much-data-to-provide) for details. value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default instruction: paymentInstrument: type: card/front cardHolderName: Sherlock Holmes cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: 221B Baker Street address2: Marylebone address3: Westminster postalCode: NW1 6XE city: London countryCode: GB value: currency: GBP amount: 250 deviceData: collectionReference: 0_3XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX6b5 acceptHeader: text/html userAgentHeader: >- Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone14,6; U; CPU iPhone OS 15_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/19E241 Safari/602.1 ipAddress: challenge: returnUrl: riskData: account: email: transaction: firstName: Sherlock lastName: Holmes phoneNumber: '00000000000' responses: '200': description: The authentication has been created content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_200_response' - $ref: >- #/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_200_response_cartes_bancaires - $ref: >- #/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_challenged_200_response - $ref: >- #/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_200_response_authentication_failed - $ref: >- #/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_200_response_unavailable - $ref: >- #/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_200_response_bypassed examples: authenticated: description: Successful frictionless authentication value: outcome: authenticated transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 authentication: version: 2.1.0 authenticationValue: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= eci: '05' transactionId: c5b808e7-1de1-4069-a17b-f70d3b3b1645 authenticated (Cartes Bancaires): description: Successful frictionless authentication (Cartes Bancaires) value: outcome: authenticated transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 authentication: version: 2.1.0 authenticationValue: AJkBBkhgQQAAAE4gSEJydQAAAAA= eci: '05' transactionId: be122acf-0ba7-4eff-aa5b-fb53e9ad2f87 cryptogramAlgorithm: 1 challengePreference: challengeMandated authenticationFlow: frictionless brand: cartesBancaires challenged: description: >- Issuer challenge required based on a risk assessment they have performed value: outcome: challenged transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 authentication: version: 2.1.0 challenge: reference: '123456789' url: jwt: >- VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2UgNjQgZW5jb2RlZCBleGFtcGxlIG9mIGEgM0RTICJwYXlsb2FkIg== payload: >- eyJtZXNzYWdlVHlwZSI6IkNSZXEiLCJtZXNzYWdlVmVyc2lvbiI6IjIuMS4wIiwidGhyZWVE _links: 3ds:verify: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds authenticationFailed: description: >- Issuer failed the authentication without providing the option for a challenge value: outcome: authenticationFailed transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 authentication: version: 2.1.0 eci: '07' transactionId: c5b808e7-1de1-4069-a17b-f70d3b3b1645 _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds unavailable: description: Error/Timeout whilst attempting authentication value: outcome: unavailable transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds bypassed: description: >- Bypass the authentication flow using Cardinal rules engine configuration. Part of 3DS premium value: outcome: bypassed transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 authentication: version: 2.1.0 eci: '07' transactionId: c5b808e7-1de1-4069-a17b-f70d3b3b1645 '400': description: The request has encountered validation errors content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_400_response' examples: The request is missing a mandatory field `merchant`: description: The request does not have a mandatory field `merchant` value: message: The json body provided does not match the expected schema errorName: bodyDoesNotMatchSchema validationErrors: - errorName: fieldIsMissing jsonPath: $.merchant message: Merchant must be provided _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header: description: The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header value: message: Provided request contains a header with an invalid value errorName: headerHasInvalidValue headerName: Content-Type _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true The request is using an invalid HTTP method: description: The request is using an invalid HTTP method value: errorName: methodNotAllowed allowedMethods: - POST message: Method GET not allowed for this request _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true '502': description: Invalid response received from upstream content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_502_response' examples: An invalid response is received from upstream: description: An invalid response is received from upstream value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 502 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds '503': description: The requested service is unavailable content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_503_response' examples: The requested service is unavailable: description: The requested service is unavailable value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 503 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds /verifications/customers/3ds/verification: post: summary: Verify the 3DS challenge response description: |+ Verify the results of a challenged authentication. operationId: verify parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json - in: header name: Accept schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify' examples: Verification: description: >- An example of a verification request to return the 3DS authentication data value: transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 merchant: entity: default challenge: reference: 1xoKSqTvmLvhRYBsaE60 responses: '200': description: >- The challenge was successful - obtain the authentication data for onward use content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify_200_response' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify_200_response_failed' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify_200_response_unavailable' - $ref: >- #/components/schemas/3DS_verify_200_response_signature_failed examples: authenticated: description: >- An example of a verification request to return the 3DS authentication data value: outcome: authenticated transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 authentication: version: 2.1.0 authenticationValue: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= eci: '05' transactionId: c5b808e7-1de1-4069 authenticationFailed: description: >- An example of a verification request to return the 3DS authentication data value: outcome: authenticationFailed transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 authentication: version: 1.0.2 eci: '00' transactionId: N+en2I5+ZK/kQqk69wXdI8XIPg8= _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds unavailable: description: >- An example of a verification request to return the 3DS authentication data value: outcome: unavailable transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 _links: &ref_2 3ds:authenticate: href: >- 3ds:verify: href: >- curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds signatureFailed: description: >- An example of a verification request to return the 3DS authentication data value: outcome: unavailable transactionReference: Memory265-13/08/1876 _links: *ref_2 '400': description: The request has encountered validation errors content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify_400_response' examples: The request contains invalid characters: description: >- The request contains invalid characters in `transactionReference` and `merchant.entity` fields value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/verification status: 400 message: The json body provided does not match the expected schema errorName: bodyDoesNotMatchSchema validationErrors: - errorName: stringFailedRegexCheck jsonPath: $.merchant.entity message: Entity must be alphanumeric with optional spaces - errorName: stringFailedRegexCheck jsonPath: $.transactionReference message: >- Transaction reference characters must be alphanumeric or one of the following: _!@#$%()*=-.:;?[]{}~`/+ _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header: description: The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/verification status: 400 message: Provided request contains a header with an invalid value errorName: headerHasInvalidValue headerName: Content-Type _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true The request is using an invalid HTTP method: description: The request is using an invalid HTTP method value: message: Method GET not allowed for this request errorName: methodNotAllowed allowedMethods: - POST _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds '502': description: Invalid response received from upstream content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_502_response' examples: An invalid response is received from upstream: description: An invalid response is received from upstream value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 502 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds '503': description: The requested service is unavailable content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v3.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_503_response' examples: The requested service is unavailable: description: The requested service is unavailable value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 503 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds components: schemas: transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[-A-Za-z0-9_!@#$%()*=.:;?\[\]{}~`/+]*$ type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication. For example, e-commerce order code. Use the same transactionReference across all 3 potential request types (deviceDataInitialization, authentication, verification). merchant: required: - entity type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the merchant and API level configuration. properties: entity: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$ type: string description: >- Used to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding. deviceDataCollection: required: - jwt - url type: object description: Object containing device data collection related information properties: jwt: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A digitally signed token that contains additional details required for DDC. url: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A `POST` action on the DDC form. Used to redirect to the issuers DDC page. bin: maxLength: 6 minLength: 6 type: string description: >- First six digits of the card number (Bank Identification Number), used as part of DDC. Returned if a token resource, network payment token or card number is included in the request. billingAddress: required: - address1 - city - postalCode - countryCode type: object description: An object containing the billing address information. properties: city: maxLength: 50 minLength: 1 type: string description: Billing address city address1: maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 type: string description: Billing address line 1 postalCode: maxLength: 15 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Billing address postal code, [See country codes with optional postalCode](/products/access/reference/useful-tables/#postalcode-optional) countryCode: maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}$ type: string description: Billing address country code state: maxLength: 30 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Billing address state. Should only be provided following the `ISO-3611-2` two-character sub division (e.g.