openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: 3DS description: >- Protect your business and meet regulatory requirements by verifying your customer's identity with our 3DS API. version: '2' servers: - url: description: testing (try) - url: description: live paths: /verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialize: post: summary: Generate required data for 3DS Device Data Collection description: >+ Allow card issuers to perform Device Data Collection to fingerprint your customers device. operationId: deviceDataInitialize parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type required: true schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json - in: header name: Accept required: true schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize' examples: Initialize the device data collection for a token payment instrument: description: >- Initialize the device data collection for a token payment instrument value: transactionReference: uniqueId merchant: entity: default paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/tokens/MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng Initialize the device data collection without a payment instrument: description: >- Initialize the device data collection without a payment instrument value: transactionReference: uniqueId merchant: entity: default responses: '200': description: The data for the device data collection has been generated content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_200_response' examples: Initialize the device data collection for a token payment instrument: description: >- Initialize the device data collection for a token payment instrument value: outcome: initialized transactionReference: uniqueId deviceDataCollection: jwt: >- eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJPcmdVbml0SWQiOiJvcmcgdW5pdCBpZCIsImlzcyI6ImFwaSBpZCIsImV4cCI6MTI5NDUsImlhdCI6MTIzNDUsImp0aSI6ImU1ODY2MDYzLWVmYmMtNGY5My1iYmI3LTg1MDkzZjAxZGZjZCJ9.SUafrXef_d3915NeHygKGP5LmnQXz2Jdxjhtj5OJRsw url: bin: '444433' _links: curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds 3ds:authenticate: href: authenticate Initialize the device data collection without a payment instrument: description: >- Initialize the device data collection without a payment instrument value: outcome: initialized transactionReference: uniqueId deviceDataCollection: jwt: >- eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJPcmdVbml0SWQiOiJvcmcgdW5pdCBpZCIsImlzcyI6ImFwaSBpZCIsImV4cCI6MTI5NDUsImlhdCI6MTIzNDUsImp0aSI6ImU1ODY2MDYzLWVmYmMtNGY5My1iYmI3LTg1MDkzZjAxZGZjZCJ9.SUafrXef_d3915NeHygKGP5LmnQXz2Jdxjhtj5OJRsw url: _links: curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds 3ds:authenticate: href: authenticate '400': description: The request has encountered validation errors content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_400_response' examples: The request is missing a mandatory field `transactionReference`: description: >- The request does not have a mandatory field `transactionReference` value: message: The json body provided does not match the expected schema errorName: bodyDoesNotMatchSchema validationErrors: - errorName: stringIsTooShort jsonPath: $.transactionReference message: >- Transaction reference must be between 1 and 64 characters inclusive _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header: description: The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header value: message: Provided request contains a header with an invalid value errorName: headerHasInvalidValue headerName: Content-Type _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true '502': description: Invalid response received from upstream content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_502_response' examples: An invalid response is received from upstream: description: An invalid response is received from upstream value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization status: 502 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true '503': description: The requested service is unavailable content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_deviceDataInitialize_503_response' examples: The requested service is unavailable: description: The requested service is unavailable value: message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:deviceDataInitialize: href: >- $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/deviceDataInitialization curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true /verifications/customers/3ds/authenticate: post: summary: Initiate the 3DS authentication description: |+ Authenticate your customer by submitting order and risk data. operationId: authenticate parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json - in: header name: Accept schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate' examples: An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing card details which results in an authenticated response: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing card details which results in an authenticated response value: transactionReference: uniqueId merchant: entity: default instruction: paymentInstrument: type: card/front cardHolderName: Card Holder Name cardNumber: '4444333322221111' cardExpiryDate: month: 5 year: 2035 billingAddress: address1: Address 1 address2: Address 2 address3: Address 3 postalCode: Postal Code city: City state: State countryCode: GB value: currency: GBP amount: 42 challenge: returnUrl: deviceData: acceptHeader: text/html userAgentHeader: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) collectionReference: reference riskData: account: previousSuspiciousActivity: true type: guestUser history: createdAt: '2002-11-23' modifiedAt: '2003-10-21' passwordModifiedAt: '2005-02-10' paymentAccountEnrolledAt: '2004-09-02' transaction: reorder: true preOrderDate: '2010-08-04' history: attemptsLastDay: 2 attemptsLastYear: 6 completedLastSixMonths: 7 addCardsLastDay: 5 shippingAddressFirstUsedAt: '2009-02-22' giftCardsPurchase: totalValue: currency: GBP amount: 10 quantity: 4 shipping: nameMatchesAccountName: false method: digital timeFrame: electronic email: An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing a token which results in an authenticated response: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing a token which results in an authenticated response value: transactionReference: uniqueId merchant: entity: default instruction: paymentInstrument: type: card/tokenized href: https://tokens/tokens/MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng value: currency: GBP amount: 42 challenge: returnUrl: deviceData: acceptHeader: text/html userAgentHeader: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) collectionReference: reference riskData: account: previousSuspiciousActivity: true type: guestUser history: createdAt: '2002-11-23' modifiedAt: '2003-10-21' passwordModifiedAt: '2005-02-10' paymentAccountEnrolledAt: '2004-09-02' transaction: reorder: true preOrderDate: '2010-08-04' history: attemptsLastDay: 2 attemptsLastYear: 6 completedLastSixMonths: 7 addCardsLastDay: 5 shippingAddressFirstUsedAt: '2009-02-22' giftCardsPurchase: totalValue: currency: GBP amount: 10 quantity: 4 shipping: nameMatchesAccountName: false method: digital timeFrame: electronic email: responses: '200': description: The authentication has been created content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_200_response' - $ref: >- #/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_200_response_cartes_bancaires examples: An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing card details which results in an authenticated response: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing card details which results in an authenticated response value: outcome: authenticated transactionReference: uniqueId authentication: version: 2.1.0 authenticationValue: authValue eci: '02' transactionId: transaction1234567890 An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing a token which results in an authenticated response: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Authentication request containing a token which results in an authenticated response value: outcome: authenticated transactionReference: uniqueId authentication: version: 2.1.0 authenticationValue: authValue eci: '02' transactionId: transaction1234567890 An example of a 3DS2 Cartes Bancaires request for Authentication containing card details from which results in an authenticated response: description: >- An example of a 3DS2 Cartes Bancaires request for Authentication containing card details from which results in an authenticated response value: authentication: authenticationValue: authValue eci: '02' transactionId: transaction1234567890 version: 2.1.0 cryptogramAlgorithm: 1 challengePreference: challengeMandated authenticationFlow: frictionless networkScore: '01' brand: cartesBancaires outcome: authenticated transactionReference: uniqueId '400': description: The request has encountered validation errors content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_400_response' examples: The request is missing a mandatory field `merchant`: description: The request does not have a mandatory field `merchant` value: message: The json body provided does not match the expected schema errorName: bodyDoesNotMatchSchema validationErrors: - errorName: fieldIsMissing jsonPath: $.merchant message: Merchant must be provided _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header: description: The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header value: message: Provided request contains a header with an invalid value errorName: headerHasInvalidValue headerName: Content-Type _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true The request is using an invalid HTTP method: description: The request is using an invalid HTTP method value: errorName: methodNotAllowed allowedMethods: - POST message: Method GET not allowed for this request _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true '502': description: Invalid response received from upstream content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_502_response' examples: An invalid response is received from upstream: description: An invalid response is received from upstream value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 502 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds '503': description: The requested service is unavailable content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_503_response' examples: The requested service is unavailable: description: The requested service is unavailable value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 503 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds /verifications/customers/3ds/verification: post: summary: Verify the 3DS challenge response description: |+ Verify the results of a challenged authentication. operationId: verify parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json - in: header name: Accept schema: type: string example: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json requestBody: content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify' examples: An example of a 3DS Verification request: description: An example of a 3DS Verification request value: transactionReference: sRMPWCQoQrEiVxehTnu0 merchant: entity: default challenge: reference: uniqueChallengeRef12 responses: '200': description: >- The challenge was successful - obtain the authentication data for onward use content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify_200_response' examples: An example of a 3DS Verification request: description: An example of a 3DS Verification request value: outcome: authenticated transactionReference: sRMPWCQoQrEiVxehTnu0 authentication: version: 1.0.2 authenticationValue: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= eci: '05' transactionId: k4Vf36ijnJX54kwHQNqUr8 _links: curies: - href: >-{rel} templated: true name: 3ds 3ds:authenticate: href: authenticate 3ds:verify: href: authenticate/verify '400': description: The request has encountered validation errors content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_verify_400_response' examples: The request contains invalid characters: description: >- The request contains invalid characters in `transactionReference` and `merchant.entity` fields value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/verification status: 400 message: The json body provided does not match the expected schema errorName: bodyDoesNotMatchSchema validationErrors: - errorName: stringFailedRegexCheck jsonPath: $.merchant.entity message: Entity must be alphanumeric with optional spaces - errorName: stringFailedRegexCheck jsonPath: $.transactionReference message: >- Transaction reference characters must be alphanumeric or one of the following: _!