“CA” for California). We recommend you provide this for US and China addresses. address2: maxLength: 80 type: string description: Billing address line 2 address3: maxLength: 80 type: string description: Billing address line 3 cardHolderName: maxLength: 255 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- The name on your customer's card. This is not a mandatory field, however we recommend that you supply this to improve authentication rates. eci: maxLength: 2 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Commerce Indicator (ECI). Indicates the outcome of the 3DS authentication. | ECI | Meaning | |---|---| | 02 or 05 | Fully Authenticated Transaction | | 01 or 06 | Attempted Authentication Transaction | | 00 or 07 | Non 3-D Secure Transaction | | Scheme | Value | |---|---| | Mastercard | 02, 01, 00 | | Visa | 05, 06, 07 | | Amex | 05, 06, 07 | | JCB | 05, 06, 07 | | Diners | 05, 06, 07 | authenticationValue: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: > A cryptographic value that provides evidence of the outcome of a 3DS verification. - Visa - Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) - Mastercard - Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF) transactionId: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Directory server transaction Id, if provided should be used in the payment authorization authentication object version: maxLength: 10 minLength: 1 type: string description: The version of 3DS used to process the transaction. authentication: type: object description: Object that contains authentication related information. properties: version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/version' eci: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eci' authenticationValue: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authenticationValue' transactionId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/transactionId' challengeResponse: type: object description: >- Object containing challenge related information in case of a "challenged" flow properties: reference: maxLength: 20 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- This links the authentication response to the subsequent challenge form and verification request. url: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- POST action on the challenge form. Used to redirect to the issuers challenge page as part of the challenge form. jwt: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A digitally signed token that contains additional details, such as the URL to return to after the challenge screen. Expires in `10` minutes on Try and `30 sec` on Live payload: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- JSON container with extra data required for the challenge. This is used by the native SDK (iOS/Android) only. authenticationResponseCartesBancaires: type: object description: Object that contains authentication related information. properties: version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/version' eci: $ref: '#/components/schemas/eci' authenticationValue: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authenticationValue' transactionId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/transactionId' cryptogramAlgorithm: maxLength: 99999 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Indicates the algorithm used to generate the cryptogram. __Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only__ and must be applied in the following authorization request. challengePreference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: > Indicates the preferred challenge behavior. __Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only__ and must be applied in the following authorization request. - `noPrefrence` - `noChallengeRequested` - `challengeRequested` - `challengeMandated` authenticationFlow: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 enum: - challenge - frictionless type: string description: >- Indicates which flow the customer has been directed to. __Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only__ and must be applied in the following authorization request. statusReason: maxLength: 2 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Provides further information relating to the outcome of the authentication. Returned for failed authentications only. __Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only.__ cancellationIndicator: maxLength: 2 minLength: 0 type: string description: > An indicator as to why the authentication was cancelled. __Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only.__ - `01` - Cardholder selected cancel - `02` - Reserved for future use - `03` - Authentication timed out - `04` & `05` - Authentication timed out at ACS provider - `06` - Transaction error - `07` - Unknown - `08` - Transaction timed out at SDK networkScore: maxLength: 2 minLength: 0 type: string description: >- The global score calculated by the Cartes Bancaires scoring platform. __Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only__. brand: maxLength: 64 minLength: 0 type: string description: >- The card brand used in the authentication. __Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only__ and must be applied in the following authorization. 3DS_deviceDataInitialize: required: - transactionReference - merchant type: object properties: transactionReference: $ref: '#/components/schemas/transactionReference' merchant: $ref: '#/components/schemas/merchant' paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_front' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_networktoken' discriminator: mapping: card/front: '#/components/schemas/card_front' card/tokenized: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' card/networkToken: '#/components/schemas/card_networktoken' propertyName: type 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_200_response: required: - outcome - transactionReference - deviceDataCollection type: object properties: outcome: type: string format: initialized description: Outcome of the device data initialization request transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication. For example, e-commerce order code. deviceDataCollection: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deviceDataCollection' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_400_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name headerName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The name of the header containing invalid value allowedMethods: type: array description: List of HTTP methods that are allowed items: type: string validationErrors: description: Object containing details of validation errors occurred type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/validation_errors' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_502_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_503_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' card_front: required: - type - cardNumber - cardExpiryDate type: object properties: type: type: string format: card/front description: An identifier for the `paymentInstrument` being used. cardHolderName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cardHolderName' cardExpiryDate: required: - month - year type: object description: Object containing card expiry information properties: month: maximum: 12 minimum: 1 type: integer description: Card expiry month year: maximum: 9999 minimum: 1 type: integer description: Card expiry year cardNumber: maxLength: 19 minLength: 10 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ type: string description: Clear card number (PAN) billingAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingAddress' card_networktoken: required: - type - tokenNumber - cardExpiryDate type: object properties: type: type: string format: card/networkToken description: An identifier for the `paymentInstrument` being used. cardExpiryDate: required: - month - year type: object description: Object containing card expiry information properties: month: maximum: 12 minimum: 1 type: integer description: Card expiry month year: maximum: 9999 minimum: 1 type: integer description: Card expiry year tokenNumber: maxLength: 19 minLength: 10 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ type: string description: The network token number cardHolderName: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cardHolderName' billingAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingAddress' card_tokenized: required: - type - href type: object properties: type: type: string format: card/tokenized description: An identifier for the `paymentInstrument` being used. href: minLength: 1 type: string description: An `http` address that contains your link to an Access Token 3DS_authenticate: required: - transactionReference - merchant - instruction - deviceData - challenge type: object properties: transactionReference: $ref: '#/components/schemas/transactionReference' merchant: required: - entity type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the merchant and API level configuration. properties: entity: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$ type: string description: >- Used to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding. overrideName: type: string description: >- Used to override the merchant name that's both submitted to issuers as well as displayed to the customer in the authentication process. PayFac merchants should submit the name of their submerchant. acquirerId: type: string maxLength: 20 minLength: 1 example: 1234567 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ description: >- Instructs the issuer that the following authorization will be completed with an external acquirer instruction: required: - value - paymentInstrument type: object description: >- The object that contains all the payment information related to the authentication request. properties: value: required: - amount - currency type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the value of the authentication. properties: amount: maximum: 99999999999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- The authentication amount. This is a whole number with an exponent e.g. if exponent is two, 250 is 2.50. You can find the relevant exponent in our [currency table](/products/access/reference/useful-tables/#currency-codes). The authentication amount should be equal to the authorization amount. We recommend you delay authentication until the amount is known, or ensure it's greater than the total transaction amount. currency: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$ type: string description: >- The three digit currency code. See list of [supported currencies](/products/access/reference/useful-tables/#currency-codes) paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_front' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_networktoken' description: An object that contains the card details or token location. discriminator: mapping: card/front: '#/components/schemas/card_front' card/tokenized: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' card/networkToken: '#/components/schemas/card_networktoken' propertyName: type deviceData: required: - acceptHeader - userAgentHeader type: object description: Object containing device data information. properties: acceptHeader: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Used by the issuer to check if the customer's browser is compatible with the issuer challenge display. userAgentHeader: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Used by issuers as part of risk analysis and correctly displaying the challenge. Must conform to RFC 7321 E.g. `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0)`. collectionReference: maxLength: 200 type: string description: >- For web this is the `sessionId` in the post message response from the Device Data Collection form. For iOS/Android SDK this is the `consumerSessionId` returned as part of SDK initialization. It is __highly recommended__ you provide this, not doing so will increase issuer challenges. browserLanguage: maxLength: 8 minLength: 1 type: string description: ' Your customer''s browser language that can be used by the issuer in risk analysis. Must conform to the language tags defined by IETF. E.g. en-GB, fr-FR. ' ipAddress: type: string description: |2- A unique identifier for your customer's physical location that can be used by the issuer in risk analysis. Must be in IPv4 or IPv6 format. E.g. browserJavaEnabled: type: boolean description: Defines whether Java is enabled on your customers browser. browserColorDepth: type: string description: The color depth of your customers browser enum: - '1' - '4' - '8' - '15' - '16' - '24' - '32' - '48' browserScreenHeight: type: integer description: Defines the pixel height of the customers browser. format: int32 browserScreenWidth: type: integer description: Defines the pixel width of the customers browser. format: int32 timeZone: pattern: ^[+-]?