@#$%()*=-.:;?[]{}~`/+ _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header: description: The request contains an invalid `Content-Type` header value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/verification status: 400 message: Provided request contains a header with an invalid value errorName: headerHasInvalidValue headerName: Content-Type _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} name: 3ds templated: true The request is using an invalid HTTP method: description: The request is using an invalid HTTP method value: message: Method GET not allowed for this request errorName: methodNotAllowed allowedMethods: - POST _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds '502': description: Invalid response received from upstream content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_502_response' examples: An invalid response is received from upstream: description: An invalid response is received from upstream value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 502 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds '503': description: The requested service is unavailable content: application/vnd.worldpay.verifications.customers-v2.hal+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/3DS_authenticate_503_response' examples: The requested service is unavailable: description: The requested service is unavailable value: path: /verifications/customers/3ds/authentication status: 503 message: Service Unavailable errorName: serviceUnavailable _links: 3ds:authenticate: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/authentication 3ds:verify: href: $serverUrl/verifications/customers/3ds/verification curies: - href: $serverUrl/rels/verifications/customers/3ds/{rel} templated: true name: 3ds components: schemas: 3DS_deviceDataInitialize: required: - transactionReference - merchant type: object properties: transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[-A-Za-z0-9_!@#$%()*=.:;?\[\]{}~`/+]*$ type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication. For example, e-commerce order code. merchant: required: - entity type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the merchant and API level configuration. properties: entity: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$ type: string description: >- Used to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding. paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_front' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' discriminator: mapping: card/front: '#/components/schemas/card_front' card/tokenized: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' propertyName: type 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_200_response: required: - outcome - transactionReference - deviceDataCollection type: object properties: outcome: type: string format: initialized description: Outcome of the device data initialization request transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication. For example, e-commerce order code. deviceDataCollection: required: - jwt - url type: object description: Object containing device data collection related information properties: jwt: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A digitally signed token that contains additional details required for DDC. url: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A `POST` action on the DDC form. Used to redirect to the issuers DDC page. bin: maxLength: 6 minLength: 6 type: string description: >- First six digits of the card number (Bank Identification Number), used as part of DDC. 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_400_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name headerName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The name of the header containing invalid value allowedMethods: type: array description: List of HTTP methods that are allowed items: type: string validationErrors: required: - errorName - jsonPath - message type: object description: Object containing details of validation errors occurred properties: errorName: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Unique name of the validation error jsonPath: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Location of the field in request body for which the error occurred message: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Error description message 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_502_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name 3DS_deviceDataInitialize_503_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name card_front: required: - type - cardNumber - cardHolderName - cardExpiryDate type: object properties: type: type: string format: card/front description: An identifier for the `paymentInstrument` being used. cardHolderName: maxLength: 255 minLength: 1 type: string description: The name on the customer's card. cardExpiryDate: required: - month - year type: object description: Object containing card expiry information properties: month: maximum: 12 minimum: 1 type: integer description: Card expiry month year: maximum: 9999 minimum: 1 type: integer description: Card expiry year cardNumber: maxLength: 19 minLength: 10 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ type: string description: Clear card number (PAN) billingAddress: required: - address1 - city - postalCode - countryCode type: object description: An object containing the billing address information. properties: city: maxLength: 50 minLength: 1 type: string description: Billing address city address1: maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 type: string description: Billing address line 1 postalCode: maxLength: 15 minLength: 1 type: string description: Billing address postal code countryCode: maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}$ type: string description: Billing address country code state: maxLength: 30 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Billing address state. Should only be provided following the `ISO-3611-2` two-character sub division (e.g.