\d{1,4}$ type: string description: |2- Time zone offset in minutes between UTC and your customer's browser local time. Example time zone offset values in minutes: If UTC -5 hours: `300` `+300` If UTC +5 hours: `-300` browserJavascriptEnabled: type: boolean description: Defines whether Javascript is enabled on your customers browser. challenge: required: - returnUrl type: object description: An object that contains challenge related information. properties: returnUrl: minLength: 1 type: string format: uri description: >- URL the issuer will use to notify the challenge has been completed. preference: enum: - noPreference - noChallengeRequested - challengeRequested - challengeMandated type: string description: >- Preference regarding issuer displaying challenge to the customer. The interpretation of this field varies from issuer to issuer, so Worldpay cannot guarantee any particular behavior on their part as a result of you setting this field. x-enumDescriptions: noPreference: default noChallengeRequested: prefer no challenge performed challengeRequested: prefer challenge is performed challengeMandated: >- local or region mandates meaning a challenge must be performed. For SCA mandated countries you should use `challengeMandated` in the authentication request as part of the first CIT payment in an MIT series. windowSize: default: 390x400 enum: - 390x400 - 250x400 - 500x600 - 600x400 - fullPage type: string description: >- Specify the challenge window size (width x height) that the issuer should use. riskData: type: object description: Object containing additional risk data. properties: account: type: object description: Object containing all customer account related risk data. properties: previousSuspiciousActivity: type: boolean description: Whether there is a record of previous suspicious activity. type: enum: - guestUser - registeredUser - federatedAccount - issuerCredentials - thirdPartyAuthentication - fidoAuthenticator type: string description: Type of account the current customer has. x-enumDescriptions: guestUser: >- Order placed without full merchant account registration (no password) registeredUser: >- Order placed with full merchant account registration (password entered) federatedAccount: Using a Federated ID issuerCredentials: Using issuer credentials thirdPartyAuthentication: Using third party authentication fidoAuthenticator: FIDO authentication standard email: maxLength: 128 minLength: 3 pattern: ^.+@.+$ type: string description: >- The customer's email address. We recommend you provide at least one of either `transaction.phoneNumber` or `` history: type: object description: Object containing customer's account history. properties: createdAt: type: string format: date description: When the account was created. modifiedAt: type: string format: date description: When the account was last modified. passwordModifiedAt: type: string format: date description: When the account password was last changed. paymentAccountEnrolledAt: type: string format: date description: >- Date the payment account was added to the cardholder account. transaction: type: object description: Object containing all customer transaction related risk data. properties: reorder: type: boolean description: If this is a repeat of a previous order. preOrderDate: type: string format: date description: Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available. firstName: maxLength: 22 minLength: 1 type: string description: Customer's first name. lastName: maxLength: 22 minLength: 1 type: string description: Customer's last name. phoneNumber: maxLength: 20 minLength: 4 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ type: string description: Customer's phone number. history: type: object description: Object containing details of the last transaction. properties: attemptsLastDay: maximum: 999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours. attemptsLastYear: maximum: 999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year. completedLastSixMonths: maximum: 9999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- Number of purchases with this customer account during the previous six months. addCardsLastDay: maximum: 999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: Number of attempts to add a card in the last 24hrs. shippingAddressFirstUsedAt: type: string format: date description: >- When the shipping address used for the transaction was first used. giftCardsPurchase: type: object description: >- Object containing information on whether the order is being used to purchase a gift card. properties: totalValue: required: - amount - currency type: object description: >- Object containing information on value of the gift cards being purchase. properties: amount: maximum: 99999999999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- The amount being placed on the gift card. If provided, must include `totalValue.currency`. currency: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$ type: string description: >- The three digit currency code. If provided must include `totalValue.amount`. quantity: maximum: 99 minimum: 0 type: integer description: The number of gift cards being purchased. shipping: type: object description: >- Object containing all data related to how the order will be shipped. properties: nameMatchesAccountName: type: boolean description: >- If customer name on account is identical to the shipping name. method: enum: - billingAddress - verifiedAddress - otherAddress - store - digital - unshippedTickets - other type: string description: >- Field containing information on shipping method chosen by customer. x-enumDescriptions: billingAddress: Ship to customers billing address verifiedAddress: Ship to another verified address on file with merchant otherAddress: Ship to address that is different than billing address store: >- Ship to store (store address should be populated on request) digital: Digital goods unshippedTickets: Travel and event tickets, not shipped other: Other timeFrame: enum: - electronic - twoDaysPlus - nextDay - sameDay type: string description: Timeframe chosen by customer for delivery. email: maxLength: 128 minLength: 3 pattern: ^.+@.+$ type: string description: The email address used for an electronic delivery. address: type: object required: - address1 - city - postalCode - countryCode - stateCode description: An object containing the shippping address information. properties: address1: type: string maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 description: Shipping address line 1 address2: type: string maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 description: Shipping address line 2 address3: type: string maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 description: Shipping address line 3 postalCode: type: string maxLength: 15 minLength: 1 description: Postcode of shipping address city: maxLength: 50 minLength: 1 type: string description: Shipping address city countryCode: type: string maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 description: Shipping address country code stateCode: type: string maxLength: 2 minLength: 1 description: >- Shipping address state. Should only be provided following the `ISO-3611-2` two-character sub division (e.g.“CA” for California). phoneNumber: type: string maxLength: 20 minLength: 4 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ description: Shipping recipient's phone number. 3DS_authenticate_200_response: title: authenticated required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. authentication: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authentication' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_authenticate_challenged_200_response: title: challenged required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. authentication: type: object description: Object that contains authentication related information. properties: version: $ref: '#/components/schemas/version' challenge: $ref: '#/components/schemas/challengeResponse' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_authenticate_200_response_cartes_bancaires: title: authenticated (Cartes Bancaires) required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. authentication: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authenticationResponseCartesBancaires' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' description: Shipping recipient's phone number. 3DS_authenticate_200_response_authentication_failed: title: authenticationFailed required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. authentication: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authentication' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_authenticate_200_response_unavailable: title: unavailable required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_authenticate_200_response_bypassed: title: bypassed required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. authentication: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authentication' 3DS_authenticate_400_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name headerName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The name of the header containing invalid value allowedMethods: type: array description: List of HTTP methods that are allowed items: type: string validationErrors: description: Object containing details of validation errors occurred type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/validation_errors' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_authenticate_502_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_authenticate_503_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_verify: required: - transactionReference - challenge - merchant type: object properties: transactionReference: $ref: '#/components/schemas/transactionReference' merchant: required: - entity type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the merchant and API level configuration. properties: entity: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$ type: string description: >- Used to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding. challenge: required: - reference type: object description: >- Object containing challenge related information in case of a "challenged" flow properties: reference: maxLength: 20 minLength: 20 pattern: (^[A-Za-z0-9]*$) type: string description: >- The challenge reference obtained from the previous authentication request, in case the customer was redirected to a "challenged" flow. 3DS_verify_200_response: title: authenticated type: object properties: outcome: enum: - authenticated - authenticationFailed - unavailable - signatureFailed type: string description: Outcome of the previously posted authentication request. authentication: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authentication' transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_verify_200_response_failed: title: authenticationFailed type: object properties: outcome: enum: - authenticated - authenticationFailed - unavailable - signatureFailed type: string description: Outcome of the previously posted authentication request. authentication: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authentication' transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_verify_200_response_unavailable: title: unavailable type: object properties: outcome: enum: - authenticated - authenticationFailed - unavailable - signatureFailed type: string description: Outcome of the previously posted authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_verify_200_response_signature_failed: title: signatureFailed type: object properties: outcome: enum: - authenticated - authenticationFailed - unavailable - signatureFailed type: string description: Outcome of the previously posted authentication request. authentication: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authentication' transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' 3DS_verify_400_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name headerName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The name of the header containing invalid value allowedMethods: type: array description: List of HTTP methods that are allowed items: type: string validationErrors: description: Object containing details of validation errors occurred type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/validation_errors' _links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/links' links: title: Links type: object additionalProperties: true validation_errors: type: object required: - errorName - jsonPath - message properties: errorName: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Unique name of the validation error jsonPath: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Location of the field in request body for which the error occurred message: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Error description message securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic security: - BasicAuth: []