“CA” for California). address2: maxLength: 80 type: string description: Billing address line 2 address3: maxLength: 80 type: string description: Billing address line 3 card_tokenized: required: - type - href type: object properties: type: type: string format: card/tokenized description: An identifier for the `paymentInstrument` being used. href: minLength: 1 type: string description: An `http` address that contains your link to an Access Token 3DS_authenticate: required: - transactionReference - merchant - instruction - deviceData - challenge type: object properties: transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[-A-Za-z0-9_!@#$%()*=.:;?\[\]{}~`/+]*$ type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication. For example, e-commerce order code. merchant: required: - entity type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the merchant and API level configuration. properties: entity: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$ type: string description: >- Used to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding. instruction: required: - value - paymentInstrument type: object description: >- The object that contains all the payment information related to the authentication request. properties: value: required: - amount - currency type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the value of the authentication. properties: amount: maximum: 99999999999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- The authentication amount. This is a whole number with an exponent. currency: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$ type: string description: The three digit currency code. paymentInstrument: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_front' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' description: An object that contains the card details or token location. discriminator: mapping: card/front: '#/components/schemas/card_front' card/tokenized: '#/components/schemas/card_tokenized' propertyName: type deviceData: required: - acceptHeader - userAgentHeader type: object description: Object containing device data information. properties: acceptHeader: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Used by the issuer to check if the customer's browser is compatible with the issuer challenge display. userAgentHeader: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Used by issuers as part of risk analysis and correctly displaying the challenge. Must conform to RFC 7321 E.g. `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0)`. collectionReference: maxLength: 200 type: string description: >- For web this is the `sessionId` in the post message response from the Device Data Collection form. For iOS/Android SDK this is the `consumerSessionId` returned as part of SDK and Device data initialization. challenge: required: - returnUrl type: object description: An object that contains challenge related information. properties: returnUrl: minLength: 1 type: string format: uri description: >- URL the issuer will redirect to once the customer completes the challenge page. preference: enum: - noPreference - noChallengeRequested - challengeRequested - challengeMandated type: string description: >- Preference regarding issuer displaying challenge to the customer. windowSize: enum: - 390x400 - 250x400 - 600x400 - fullPage type: string description: >- Specify the challenge window size (width x height) that the issuer should use. riskData: type: object description: Object containing additional risk data. properties: account: type: object description: Object containing all customer account related risk data. properties: previousSuspiciousActivity: type: boolean description: Whether there is a record of previous suspicious activity. type: enum: - guestUser - registeredUser - federatedAccount - issuerCredentials - thirdPartyAuthentication - fidoAuthenticator type: string description: Type of account the current customer has. email: maxLength: 128 minLength: 3 pattern: ^.+@.+$ type: string description: The customer's email address. history: type: object description: Object containing customer's account history. properties: createdAt: type: string format: date description: When the account was created. modifiedAt: type: string format: date description: When the account was last modified. passwordModifiedAt: type: string format: date description: When the account password was last changed. paymentAccountEnrolledAt: type: string format: date description: >- Date the payment account was added to the cardholder account. transaction: type: object description: Object containing all customer transaction related risk data. properties: reorder: type: boolean description: If this is a repeat of a previous order. preOrderDate: type: string format: date description: Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available. firstName: maxLength: 22 minLength: 1 type: string description: Customer's first name. lastName: maxLength: 22 minLength: 1 type: string description: Customer's last name. phoneNumber: maxLength: 20 minLength: 4 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ type: string description: Customer's phone number. history: type: object description: Object containing details of the last transaction. properties: attemptsLastDay: maximum: 999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours. attemptsLastYear: maximum: 999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- Number of transactions (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year. completedLastSixMonths: maximum: 9999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- Number of purchases with this customer account during the previous six months. addCardsLastDay: maximum: 999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: Number of attempts to add a card in the last 24hrs. shippingAddressFirstUsedAt: type: string format: date description: >- When the shipping address used for the transaction was first used. giftCardsPurchase: type: object description: >- Object containing information on whether the order is being used to purchase a gift card. properties: totalValue: required: - amount - currency type: object description: >- Object containing information on value of the gift cards being purchase. properties: amount: maximum: 99999999999 minimum: 0 type: integer description: >- The amount being placed on the gift card. If provided, must include `totalValue.currency`. currency: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 pattern: ^[A-Z]{3}$ type: string description: >- The three digit currency code. If provided must include `totalValue.amount`. quantity: maximum: 99 minimum: 0 type: integer description: The number of gift cards being purchased. shipping: type: object description: >- Object containing all data related to how the order will be shipped. properties: nameMatchesAccountName: type: boolean description: >- If customer name on account is identical to the shipping name. method: enum: - billingAddress - verifiedAddress - otherAddress - store - digital - unshippedTickets - other type: string description: >- Field containing information on shipping method chosen by customer. timeFrame: enum: - electronic - twoDaysPlus - nextDay - sameDay type: string description: Timeframe chosen by customer for delivery. email: maxLength: 128 minLength: 3 pattern: ^.+@.+$ type: string description: The email address used for an electronic delivery. address: type: object required: - address1 - city - postalCode - countryCode description: An object containing the shippping address information. properties: address1: type: string maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 description: Shipping address line 1 address2: type: string maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 description: Shipping address line 2 address3: type: string maxLength: 80 minLength: 1 description: Shipping address line 3 postalCode: type: string maxLength: 15 minLength: 1 description: Postcode of shipping address city: maxLength: 50 minLength: 1 type: string description: Shipping address city countryCode: type: string maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 description: Shipping address country code state: type: string maxLength: 30 minLength: 1 description: >- Shipping address state. Should only be provided following the `ISO-3611-2` two-character sub division (e.g.“CA” for California). phoneNumber: type: string maxLength: 20 minLength: 4 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ description: Shipping recipient's phone number. 3DS_authenticate_200_response: required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. authentication: type: object description: Object that contains authentication related information. properties: version: maxLength: 10 minLength: 1 type: string description: The version of 3DS used to process the transaction. eci: maxLength: 2 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI). Indicates the outcome of the 3DS authentication. authenticationValue: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A cryptographic value that provides evidence of the outcome of a 3DS verification. transactionId: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A transaction identifier. If provided, you should use it as part of your payment authorization. challenge: type: object description: >- Object containing challenge related information in case of a "challenged" flow properties: reference: maxLength: 20 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- This links the authentication response to the subsequent challenge form and verification request. url: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- POST action on the challenge form. Used to redirect to the issuers challenge page as part of the challenge form. jwt: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A digitally signed token that contains additional details, such as the URL to return to after the challenge screen. payload: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: JSON container with extra data required for the challenge. 3DS_authenticate_200_response_cartes_bancaires: required: - outcome type: object properties: outcome: enum: - challenged - notEnrolled - unavailable - authenticationFailed - authenticated - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: The outcome of the authentication request. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. authentication: type: object description: Object that contains authentication related information. properties: version: maxLength: 10 minLength: 1 type: string description: The version of 3DS used to process the transaction. eci: maxLength: 2 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI). Indicates the outcome of the 3DS authentication. authenticationValue: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A cryptographic value that provides evidence of the outcome of a 3DS verification. transactionId: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A transaction identifier. If provided, you should use it as part of your payment authorization. cryptogramAlgorithm: maxLength: 99999 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Indicates the algorithm used to generate the cryptogram. Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only and must be applied in the following authorization request. challengePreference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Indicates the preferred challenge behavior. Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only and must be applied in the following authorization request. authenticationFlow: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 enum: - challenge - frictionless type: string description: >- Indicates which flow the customer has been directed to. Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only and must be applied in the following authorization request. statusReason: maxLength: 2 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Provides further information relating to the outcome of the authentication. Returned for failed authentications only. Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only. cancellationIndicator: maxLength: 2 minLength: 0 type: string description: >- An indicator as to why the authentication was cancelled. Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only. networkScore: maxLength: 2 minLength: 0 type: string description: >- The global score calculated by the Cartes Bancaires scoring platform. Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only. brand: maxLength: 64 minLength: 0 type: string description: >- The card brand used in the authentication. Returned for Cartes Bancaires authentications only and must be applied in the following authorization. challenge: type: object description: >- Object containing challenge related information in case of a "challenged" flow properties: reference: maxLength: 20 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- This links the authentication response to the subsequent challenge form and verification request. url: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- POST action on the challenge form. Used to redirect to the issuers challenge page as part of the challenge form. jwt: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A digitally signed token that contains additional details, such as the URL to return to after the challenge screen. payload: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: JSON container with extra data required for the challenge. 3DS_authenticate_400_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name headerName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The name of the header containing invalid value allowedMethods: type: array description: List of HTTP methods that are allowed items: type: string validationErrors: required: - errorName - jsonPath - message type: object description: Object containing details of validation errors occurred properties: errorName: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Unique name of the validation error jsonPath: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Location of the field in request body for which the error occurred message: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Error description message 3DS_authenticate_502_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name 3DS_authenticate_503_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name 3DS_verify: required: - transactionReference - challenge - merchant type: object properties: transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[-A-Za-z0-9_!@#$%()*=.:;?\[\]{}~`/+]*$ type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication. For example, e-commerce order code. merchant: required: - entity type: object description: >- An object that contains information about the merchant and API level configuration. properties: entity: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$ type: string description: >- Used to route the request in Access Worldpay, created as part of on-boarding. challenge: required: - reference type: object description: >- Object containing challenge related information in case of a "challenged" flow properties: reference: maxLength: 20 minLength: 20 pattern: (^[A-Za-z0-9]*$) type: string description: >- The challenge reference obtained from the previous authentication request, in case the customer was redirected to a "challenged" flow. 3DS_verify_200_response: type: object properties: outcome: enum: - authenticated - authenticationFailed - unavailable - signatureFailed - bypassed type: string description: Outcome of the previously posted authentication request. authentication: type: object description: Object that contains authentication related information. properties: version: maxLength: 10 minLength: 1 type: string description: The version of 3DS used to process the transaction. eci: maxLength: 2 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI). Indicates the outcome of the 3DS authentication. authenticationValue: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A cryptographic value that provides evidence of the outcome of a 3DS verification. transactionId: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A transaction identifier. If provided, you should use it as part of your payment authorization. transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- A unique reference for authentication that was passed in the request. 3DS_verify_400_response: required: - message - errorName type: object properties: path: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The request URI path status: maxLength: 3 minLength: 3 type: integer description: The HTTP status returned from server message: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The error description message errorName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The unique error name headerName: type: string maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 description: The name of the header containing invalid value allowedMethods: type: array description: List of HTTP methods that are allowed items: type: string validationErrors: required: - errorName - jsonPath - message type: object description: Object containing details of validation errors occurred properties: errorName: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Unique name of the validation error jsonPath: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: >- Location of the field in request body for which the error occurred message: maxLength: 2048 minLength: 1 type: string description: Error description message securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic security: - BasicAuth: []